
The primary organization of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan at Andijan State University.
The main goal of the primary organization is to assist in creating decent conditions in educational institutions for the education and upbringing of young people, protecting the rights and interests of young people and making a worthy contribution to the development of comprehensively competent individuals.
The organization sets itself the following tasks:
education of the younger generation in the spirit of love and devotion to the Motherland, deep introduction into their minds of the idea of national independence, national values, religious tolerance, interethnic harmony and family values;
representation of young people about civil rights and obligations established by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, explaining to them the essence of democratic and legal reforms carried out in the country;
studying the problems of youth of a higher educational institution, the quality of education, the level of mastering subjects, attendance, the use of textbooks and libraries, assistance in considering and resolving youth appeals;
implementation of measures aimed at obtaining deep knowledge by young people, learning foreign languages and mastering modern information and communication technologies, as well as their professional orientation;
carry out work aimed at identifying, comprehensively supporting and encouraging talented youth, organizing the activities of clubs and circles that contribute to the development of their intellectual and creative abilities;
support for work aimed at creating favorable conditions for the inclusive education of young people with disabilities and special needs;
carrying out systematic work on the social adaptation in society of children from dysfunctional families, young people who find themselves in a difficult and unhealthy environment, the return to the educational process of students who regularly skip classes, and the prevention of early marriages;
implementation of legal and educational work aimed at preventing crime and delinquency among young people;
widespread promotion of reading among young people, increasing their love for books and developing a reading culture;
the formation of ideological immunity among young people to harmful vices under the guise of “mass culture”, information attacks, religious fanaticism, missionary and extremist ideas;
a higher educational institution is engaged in the development of youth tourism among young people, organizing their visits to historical monuments, sacred places, museums, theaters, buildings built during the period of independence;
wide promotion of sports among young people, especially girls, supporting their interest in sports and creating the necessary conditions for participation in various sports competitions;
organization of promotional activities aimed at broadly explaining the medical culture to young people, in particular, ways to protect against diseases;
promotion of environmental protection among young people, increasing environmental culture through the promotion of rational use of natural resources, support for environmental initiatives;
Members of the Union may be legal entities and individuals in the manner prescribed by this Charter:
Members of the Union can be citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan and stateless individuals permanently residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan, who have reached the age of 14 and not older than 30, who have expressed a desire to support the goals of the Union.
If a member of the Union, who is an individual, is elected to the governing bodies of the union, the relevant provisions of this Charter shall apply to him, and the age limit provided for in paragraph.
Admission and withdrawal of individuals from the members of the Union are carried out by the general meeting of the primary organization of the Union, as well as by the meeting of the Council of the primary organization.
The decision on the admission and withdrawal of individuals as members of the relevant governing body of the primary organization is final and approval by the higher bodies of the Union is not required.
Members of the Union may be non-governmental non-profit organizations and enterprises, institutions and organizations in the field of youth, as well as other legal entities whose constituent documents do not contradict the statutory goals, objectives and program documents of the Union.
For admission to the membership of the Union, legal entities and individuals submit an application of the appropriate content.
Legal entities are accepted and excluded from membership of the Union based on the decision of the meeting of local or territorial councils of the Union.
Membership of individuals in the Union may be terminated in the following cases:
At the request of a member of the Union;
Upon reaching the age of a member of the Union for more than 30 years (with the exception of persons elected to the elected bodies of the Union);
When a member of the Union commits actions that contradict this Charter and the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
Upon termination of the Union.
The decision on the exclusion of individuals from members of the Union is made by the General Meeting of the primary organization or the council of the primary organization.
Free expression of one's opinion when discussing issues at general meetings, conferences, kurultai, meetings of the governing bodies of the Union and in printed periodicals of the Union;
Personally or through his representative to participate in the development of decisions of the elected bodies of the Union;
Election and election to elected governing bodies and control and audit bodies of the union;
Obtaining information about the activities of the union bodies, participation in the activities of the union bodies when discussing issues related to their activities, and expressing an opinion;
Participate in the activities of the Union within the framework of the Charter and the program, apply with statements and proposals to any governing body of the Union.
Participation in the implementation of the statutory goals of the Union;
Increasing the influence and authority of the Union among young people and in society;
Implementation of decisions of the governing bodies of the Union, general meetings of primary organizations, as well as meetings of the Council;
Active participation in the activities of the primary organization of the Union.
The primary organization of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan at Andijan State University has united 6119 students - young people, called upon, in accordance with the current regulatory legal acts, to provide social protection for student youth, study their proposals and wishes, help in the first steps in an independent life, organize a free from study time, meaningful organization and association around the youth union, as well as educating them of perfect human qualities, nourishing the worldview of young people with creative ideas. It consists in creating a sense of ownership of intellectual property, supporting initiatives and innovations, and uniting student youth around a youth union.
The Council of the primary organization of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan at Andijan State University consists of 13 members:
Youth Leader of the Union of Youth primary organization of Uzbekistan;
First Deputy Youth Leader;
Leader of the direction of work with active and talented youth;
Leader of the direction of the initiative and youth entrepreneurship;
Head of the direction of monitoring the quality of the educational process;
Head of the direction for work with students who entered the study after completing military service;
Deputy leader of youth for spiritual and educational work;
Head of the direction of spiritual and educational work and youth tourism;
Leader of the direction "Sport, Health"
Leader of the direction of work with socially unprotected and limited opportunities;
Head of organizational, control and personnel direction;
Press secretary, head of the youth media group;
Head of the department for work with students' appeals (works on a voluntary basis).
Under the primary organization of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan at Andijan State University, the following circles and clubs are organized:
Public structure "Defenders of the Motherland",
Student theater-studio "Humo",
Intellectual club "Zakovat",
Club "Merry and resourceful",
Club of journalists "AndDU press today",
Debate Club,
"Young Creators" Club
"Champions" Club
"Politicians" Club
- Intellectual club "Thinking".
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75