
University The Press Secretary
Telephone: +998971697000
Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30
E-mail: matbuot@adu.uz
of Andijon Sate University Press Secretary
Article 1. General rules.
The Press Secretary is an independent structural unit of Andijan State University (hereinafter referred to as the University) and is directly subordinated to the university rector.
The Press Secretary is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Openness of Public Authorities" and other laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan Resolutions and ordinances of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Provisions of this charter.
The Press Secretary carries out his activity in coordination with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, structural divisions of the university and due other state government offices.
Article 2. Main responsibilities and functions of the Press Secretary
The following are the main duties of the Press Secretary:
Taking part in the formation and implementation of information policy, established by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the University administration, in accordance with modern requirements;
Providing effective and practical cooperation with the information services of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other state and economic management bodies on the implementation of a single state policy in the field of information;
Informing the public impartially and timely about the university's activities, its regulatory and legal acts with high-quality information;
Interacting with the media (hereinafter referred to as the media), forming a network of permanent journalists, distributing information (press releases, bulletins, etc.), organizing mass events;
Deploying and timely updating information on the official web site of the university, the development of web resources for the Internet, including social and mobile networks;
Monitoring and analyzing information space, preparing proposals together with experts on types, methods and level of response to it, organizing complex work on media dissemination, including the Internet;
Preparing news, information materials, reviews and informational-analytical materials for distribution in national and foreign mass media, together with other university divisions;
Analyzing public opinion and the position of national and foreign mass media on the activities of the university administration and informing the university Rector about them;
Forming and running data base of text, photo, audio and video material related to university activity.
5. The Press Secretary performs the following functions in order to carry out the tasks assigned:
Announcing (publishing) information in the media, including the Internet, as well as placing and updating it in official websites, all accessible rooms and locations;
Organizing and conducting mass events, including events (meetings, summits, press conferences, briefings, seminars, roundtables, etc.) with the participation of university administration;
Providing information, both oral and written (including electronic documents), on the request of media and journalists;
Together with other divisions collecting and working out thoroughly the information needed to effectively fulfill the tasks;
Ensuring the organization and running in modern ways the university website;
Participating in the production and installation of TV programs, reels and tablets, and ensures their archiving for storage in established order;
Preparing photographs, audio, and video materials about university activities and interacting with government and non-government media in their preparation;
Providing the creation and maintenance of a database of photographic, audio and video materials related to the university activities.
6. The Press Secretary examines applications and requests for assistance in the preparation of materials of the national news agencies and mass media in the scope of his competence.
Article 3. Rights and duties of the Press Secretary
7. The Press Secretary has the following rights in performing his duties and functions assigned on him:
Requesting information required to fulfill the duties and functions of the Press Secretary from other departments of the University and related organizations;
Attending university meetings, activities, and other events;
Involving employees of other university departments as well as specialists and qualified experts of other organizations, including on a contract basis by agreement with the Rector;
Coordinating with the information services of other Higher educational establishments in the established orders;
Representing on behalf of the University in state bodies republican events in the framework of powers of the Press Secretary;
Publishing printed publications within his competence;
Introduction of proposals on improvement of university information policy, drafts of normative documents on activity issues for administration consideration.
The Press Secretary is responsible:
for quality and timely fulfillment of his tasks;
for providing unbiased, high quality and prompt coverage of university activities in national.
Article 4. Organizing the Press Secretary’s activity
The Press Secretary is appointed and dismissed by the rector of Andijan State University.
9. The activity of the Press Secretary is based on the work plan approved by the Rector of the university.
10. The Press Secretary is directly subordinated to the Rector of the university.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75