
E-mail: jasur@mail.ru

The Faculty of History was founded in 1931 as part of the Andijan Evening Pedagogical Institute. By 1937, history and philology began to work together. In 1957 the faculty of methods of primary education was opened within the faculty. In 1976, the Faculty of History and Philology was reorganized.
On April 28, 1992, by order of the rector of Andijan State University, the Faculty of History was established as a separate faculty.
The departments of History of Uzbekistan, World History and Theory of Civil Society operate at the faculty.
The official telegram channel of the faculty for the latest information about the faculty, lesson schedules, news Subscribe to https://t.me/tarix_matbuoti.
At the faculty 5120300 - History (by countries of the world), 5220300 - Archival science, 5151700 - Organization and management of cultural and art institutions, 5160400 - Bachelor's degree in socio-cultural activities and
5A 120301 - History of Uzbekistan Masters in More than 719 bachelors, 252 part-time students and 18 masters study in these directions. There are full-time and part-time forms of education. Also, on the basis of a joint program with Tomsk State University (Russia) opened the Department of Archives and Documentation. There are 6 doctors of sciences and 16 candidates of sciences at the faculty. Classes are conducted in Uzbek, Russian and English.
The faculty has postgraduate education activities, which include the following specialties:
Main scientific directions:
- History of the Uzbek khanates;
- History of the colonial period of the Russian Empire;
- History of the armed resistance movement of the peoples of Turkestan against the Soviet regime ("Independence", "Repression");
- History of collectivization, deafening, exile, deportation of peasants;
- Soviet repressive policy in Uzbekistan and its tragic consequences;
- History of Andijan from ancient times to the present day;
- The contribution of the Uzbek people to the victory over fascism;
- Problems of socio-political and spiritual history of Central Asia (XV-XX centuries);
- Public administration and political processes in Uzbekistan.
Specialized board activities.In 1993-1995, 1995-1998, 2005-2006 at the Andijan State University there was a Specialized Council, which awarded the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences, specialty 07.00.01 - "History of Uzbekistan". During these years, about 20 dissertations on the history of Uzbekistan have been successfully defended. On January 31, 2019, the Academic Council for the award of degrees (PhD) Tar.60.01 at Andijan State University resumed its work and is chaired by Professor R.T. Shamsutdinov.
Scientific journal activity.At the initiative of Professor R.T. Shamsutdinov in 2016 began publication of the socio-historical, scientific and popular magazine "Vodiynoma" (Historical Heritage).
Scientific seminar activities.The scientific seminar "Independence and National History" is held regularly at the Faculty of History of Andijan State University. The seminar is chaired by Professor of the Department of History of Uzbekistan, Honored Worker of Culture of Uzbekistan R.T. Shamsutdinov.
Museum of Repression Victims. On the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev on the establishment of museums "Memory of Victims of Repression" in the structure of higher education institutions On August 15, 2018 in the structure of Andijan State University opened a museum "Memory of Victims of Repression" and is operating effectively. The director of the museum is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor R.T. Shamsutdinov.
The Faculty of History has close scientific relations with scientists from foreign research institutions and universities. Among them are Indiana University (USA), Tomsk State University (Russia), Yaroslav State University named after P.G. Demidov (Russia), Penza State Pedagogical University (Russia), Kazakh National University named after Abay (Kazakhstan), Khojand State University (Tajikistan), International cooperation with the Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev (Kyrgyzstan), the International Scientific-Practical Expedition Charitable Foundation "Muras" (Kyrgyzstan), the Department of Oriental Studies of the Faculty of International Relations of Osh State University (Kyrgyzstan).
Students studying at the Faculty of History consolidate their theoretical knowledge in qualifying practice. Students will take part in archeological, ethnographic, museological, archival, and qualifying internships in the history of Uzbekistan, as indicated in the curriculum. Participates in excursions to the historical cities of Uzbekistan - Kokand, Namangan, Tashkent, Samarkand, Shakhrisabz, Bukhara, Khiva. In accordance with the established procedure, they conduct internships in museums and state archives located in our region.
The faculty cooperates with the Department of Public Education of Andijan region. There is an exchange of theoretical, practical and methodological experience with teachers of schools, colleges and lyceums. In the educational process, along with theoretical education, great attention is paid to practice. In order to form and develop students' skills, it is planned to hold practical classes one day a week directly in schools.
At present, the departments of the Faculty of History have "Young Historian", "Archivist", "Numismatic", "Young Politician" science circles, which are headed by qualified professors and teachers. The clubs bring together more than 150 gifted students, and the members of the club are engaged in scientific and creative activities in relevant areas. The results of the research work of the members of the circle are published in the university's socio-historical, scientific and popular journals "Scientific Bulletin", "Vodiynoma" (Historical Heritage), the newspaper "Andijan Yoshlari" and various collections. Among the members of the circle are well-known scholarship holders and winners of various competitions.
Spiritual and educational work at the faculty is carried out on the basis of 5 important initiatives put forward by President Sh.M.Mirziyoyev to ensure the implementation of the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 is coming.
In order to effectively spend their free time, competitions "The most active reader", "The most active reading groups", "Intelligence", "Student theater studio" are held regularly. A number of events are held to develop and popularize sports, music and art education among students. In order to form universal values in students with the participation of teachers and students of the faculty established a system of material and moral support for the "Retirement Home", "Mercy Homes" in the region.
Professor of the Department of History of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Historical Sciences Shamsutdinov Rustambek Temirovich - Holder of the Order of Labor Glory;
Alimov Ibrahimjon Abdugafforovich - "Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan", "Medal “Shavkatli Mehnati uchun";
Mirzakhalilova Aydin, a second-year student of the Faculty of History, winner of the “Shuhrat Medali”;
Mirzaev Avazbek, a senior lecturer at the Department of World History - the winner of the republican stage of the contest "Master of his profession";
Khodzhiyev Shakhboz, a student of the Faculty of History - the winner of the scholarship named after the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A. Karimov;
Tursunova Sanobarkhon, a third-year student of the Faculty of History - the winner of the Republican competition in 2017 "The best project of an entrepreneur", a grant winner;
Karimov Behzod, a fourth-year student of the Faculty of History, won the "Best Blogger" category in the "Young Blogger" contest at the Republican contest under the motto "Dear Uzbekistan, live forever";
Zokirova Shahnozahon, a first-year student majoring in the organization and management of cultural and art institutions of the Faculty of History - the winner of the republican contest dedicated to the memory of Mukarrama Turgunbaeva. Winner of the "My Business Idea" competition.

Нead of department. Doctor of historical sciences, associate professor.
Phone: +998 93 255 92 11
Email: mualtfn@mail.ru
The department of history of Uzbekistan prepares specialists in the field of bachelor's degree 5120300 - History (by countries and regions), masters in 5A120301 - History of Uzbekistan. Also, since 1992, the department has a postgraduate and doctoral program in the specialty 07.00.01 - History of Uzbekistan, and now there is a large school of research. The department has a scientific school of Professor R.T. Shamsutdinov, which has trained more than a dozen scientific and pedagogical staff.
In 1993-1998 and 2005, the Department of History of Uzbekistan had a specialized council for the defense of dissertations on the history of the Motherland, and about 20 candidate dissertations were defended at this council.
The main scientific direction of the department is "History of Uzbekistan in the Russian Empire and Soviet colonial period", "History of Andijan (from ancient times to the present)." During the years of independence, the department has done a lot to teach and study the history of Uzbekistan. Over the past 25 years, the staff of the department has published a 3-volume textbook "History of the Motherland" from ancient times to the period of independence, as well as the history of Soviet deafness, repression in Uzbekistan, the Jadid movement. He has published dozens of major monographs on the history, history and historiography of the national independence movement, the history of Andijan, as well as dozens of works on the history of the Motherland, more than a thousand scientific articles. Also, the team of authors headed by Professor R.T. Shamsutdinov published about a dozen monographs, books and more than a hundred articles on the history of Andijan from ancient times to the present day. Professor R.T. Shamsutdinov has published books on the history of the Department of History of Uzbekistan and the history of the University.
In 1991-1998, the department of history of Uzbekistan was headed by Professor R.T. Shamsutdinov. During his time, the department rose to the top in all respects. From year to year, the department has expanded, and the quality of educational, scientific and spiritual-educational activities has improved. The department was headed by Professor I.Alimov in 1998-1999, N.Kadirova in 1999-2001, S.Khoshimov in 2001-2005, M.Abdullaev in 2005-2007, and RT Shamsutdinov in 2008-2012. In 2012-2015, Associate Professor MG. Abdullaev, docent in 2015-2019. S. Hoshimov was the director. Since November 2019, the department is headed by Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Muhammadjon Alikhojiev.
In 2016, on the initiative of Professor of the Department, Doctor of Historical Sciences R.T. Shamsutdinov, the socio-historical scientific and popular journal "Vodiynoma" was published.
Нead of department Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Phone:+998 91 481 77 55
Based on the specialization of the department, it has signed cooperation agreements with 1 professional college in the region, "Bobur International Fund", Andijan State Archive and 2 academic lyceums.
Today, the department has organized scientific circles "Young Historian", "Archivist", "Numismatics", "Archeology" and are headed by qualified professors and teachers. The clubs bring together talented students, and the members of the club are engaged in scientific and creative activities in relevant areas. The results of the research work of the members of the circle are published in the university newspaper "Andijan Yoshlari", in the journal "AUL Scientific Bulletin" and in various collections. Every year, the members of the circle become famous scholars and winners of various competitions.
From 2016 Department of Ancient World History, Historical Anthropology, Chronology and Metrology, Medieval History, World History (European and American countries), World History (Asia and Africa), World History (Latest Period), Historical Terminology, Eurasian history, history of world art, methods of teaching history and educational technology, exhibition methods in teaching world history, Russian history are taught.

This department was established by the order of the rector of Andijan State University dated January 2, 1996 No 02-1 as the department "Theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan."
The staff of the department focuses on the democratic changes and innovations in the Republic of Uzbekistan during the independence period, explains the content and nature of political, economic and cultural reforms in New Uzbekistan in lectures and practical classes.
In 1997-2000, the department was headed by Candidate of Historical Sciences Shokirjon Askarov, in 2000-2008, Doctor of Political Sciences, Kamollidin Yunusov, from 2008 to October 2012, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor Manzura Yunusova, from November 2012 to 2015, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor O. Ubaydullaev, from 2015 to November 2017, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor O. Ahmadjanov was the head of the department. On November 16, 2017, the head of the department was nominated candidate of historical sciences Gayratbek Haydarov, who is currently working effectively.
A total of 26 professors and teachers work at the department, including 3 doctors of sciences, professors, 5 candidates of sciences and doctors of philosophy.
Today, the department conducts research activities, leading young researchers in the system of teachers and students. theory and practice ”(2014),“ Sociology ”(2017) textbooks and manuals. These textbooks are recommended for students and researchers of all higher education institutions of the country.
The research direction of the department is called "Socio-political and spiritual-ideological problems of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan." A lot of scientific research is being done in this direction. In particular, under the scientific guidance of Professor Mukimjon Kyrgyzbaev, Doctor of Political Sciences, Zohidjon Hayitmatov conducts research on "Processes of overcoming the threat of religious extremism and terrorism in Uzbekistan."
Professor of the department K. Yunusov has a great scientific potential. As a grant holder on "Theoretical foundations of the role of non-governmental and public associations in building a democratic state and civil society (based on the works of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan IAKarimov)" in collaboration with members of the department conducts research on fundamental research projects. Under his leadership and organization in 2007 began a scientific seminar on "Theoretical and methodological basis of research of the national idea." Based on the materials of the seminar, 4 scientific collections were published and used in the educational process.
K.Yunusov publishes many textbooks, scientific collections, research works. On November 26, 2010 an international scientific-practical conference on "The role of non-governmental and public associations in building a civil society and raising a harmoniously developed generation" was held. Through the efforts of O. Ahmadjanov and professors and teachers of the department on April 5, 2016 was held a Republican scientific-practical conference on "The process of modernization of social life in Uzbekistan." Professors and teachers of the department published 2 textbooks, more than 10 textbooks, about 20 monographs and scientific pamphlets, more than 300 articles and theses.
Members of the department carry out a wide range of educational and methodological work aimed at improving the educational process. At the same time, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoev on the methodological basis of socio-political changes and reforms in the country, on the basis of national ideological principles, as well as to provide students with a high level of patriotism, involvement in today's changes and civic position special attention is being paid. The "Young Sociologist" circle at the department is headed by sociologist Marguba Nosirova. At present, more than 100 talented students conduct research on various topical issues.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75