Andijan State
REPORT on the work carried out in connection with the implementation of the tasks specified in the PROGRAM OF MEASURES aimed at improving the system of protection of women from harassment, harassment and violence at Andijan State University
2022-11-10    2289


At Andijan State University, a feedback system has been launched to prevent harassment, harassment and violence against women: @himoya_adu_bot.

The control of the appeals received by the Telegram bot is held by the rector of the university, and the review consists of representatives of the university's psychologist, lawyer, public council, advisory council on issues of equal rights and opportunities for women and men, women's council, staff and student union committee. a working group was formed and its activities were launched.

At Andijan State University, a plan of measures aimed at improving the moral environment, protection of women from harassment, oppression and violence was developed, approved by the rector and directed to execution (the plan of measures is attached).

U.Ahmedova, the chairman of the women's council of the university, was appointed to be responsible for the monthly submission of information to the ministry on the implementation of the tasks defined in the measure.

More than 10 special social questionnaires have been developed by university psychologists and professors of the psychology department in order to identify behavioral and mental disorders, pressure and violence tendencies among team members or students and to organize urgent psychological help.

In the field of protection of women from harassment, oppression and violence at the university, in agreement with the regional court, IIB, Women's Rehabilitation and Adaptation Centers under the Department of Neighborhood and Family Support, tutors (group coaches) and students "Woman- The first seminar-training was held on December 9-10, 2021.

In addition, on November 11, 2021, university psychologist O. Mukhtarov held a seminar-training on the topic "Psychological aspects of preventing domestic violence" with the participation of female students of the faculty of philology and physical culture residing at TTJ No. 1. The seminar-training was held on the basis of activities aimed at revealing the goals and plans of students to find a worthy place in society. 95 female students participated in the seminar-training.

On November 25, 2021, tutors, deputy deans of faculties for working with youth and the women's council of existing academic groups at the university held Information Hours dedicated to "November 25 - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women". Booklets explaining the essence of the Laws "On Protection of Women from Harassment and Violence" and "On Guarantees of Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men" were distributed to students.

On the official website of Andijan State University and its pages on social networks, it was announced that a competition of videos aimed at protecting women from harassment and violence will be held among students and young people studying in all faculties:

All the video clips presented in the competition were reviewed by a special expert group and according to the final conclusions of the experts, the video clip prepared by Nargiza Bakhromjon daughter of the 3rd stage student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Rakhmonkulova won the 1st place; the video prepared by the daughter of Kakhkhorova Nasibakhan Talibjon, a student of the 4th stage of history education (external) won the 2nd place; The video made by the son of Abduholikov Khojimuradbek Mirzokhidjon, a student of the 2nd level of mathematics and informatics education (external), was deemed worthy of the 3rd place. The winners of the competition were awarded by the rector of the university A.S. Yuldashev with diplomas and souvenirs from the union committee of employees and students:




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