
Rector. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Telephone: 0(374)2238373
Fax: 0(374)2238830
E-mail: b.akbaraliev@adu.uz
Visiting days: from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. Tuesday and Friday.
- 1990 - 1995 years Student of Tashkent State University
- 1996 - 2000 years Research intern, postgraduate student, junior researcher at the Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- 2000 - 2005 years Senior Researcher at the Scientific and Technical Center for Modern Information Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- 2005 - 2012 years Senior Lecturer, Doctoral student, Associate Professor, Tashkent University of Information Technologies
- 2012 - 2014 years Director of the College of Computer Technology
- 2014 - 2016 years Associate Professor, Head of the Department of IT, Dean of the Faculty of Software Engineering, Tashkent University of Information Technologies
- 2016 - 2018 years Deputy Director for Organization of the Educational Process of the Scientific and Educational Center for Corporate Governance
- 2018 - 2021 years Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science, Dean of the Faculty of Software Engineering, Tashkent University of Information Technologies
- 2021 - 2024 years Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Fiscal Institute under the Tax Committee
- 2024 y. – p.t. Rector of Andijan State University
Administrative functions of the university Rector:
Organizing execution of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Presidential resolutions and decrees, resolutions of Oliy Majlis and Cabinet of Ministers on education and preparing cadres;
Providing preparation of highly educated and qualified cadres with higher spiritual and moral standards, skills of work organization in the condition of market economy and able to think independently;
Organizing preparation of highly qualified cadres in accordance with the State Standards of Education;
Providing execution of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” and the National Program of Preparing Cadres in Andijan State Universityu;
Determining the authority, planning the activity, coordination, managing of all departments of the structural organization of Andijan State University, preparing decent managing staff of the higher educational establishment, choosing employees, recommending for managing positions and employing the staff;
Supporting the staff materially and morally, providing their social protection, imposing administrative penalties;
Controlling formation and effective use of incomes of Andijan State University;
Organizing scientific research works, enriching their effectiveness, widespread introduction of research results into practice, providing the integration of higher education , science and industry;
Organizing creation, translation and publication of textbooks and teaching-methodological literature in accordance with the Concept of Creation the New Generation Textbooks for the Continuous Education System;
Organizing implementation of advanced forms of teaching, including distance learning, introduction of new pedagogical and information and communication technologies and their effective use;
Guiding spiritual and educational affairs, forming a national idea among the staff and students;
Admitting, dismissing, restoring undergraduate students, master degree students and trainee researchers, providing their compliance with internal procedures;
Providing advanced training of university faculty members;
Organizing domestic services and other conditions for students, trainee researchers, scientific-pedagogical personnel, and ensuring their social protection;
Providing constant control of the quality of the faculty and department activities, teaching process, lectures, practical and laboratory classes, training and production practices, and other types of training;
Organizing events aimed at setting the perspectives of development of directions and specialties prepared by the educational institution (scientific-practical conferences, participation in international conferences, creation of conditions of using information space, bringing literature and informational material) on development of science and technology on the basis of this ensuring improvement of state education standards, curricula, teaching literature, and directing scientific research works;
Developing marketing services, organizing the study of demand and supply of educational directions and specialties, analyzing graduates' actual employment, making cooperation agreements for the purpose of targeted training of specialists;
Developing and implementing measures of strengthening and development of the material and technical basis of Andijan State University, guiding the Academic Council and perfecting the structure of the higher educational institution, organizing, liquidating and to changing the structural subdivisions;
Developing of scientific and creative contacts with foreign partners, ensuring investment and grant involvement, organizing joint ventures (departments, scientific centers, researches, projects, etc.);
Cooperating with public organizations, trusteeship boards and other non-governmental organizations like these;
Ensuring the implementation of other tasks identified by the competent authorities in the field of education management.

2012, he was an economist at the Nodirbek farm.
2012-2013 technician of the 2nd category of the department of externalization of the formation and execution of the program of restoration measures of the Hydrogeological and Reclamation Expedition of the Norinsk-Koradarya Basin Administration of Irrigation Systems
2013-2014 Hydrogeological and reclamation expedition of the Norinsk-Koradarya Basin Administration of Irrigation Systems of the Sizot Administration of Water Monitoring, reclamation engineer of the 2nd category.
2014-2014 Chief Hydraulic Engineer of the Department for Monitoring the Technical Condition of Ameliorative Systems and Structures of the Hydrogeological Ameliorative Expedition of the Norinsk-Koradarya Basin Administration of Irrigation Systems.
2014-2015 Chief Accountant of the Accounting and Economic Analysis Sector of the Ameliorative Expedition of the Norinsko-Koradarya Basin Administration of Irrigation Systems.
2015-2019 Chief Accountant of the Accounting and Economic Analysis Sector of the Ameliorative Expedition of the Norinsk-Koradarya Basin Administration of Irrigation Systems of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
2019-2022 Director of the Tashkent Institute of Pharmaceutical Business
2022, up to now Vice-Rector of Andijan State University of Finance and Economics.

2003-2007 - Andijan State University, bachelor student.
2007-2009 - National University of Uzbekistan, master student;
2009-2010 - Lecturer at the Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Pedagogical Personnel in Andijan Region.
2011-2014 - Senior researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the National University of Uzbekistan.
2014-2016 - Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the National University of Uzbekistan.
2015-2017 - University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, PhD student;
2017-2019 - Postdoctoral, Institute of Mathematics, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
2019-2020 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Andijan State University.
Since 2020, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics at Andijan State University.
Since 2020, Senior researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (non-permanent).
Since 2022, Vice-Rector of Andijan State University on scientific affairs and innovations.

1999-2001 - Teacher of the academic lyceum at the Andijan Institute of Engineering and Economics
2000-2002 - Master of Andijan State University
2002-2003 - Assistant of the Department of Algebra and Number Theory, Andijan State University
2003-2006 - Postgraduate student of the Institute of Cybernetics, Scientific and Technical Center of Modern Information Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
2006-2007 - Junior Researcher of the Institute of Informatics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
2007-2008 - Junior Research Fellow, Institute of Mathematics and Information Technology, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
2008-2011 - Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Andijan State University
2011-2015 - Head of the Department of Informatics, Andijan State University
2015-2015 - Acting Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Andijan State University
2015-2020 - Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Andijan State University
2020 - up to now- Vice-Rector for Information Technology, Andijan State University
Administrative functions of the university Vice-rectors:
Organizing execution of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Presidential resolutions and decrees, resolutions of Oliy Majlis and Cabinet of Ministers on education and preparing cadres
Organizing academic, scientific, financial and spiritual-educative work and ensuring the preparation of qualified specialists on the basis of State education standards;
Providing a complete knowing of all deans, heads of and departments, and teachers complete set of requirements for the content and level of preparation in accordance with state education standards;
Organizing the execution of orders, decrees and instructions of higher organizations, the Scientific Council of the Higher Educational Institution and Rector's orders on issues related to educational process;
Studying the development trends of the educational systems of advanced countries, working out methods and tools for the implementation of the tasks set out in the Law on Education, the National Program for Preparing Cadres and other educational legislation;
Implementing advanced forms of teaching, including distance learning, introducing new pedagogical and information and communication technologies and their effective use;
Preparing offers on activity directions and organizing the process;
Coordinating, organizing and control of the departments, dean's offices providing educational process;
Improving the quality of the lessons, monitoring and ensuring the fulfillment of the personal plans of the faculty members;
Organizing academic and scientific conferences, supervising of the methodological council of the University an generalizing of advanced methodological experience;
General management of the process of preparation and publishing of educational and methodical and scientific materials, including journals and collections of scientific papers by the university staff, as well as educational-methodical and scientific fund of the library, fund replenishment with periodicals;
Managing and assisting in the search, selection and support of talented young people, managing the preparation process for the winners of such prestigious scholarships for students, interns and researchers as Presidental scholarship, Navoi, Beruni, Ulughbek, Zulfiya and other scholarships;
Developing proposals on the staff of professorial-teaching staff and assistant staff, organizing the work of providing departments with qualified personne;
Selecting job employees for vacancies, preparing of recommendations for trainee researchers and prospective masters, development and implementation of plans for improvement and professional development of professors and teachers;
Effective use of auditoriums, development of issues of improving the equipment of auditoriums and laboratories;
Applying penalty measures to employees who violate the discipline and making recommendations on termination of the contract;
Preparing proposals on organizing faculties and departments in cooperation with the related higher educational institutions of foreign countries with the purpose of improving the content of education, training of specialist staff on the international level;
Receiving reports of annual activities of departments, faculties and divisions, analyzing and making conclusion, implementing modern methods of teaching-methodical activity of professors and teachers;
Cooperating constantly with higher education institutions in academic and methodical areas, ensuring active participation of professors and teachers in conferences, seminars, collaborating with local government authorities;
Establishing annual rating of the higher educational institution in the maintained order, analyzing and improving its activities;
Conducting internal attestation of the Andijan State University in accordance with the established order, preparing for external attestation.
Note: Reception of individuals and legal entities arriving at the University is carried out in accordance with the schedule approved by the administration in the "Reception room for individuals and representatives of legal entities", organized in the administrative building. When the responsible people mentioned in this table are not at work (pedagogical, business trips, sickness, etc.) reception is carried out by the vice-rectors and subdivisions according to an agreement with the Rector.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75