The Department of Geography is one of the leading departments at the university, offering bachelor's degrees in the fields of 60530400 – "Geography" and a joint program in 1-89 01 01 – "Tourism and Hospitality" (in collaboration with Polotsk University, Republic of Belarus). It also provides a master's program in 70530201 – "Geography (by area of study)."
The preparation of teaching staff in the field of Geography began in 1935, during the era of the Teachers' Institute, which trained natural sciences and geography teachers for grades 5-7 within two years. The institute included the Department of Natural Sciences and Geography, where scholars such as S. Gubaev, T. Abdyllaev, A. Samatov, and G. Sh. Ilyasov taught geography courses.
The department has been led by several prominent figures:
1996–1999: Prof. Maqsudov, DcS.
1999–2003: Assoc. Prof. S. Ro'zimatov
2003–2008: Assoc. Prof. M. Mamajonov
2008–2011: Assoc. Prof. R. B. Qodirov
2011–2017: PhD A.A. Isayev
2017–2022: Assoc. Prof. R. B. Qodirov
2022–2024: Prof. A.A. Isayev (D.Sc., Acting)
Currently, the department is headed by M. M.Atajonov.
Faculty and Staff - In the 2024–2025 academic year, the department has 19 members: 16 professors and lecturers on permanent staff 3 adjunct lecturers. Among them:
1 Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor (Sh. Z. Jumakhonov)
1 Professor, PhD (M. Mamajonov)
2 Associate Professors, D.Sc. (O. Mirzamahmudov, A. Isayev)
1 Associate Professor, PhD (I. O. Sulaymonov)
2 Associate Professors, PhD (M. Atajonov, Z. Temirov)
3 Senior Lecturers, PhD (M. Gopirov, Z. Abduvaliyeva, S. Ergashev)
3 Senior Lecturers (M. Habibullayeva, B. Dehqonov, A. Mamajonov)
4 Lecturers (B. Tojidinov, B. Rabiev, S. Tillakhujaev, N. Yuldashev)
Additionally, there are 2 doctoral candidates: M. Payzullayev and A. Toshpo’latov.
Research Focus -The department's research focuses on the geographical aspects of the economic and social development of the Fergana region.
Ongoing research topics include:
M. Habibullaeva: Teaching national heritage and values in geography classes (using the Fergana Valley as an example)
B. Dehqonov: Geographical aspects of improving the use of agricultural lands (Andijan region)
M. Payzullayev: Formation and development of urban agglomerations (Andijan agglomeration)
A. Toshpo’latov: Socio-economic development issues in the enclave conditions of the Sokh district
Academic Programs. Since the 2020–2021 academic year, a master's program in "Geography (by area of study)" has been offered. In 2019, a doctoral program in 11.00.02 – Economic and Social Geography was established.
On October 31, 2024, a scientific council at Andijan State University began operations to award PhD degrees in 11.00.01 – Physical Geography and 11.00.02 – Economic and Social Geography.
Achievements. The department created one of the largest globes in Uzbekistan, measuring 120 cm in diameter. Notable textbooks and manuals authored by faculty include:
Economic and Social Geography of Uzbekistan (M. Mamajonov, 2019)
Ecology Fundamentals (I. Sulaymonov, 2023)
Tourism Geography (A. Isayev, 2022)
Geodemography (Z. Temirov, 2024)
Collaboration.The department collaborates with the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, various universities in the republic, and international institutions such as:
Baltic Federal University, Russia;
Belarusian State University and Polotsk State University, Belarus;
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan;
Osh and Jalalabad State Universities, Kyrgyzstan;
The department received the following certificates:
1. M.Mamajonov received a certificate of registration for the program created for electronic calculators issued by the intellectual property agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the subject "Economic and social geography of Uzbekistan". (No. DGU 06445. REGISTER: DGU 2019 0397).
2. Kadyrov R.B. and Dehkanov B.M. Certificate of registration of the program created for electronic calculators issued by the intellectual property agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the subject "Practical training in geography" (No. DGU 06262. REESTR: DGU 2019 1704) received.
3. Inomjonova D., Isayev A. from the electronic dictionary "Geoatamalar" issued by the intellectual property agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, certificate of registration of the program created for electronic computing machines No. DGU 17464 ) was obtained.
The "Young Geographer" circle is actively working in the department to widen scientific and research activities with talented students. The club has more than 40 active members. They have been actively participating in foreign and national scientific conferences with their articles and theses. In the 2022-2023 academic year, Turgunbayeva Dilshoda, a 4th-grade student, and Arabboyev Asliddin, a 4th-grade student in the 2023-2024 academic year, became the winners of the Ulugbek state scholarship competition for undergraduates of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The Department of Geography, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Urganch, Bukhara, Samarkand State Universities, Contracts were signed with "Nil Granit" LLC, "Khojaabad Fayz-M" LLC, and "Quvasoysement" JSC. By the contract, students of the geography education field are carrying out production training field practices at this enterprise. They are closely familiar with the production process. They also established cooperation to find solutions to the theoretical problems of enterprises.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75