
Shahrikhan Agro-Industrial technical school was founded in 1999 and is located at Chinabod Street, 3rd building, Buvaydo, Shahrikhan district. The total area of the technical school's land is 1.38 hectares, of which the cultivated area is 0.5 hectares. The director of the technical school is Khabibullaev Otabek Abdumalikovich. Since 1999, the technical school has been training specialists in 18 professions and more than 100 specialties. In particular, “Legal economic activity”, “Car repair technician”, “Physical culture and sports activities”, “Mechanization of agriculture”, “Agronomy”, “Technician for the production of garments and sewing-knitted products”, “Organization and farm management." “Preschool teacher”, “Accounting and auditing”, “Computer technology” are chasing.
The college has 24 special classrooms of international standards for students, funded by the Japanese government and local budgets:
1. Plumbing equipment;
2. Agricultural mechanical equipment;
3. Vehicles are provided with technical service equipment.
There is also a gym, a kitchen, an outdoor football field, a volleyball court, a basketball court, and a practice room. The library fund of the technical school includes 7155 books of general education subjects, 6265 books of special subjects, 603 books of fiction, 129 books of socio-political literature, 63 books of electronic textbooks and 158 books of other literature, as well as a reading room with 60 seats, equipped with 1 set of modern technical equipment. All library computers are connected to the fiber-optic Internet.
Currently, the technical school teaches students the secrets of professional training in 5 areas, including: – Maintenance and repair of vehicles; – Computer engineering; – Accounting and auditing; – Technician for mechanization and service of agricultural machinery; – Ecology and environmental protection.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75