
The department of marketing services of a higher educational institution operates on the basis of the "Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan", the Law "On Education", the Labor Code and other legal documents.
Tasks of the marketing department:
• Creation of a database taking into account the needs of enterprises, institutions and organizations in the training of personnel with higher education;
• Promoting the development and improvement of market relations in the field of education, the formation of a real "portfolio of orders" for graduates, bachelors and masters based on the demand for young professionals;
• Conclusion of long-term contracts to provide consumers with competitive professional staff;
• Submission to the special commission of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, the Ministry of Employment, departments (enterprises) within the prescribed period of information on current graduates (specialties).
Increasing the competitiveness of higher education institutions in a market economy through the organization of paid educational services:
• Ensuring that the recommendations and proposals of consumers and specialized departments for a young specialist are taken into account in the distribution of theses, depending on the current situation;
• Conclusion of various agreements with students or producers on the basis of payment agreements;
• Creation of a commission for the distribution of graduates of higher educational institutions and breakdown, and based on its results, the creation and continuation of the formation of a personal register of graduates;
• Consideration and adoption of a decision on the directions of the Distribution Commission of Young Professionals, and if necessary and reasonableness of applying to a higher educational institution for the implementation of the process of redistribution or resettlement;
• Establishing contact with young professionals hired in the current and previous years, providing them with practical and methodological assistance, if necessary, consulting and summarizing their work;
• Informing about the implementation of the plan for the new academic year (admission to undergraduate and graduate programs on the basis of state grants and under contract, applications, competitions, the number of accepted students, their distribution by courses, specialties, languages of instruction, etc.);
• Conclusion of contracts for the distribution of work for 3 years in the new academic year with students accepted on the basis of state grants;
• Dissemination of information about graduates (by regions, specialties) through employers (consumers) in the media (newspapers, magazines, radio and television, electronic communications, websites);
• Submission of information on the actual need for personnel and the results of the distribution of graduates to a special commission of the relevant ministry (department) and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education;
• Ensuring the participation of higher education institutions in national, regional and international exhibitions and fairs in order to demonstrate the opportunities and advantages of graduates of bachelor's and master's specialties;
• Distribution and employment of graduates in undergraduate and graduate specialties, organization of internal reporting of universities based on the results of the work of young specialists, preparation of an annual report of the marketing services department.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75