Ecology and botany department in 1931 “Andijan state teacher-pedagogue personnel preparation institute” formed on the basis of the Faculty of Natural Geography. The work of the experienced pedagogues-teachers, who worked at that time, has a very important historical significance.
Andijan state teacher-pedagogue personnel preparation institute in 1963 “pedagogy to the institute” conversion during the only botanical department organize will be done and all natural sciences that's it chair to the composition is entered. Therefore, the Department of Botany is considered one of the main departments of the university. At that time, dedicated scientists such as candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Inomiddin Sattiboev, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Odiljon Jalolov grew up from the department.
Until now, S. Kholikov (1975-1986; 1991-1999), O. Jalolov (1986-1988), A. Dariyev (1988-1991), K. Tojiboyev (1999-2002), T. Madumarov (2002-2006) ; 2008-2010), N. Naraliyeva (2006-2008), D. Tuychiyeva (2010-2011), A. Sh. Mamatyusupov (2011-2012), E. Ruzmatov (2012-2015) A. A. Imirsinova ( 2015-2017). Currently, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Naraliyeva Nasibakhan Mamanovna works as the head of the department.
Currently, 18 professors and teachers are working in the Department of Ecology and Botany, which is part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Also, in order to increase the scientific potential of the department, 4 internal and 4 external experts were recruited.
The scientific potential of the department is 61%, the average age indicator is 47 years
Currently, 3 doctors of science, 3 candidates of biological sciences, associate professors, 5 teachers with the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in biological sciences are providing students with in-depth knowledge of specialized subjects. Azizbek Abdurazzokov, Khairullo Solijonov and Dilorom Nabieva are among the main doctoral students who are about to defend their PhD degree in biological sciences.
The professors of the department prepared the winners of the state scholarship named after Ulugbek and Islam Karimov. Also, the talented students of the department won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in the Republican Science Olympiad in Ecology.
Today, the team of professors and teachers of the Department of Ecology and Botany has 120 students in the bachelor's education 60710400 - "Ecology and environmental protection (by branches and branches), 70710402 - Ecology (by branches and branches) 10 people in the specialty and 21 people in the specialty 70510101-Biology (Botany) have been giving in-depth knowledge to their masters.
In 2017, a doctoral program was opened at the department in the fields of 03.00.10-Ecology, 03.00.05-Botany, where 1 doctoral student and 11 basic doctoral students are conducting their research on current problems of biology and ecology.
Also, the "Herbarian Center" was established in the department with the efforts of Oktam Pratov, doctor of biological sciences, professor, laureate of the state award named after Beruniy, where more than 2000 plants related to the flora of Uzbekistan and the Fergana Valley are kept. samples are stored. This unique fund is widely used by talented students, masters and doctoral students for their research.
"Department Library" and "Electronic Library" have been established in order to provide convenience for masters and students. Currently, students studying in the departments of the department have the opportunity to use about 100 scientific literature and more than 300 textbooks and training manuals.
The professors of the department completed the following 3 grant projects:
ITD #153.4. "It was carried out within the framework of the project in the content and educational methodical complex of the formation of environmental knowledge and culture among young people" (2009-2011)
F 5-19 "Selecting botanical areas of particular importance - a new direction of studying and preserving biological diversity in Uzbekistan (in the case of the Fergana Valley) (2012-2016);
A 7-21 "Assessment of anthropogenic transformation of the vegetation cover of the northern part of the Fergana Valley" (2015-2017);
The team of the Department of Ecology and Botany is working on new directions, new methods and new pedagogical technologies in order to introduce new approaches in the educational system.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75