
Organization of distant teaching
Correspondence education was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of the Regulations on the organization of correspondence (special correspondence) education in higher educational institutions” dated November 21, 2017 No. 930. It is organized on the basis of the “Regulations on the organization of correspondence (special correspondence) education in higher education” .
Student contingent
There are 10,544 students studying at the correspondence department of Andijan State University, of which 9,891 are studying in a 5-year correspondence course, and 653 students are studying in the second specialty:
1. Direction "Philology and teaching languages (Uzbek)" - a total of 426 people (of which 27 - in the second specialties);
2. Direction "National idea, the foundations of spirituality and legal education" - a total of 154 people (15 of them in the second specialties);
3. Education in the specialty "Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics" - 110 people;
4. "Music education" - 129 people;
5. "Geographic education" - 126 people (28 of them in the second specialties);
6. "Pedagogy and psychology" - 445 people (15 of them in the second specialties);
7. "Psychology (applied psychology)" - 255 people in total;
8. "Computer Engineering (Computer Engineering)" - a total of 71 people (of which 5 - in the second specialties);
9. "Computer technology (IT service)" - 117 people;
10. "Methods of teaching computer science" - a total of 1076 people (68 of them in the second specialties);
11. "Education of Mathematics and Informatics" - a total of 382 people (54 of them in the second specialties);
12. "Biology (by type)" - a total of 918 people (72 of them in the second specialties);
13. "Primary education" - a total of 1144 people (58 of them in the second specialties);
14. "Primary education and sports and educational work" - a total of 1819 people (109 of them in the second specialties);
15. Pre-school education - 639 people;
16. History - a total of 635 people (21 of them in the second specialties);
17. Technological training - a total of 309 people (45 of them in the second specialties);
18. The direction of physical culture - a total of 1542 people (68 of them in the second specialties)
19. Sports activities (football) - 34 people;
20. Sports activities (boxing) - 30 people;
Professors and teachers
The University departments of "Uzbek Linguistics", "Uzbek Literary Studies", "Methods of Teaching the Uzbek Language and Literature", "National Idea, Fundamentals of Spirituality and Legal Education", "Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics", "Music Education", "Geography" , "General Pedagogy", "General Psychology", "Computer Engineering", "Methods of Teaching Computer Science", "Mathematics", "Physics", "Ecology and Botany", "Zoology and Biochemistry", "Chemistry", "Methods of Primary Education ”, “Preschool education”, “Preschool pedagogy”, “History of Uzbekistan”, “World history”, “Theory of civil society”, “General technical sciences and labor training”, “Theory and methods of physical culture”, interfaculty department “Sport and physical culture”, “Human physiology and life safety” employ 127 experienced professors and teachers (including 15 doctors of sciences, professors, 37 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 53 senior teachers, 22 teachers body).
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75