
“101083216 — ECAMPUZ European World Talent Camp for Uzbekistan Scientists in Food Science and Technology — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE”
Project number: 101083216
Project budget: 717 355 euro
Project name: European World Talent Camp for Uzbekistan Scientists in Food Science and Technology
Project Start Date: 01.01.2023
Project End Date: 31.12.2025
This project aims to build capacity, develop and implement sustainable tools to address the national priorities in Uzbekistan (UZB) related to the “Sustainable growth and jobs” within the Food sector.
Partners of ECAMPUZ Project:
Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (TICT) |
Zebo Babakhanova |
Uzbekistan (coordinator) |
University of Copenhagen (UCPH) |
Søren Balling Engelsen Bekzod Khakimov
Denmark (co-coordinator) |
University of Extremadura (UEx) |
Jorge Ruiz Carrascal Pablo Hurtado Pardo |
Spain |
National University of Uzbekistan (NUUz) |
Kholikov Abduvali |
Uzbekistan |
Bukhara engineering-technological institute (BETI) |
Ulugbek Ibragimov |
Uzbekistan |
Andijan State University (ASU) |
Dilshadbek Nurmatov |
Uzbekistan |
Urgench State University (UrSU) |
Mansur Radjabov |
Uzbekistan |
Center for Advanced Technologies (CAT) |
Dilbar Dalimova
Uzbekistan |
ECAMPUZ is designed to cover three important areas in food science and involves three world leading research groups:
1) Food Analytical Methods and Chemometrics;
2) Food Microbiology and Food Safety;
3) Food Chemistry and Molecular Gastronomy.
Group №1. Young food scientists (BSc, MSc and PhD students) in Uzbekistan;
Group №2. Food science and technology teachers and researchers (young teachers and researchers as well as deans, heads of departments, study leaders, and laboratory heads) in Uzbekistan;
Group №3. The food industry employees and stakeholders in Uzbekistan.
One CAMP in each year of project (1st and 3rd CAMP in Uzbekistan; 2nd CAMP in Spain). Total number of participants – 75 students. Duration – 2 weeks;
training of 7 researchers, 6 teachers, 10 PhD students in EU universities: University of Copenhagen in Denmark and University of Extremadura in Spain. Total number of participants – 23. Duration – up to 3 months (1st – 3rd year);
conducting open-door seminars and workshops to initiate useful networks between researchers and industrial experts;
establishment of the “Cluster of Advanced Topics in Food Science and Technology” for academic networking;
establishment of the “Uzbek Food Science and Technology Society”, which will secure post-project sustainability of the project outcomes.
The target group 1 of young faculty members of partner universities will benefit from EU training and update their capacities on education and research in advanced food science and technology.
The target group 2 will benefit from updated teaching materials and better in-class performance, laboratory skills of faculty members, food industry linked case studies and on-site education at newly established partners from food sector of UZB.
The third target group is food industry partners that will benefit from strongly improved and better skilled graduates, that will have sufficient knowledge on modern technology and techniques, market requirements, understanding of challenges and industry needs.
The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation held the first meeting within the framework of the project “ECAMPUZ European World Talent Camp for Uzbekistan Scientists in Food Science and Technology” (ECAMPUZ European World Talent Camp for Uzbekistan scientists in food science and technology).
Details: https://edu.uz/ru/news/view/5265
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75