
The Information Resource Center of Andijan State University was established in 2006 in accordance with the Decree of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A. Karimov No. 381 "On the organization of information and library support for the population of the Republic" dated June 20, 2006.
Currently, 43 qualified employees serve the university's faculty, students, staff and the general public. The total book fund of the IRC is 448,979 copies.
As of January 2022, 22,911 users have been registered on the basis of a unified reader certificate. Regular subscription to the media is carried out annually. This year, a subscription to 63 newspapers and magazines was organized in the amount of 57,855,592 soums.
As of January 2022, an electronic version of 38157 titles of various types of literature has been created. In particular, our main task is to create an electronic version of the disciplines specified in the curriculum of the university.
During the 2018-2019 academic year, an electronic library http://kutubxona.adu.uz was launched on the official website of the university. Textbooks, teaching aids and fiction are regularly multiplied and enriched.

The Information Resource Center has 5 departments.
1. Scientific, methodological and information department (periodicals). Head of the scientific and methodological department - Zulfiya Abdukakharova. The employees of the department provide scientific and practical assistance to graduate students and masters doing their diploma work in finding scientific information on research topics, provide analytical, thematic and targeted bibliographic information. They prepare booklets, posters, bibliographic lists for important and memorable dates, organize events on various topics, and participate in promoting the activities of the Information Resource Center.
2. Department of collection, cataloging and systematization of information and library resources. The head of the department is Muborakhon Salimova. The main task of the department is the acceptance of new literature coming to the center on the basis of documents, verification and analysis, entry into the inventory book, systematic connection to the total accounting, technical processing of literature.The department, in accordance with the established procedure, distributes among all departments of the IRC and compiles a list of received publications and then distributes them among the departments of the university. Catalog cards are written for new editions and placed in catalogs in a strict order. The department cancels the books lost by users from the IRC fund and fixes the books that replaced them. Prepares, reports and distributes information about new publications received by the IRC to all faculties.
3. Department of Information and Library Resources Maintenance (including reading rooms and book depositories). The head of the department is Oyimkhon Zakirova. The department provides the service of a single subscription ticket to the reading rooms. The department identifies, studies and regularly informs the management of the information needs of users, carries out accounting and placement of funds, ensures their storage, storage order. Provides users with library and bibliographic information about the rules of use. Controls the return of books by users, the integrity and quality of literature. Reading rooms study the composition of book collections and provide the necessary literature.
The conversion of small and rare publications into electronic form into the IRC fund for electronic reading rooms is envisaged. Electronic information is sent to users in the reading room and the necessary electronic resources are replenished.
4. Department of electronic information resources. The head of the department is Oybek Mukhammadzhanov. The division assists users with Internet security, corporate network security, and data retrieval, and provides services based on information and communications technology.
This department monitors customer service through electronic resources. The department provides services in the creation of electronic catalogs, enriches the database in the IRC, helps users get access to the Internet. Organizes the promotion and use of e-books.
The IRC studies innovations in the information and library system and implements them into use. Organizes the collection, storage and use of electronic resources. Helps users access full-text electronic documents available on the Internet and also provides information about new publications.The department renders services to users in copying, computer maintenance, preparation of electronic versions of publications. Checks the quality of literature in the created electronic version. The ICT department provides fast and high-quality services in the field of information and communication technologies, Internet access, providing information to students from the ZiyoNet educational network.
5. Department of Foreign Information and Library Resources. The head of the department is Mukaddas Khodzhinazarova. The department mainly stores foreign literature: various textbooks of foreign languages, fiction and popular science literature, donated by international grant projects and embassies of foreign countries, meet the needs of students of foreign languages and literature.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75