
Izboskan Agro-Industrial Technical school was founded in 2004 and is located at st. A. Navoi, 1, MSG Tinchlik, Izboskan district. Currently, the director of the technical school is Mirzaev Akrambek Talibzhonovich. Since 2004, the technical school has been training specialists in 16 professions and more than 100 specialties. Including “Vehicle maintenance technician”, “Vehicle assembly and testing technician”, “Agricultural mechanization”, “Practical graphic artist”, “Sewing and sewing enterprises are trained in such areas as “Knitting production technologist” ", "Architect of building structures", "Teacher of preschool educational institutions." The educational institution has formed managers and teachers with professional potential. The teaching staff consists of more than 25 highly qualified teaching staff, 2 professors, 1 associate professor, 6 leading teachers.
The technical school has 65 special scientific classrooms and 3 workshops for students that meet international standards. At the expense of the local budget:
1. Locksmith workshop;
2. Sewing workshop;
3. A car repair workshop is provided.
Also equipped with 1 set of modern office equipment is a gym, a kitchen, grounds for outdoor football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, an activity room and a college library. It connects to the ZiyoNET network via a telephone line. There are 1,443 copies of general professional and special scientific and technical textbooks, more than 555 electronic textbooks and a sufficient amount of fiction, socio-political literature.
Currently, at the technical school, students are taught the secrets of professional training in 9 areas, including:
5510501 – Vehicle maintenance and repair;
5320601 – Computer engineering;
5520101 – Veterinary;
5310201 – Ecology and environmental protection;
5830101 – Construction of buildings and structures;
5531001 – Librarianship.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75