
№ |
Full name |
Job title |
Rector |
1 |
B.B.Akbaraliev |
Rector of the University |
Vice rectors |
2 |
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs |
3 |
Kh.Khujamberdiev |
First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual Educational Work |
4 |
Sh.Sobirov |
Vice-Rector for Financial and Economic Affairs |
5 |
M.K.Makhkamov |
Vice-Rector for Information Technologies |
6 |
I.A.Karimjanov |
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation |
Deans |
7 |
A.Boboev |
Dean of the Faculty of Physics and engineering |
8 |
B.Rakhmonov |
Dean of the Faculty of Philology |
9 |
T.Madumarov |
Dean of the Faculty of Socio-Economics |
10 |
Z.Jumakulov |
Dean of the Faculty of Sports and Arts |
11 |
N.Tukhtaboev |
Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences |
12 |
R.Shamsutdinov |
Dean of the Faculty of History |
13 |
T.Ibaydullaev |
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics |
14 |
S.Dadaboev |
Dean of the Faculty of information technology and computer engineering |
15 |
N.Askarov |
Head of the Department of Master's Degree |
16 |
H.Hodjamberdiev |
Director of the Center for Distance and Correspondence Education |
Department heads |
17 |
O.Aliev |
Head of office and archives |
18 |
A.Karimberdiev |
Head of the department for handling appeals from individuals and legal entities, control and monitoring |
19 |
D.Nurmatov |
Head of Education Quality Control Department |
20 |
I.Khasanov |
Head of International Relations Department |
21 |
M.Jaynakov |
Head of the Department of Research, Innovation and Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel |
22 |
Head of educational and methodological department |
23 |
Z.Egamberdiev |
Head of Department Director of the Information Resource Center |
24 |
D.Rasulov |
Chief Accountant |
25 |
M.Sodikova |
Senior Legal Consultant |
26 |
J.Abdunazarov |
Head of HR Department |
27 |
N.Abdullev |
Head of Finance and Planning Department |
28 |
S.Shamsitdinov |
Head of Marketing and Student Practice Department |
29 |
S.Toshpulatova |
Chair of the Women's Advisory |
30 |
Council Leader of the Youth Union Committee |
31 |
M.Botirov |
Chairman Union of Workers and Students |
32 |
U.Valiev |
Director of the Academic Lyceum at AndSU |
33 |
I.Djumaboev |
Press Secretary |
34 |
J.Ziyoyitdinov |
Secretary of the Board |
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75