
On December 27, 1991, the Women's Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established at the Termez Conference of Women of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
On the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. UP-1084 "On measures to enhance the role of women in the state and social construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated March 2, 1995, the status of chairman of the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan was assigned to the Deputy Prime Minister, chairmen of regional, district and city women's committees - deputy khokims.
The adoption of Presidential Decree No. UP-3434 “On additional measures to support the activities of the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan” dated May 25, 2004 increased attention to women's committees.
The main cell of the Women's Committee is the initial organization of women.
Main tasks of the Women's Primary Committee
Increasing the active participation of women in solving political, economic and social problems of society
Provide comprehensive support to women, improve their socio-economic situation, and protect their rights and interests.
Strengthen family ties based on our national and spiritual values.
To educate young people as spiritually mature, ideologically active people who spare no effort for the development of the nation and the country, to form a healthy lifestyle.
The effective chairmen of the primary organization of the Women's Committee of Andijan State University were Doctors of Philology, Professors Munavvara Yakubbekova, Salimakhon Mirzayeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Arafatkhon Negmatova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Merozhkhon Yusupova.
Of the university's 508 women, 225 are members of the faculty.
Of these, 6 doctors of science (including 4 professors), 30 candidates of science (including 29 associate professors).
All eight faculties of the university have a primary women's organization.
Chairs of primary women's organizations in faculties
- Chairman of the primary women's organization of the Faculty of Natural Sciences - Tokhtabayeva Feruza Muratovna.
- The chairman of the primary women's organization of the Faculty of History is Radzhapova Marguba Zakirovna.
- Chairman of the primary women's organization of the Faculty of Foreign Languages - Zokirova Dildorahon Muydinovna
- Chairman of the primary women's organization of the Faculty of Physical Education - Dumaeva Feruzahon Nasriddinovna.
- Chairman of the primary women's organization of the pedagogical faculty - Abdullaeva Mavludakhon Oripovna
- Chairman of the primary women's organization of the Faculty of Philology - Abdullaeva Dildorakhon Zumratbekovna.
- Chairman of the primary women's organization of the socio-economic faculty - Maraimova Umida Ismailzhanovna.
- Chairman of the primary women's organization of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics - Turgunova Kamolakhon Khasanjonovna.
In order to effectively organize the leisure of students at the primary organization, the Talented Girls club, the Neat Girls circle, the Ibn Sino Health Center, and the Center for Psychological Counseling were created.
A student of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology Khilola Kuchkarova under the scientific supervision of the candidate of biological sciences, honorary professor K. Kuchkarov in 2001, Dilrabo Abdullayeva, a student of the Faculty of History under the supervision of associate professor S. Khoshimov in 2004 were awarded the State Prize. Zulfiya.
In the 2016-2017 academic year, at the initiative of the primary organization of the Women's Committee to increase socio-political activity and legal knowledge of students, promote spiritual and educational education, raise the cultural level, their national values, spiritual and educational events were held with the participation of specialists "Guarantees of women's suffrage in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, “Dialogue with youth is the basis of future interests”, “Every life is precious”, “Reproductive health is a guarantee of a stable life”, “Social significance of respect for the interests and dignity of a person in the prevention of suicide”, “Protection of the Motherland is a sacred duty” , "Culture of behavior, clothing and communication of girls", "We are supporters of a healthy lifestyle", "Drugs and AIDS prevention".
5.3.3. Низом (eng). Хотин-қизлар
5.6.8. Дастур (eng). Хотин-қизлар
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75