
Educational and methodological management is a structure that manages the educational process in order to implement the tasks defined by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” and the national training program.
The educational and methodological department is empowered to improve the educational process of the university based on the achievements of advanced science, provide basic educational documents, generalize the advanced achievements of faculties and departments in educational work.
The educational and methodological department pays great attention to the inclusion in the educational process of all the subjects necessary for students to grow up as mature, qualified specialists at a modern level.
In accordance with the relevant decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, there are no restrictions on the submission of documents for entrance examinations to higher educational institutions, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, immigration status or gender, as well as on free participation in the competition. At Andijan State University, the active participation and socio-economic support of the faculty, staff and students, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, immigration status due to disability or gender, is fully carried out in all mass state events in the field of higher education.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75