
The department of magistracy was established in 2002 and initially trained in 7 specialties. In the magistracy in 2002-2005. worked candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Yulchiev Shakhrier Khusanovich, 2005-2009. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Mamatisakov Dekhkanboy, 2009-2011 candidate of biological sciences Mamatyusupov Azamat Shodmonovich and 2011-2015. candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor Kadyrov Rakhimzhon Boltaboevich.
Currently, there are 21 specialties at the Master's Department in the 2020-2021 academic year at Andijan State University, among which are
1 |
5А110902 |
Pedagogy and Psychology |
2 |
5А111201 |
Uzbek language and literature |
3 |
5А120102 |
Linguistics (Uzbek language) |
4 |
5А111401 |
Foreign language (English) |
5 |
5А111601 |
Methods of teaching social and humanitarian sciences (Fundamentals of Spirituality) |
6 |
5А112001 |
Theory and methods of physical culture and sports |
7 |
5А120101 |
Literary criticism (Uzbek literature) |
8 |
5А120301 |
History of Uzbekistan |
9 |
5А130101 |
Mathematics (by specialties) |
10 |
5А140101 |
Biology (in the direction of science) |
11 |
5А140202 |
Physics (according to directions) |
12 |
5А110701 |
Information technologies in education |
13 |
5А111302 |
Native language and literature (Russian language and literature in a foreign language group) |
14 |
5А140501 |
Chemistry (in the direction of science) |
15 |
5А630102 |
Ecology (by branches and spheres) |
16 |
5А111801 |
Methods and theory of education and upbringing (preschool education) |
17 |
5А111701 |
Methods and theory of education and upbringing (elementary class) |
18 |
5А140208 |
Physics of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Environment |
19 |
5А111301 |
Native language and literature (Kyrgyz language and literature) |
20 |
5А111602 |
Methods of teaching social sciences and humanities (Legal education) |
21 |
5А140101 |
Biochemistry (Together with Mordovian State University) |
In the 2020-2021 academic year, 510 people studied at the master’s department, 283 in the 1st year, 227 undergraduates in the 2nd year.
Since 2019, the specialty of biochemistry has been opened in cooperation with Mordovian State University.
Undergraduates have achieved notable success in research work, scientific and pedagogical work, and social work.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75