
The Academic Lyceum of Andijan State University, operating today, on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Center for Secondary Specialized Vocational Education dated August 24, 2004 No. 178 was created and received the name Academic Lyceum at Andijan State University. Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sherali Mirzakarimovich Kasimov was appointed director of the newly created academic lyceum. In the 2004-2005 academic year, the academic lyceum began its activities with the admission of 266 students in the areas of “Exact Sciences”, “Natural Sciences”, “Foreign Languages” and “Social Sciences and Humanities”. Over the past period, the number of teachers and students of the academic lyceum has increased. In addition, the material and technical base of the academic lyceum has been enriched in organizing the educational process. In order to create comfortable conditions for students, a student dormitory with 250 beds has been opened. The Academic Lyceum was headed by Sh.M.Gasimov in 2004-2010, S.Kh.Sobirov in 2011-2016, D.E.Abidova in 2016-2021. Of course, it is gratifying that teachers and students of the academic lyceum have achieved a number of achievements. In particular, in 2014, Abdullaeva Guzaloy, a student of group 29 of the 3rd stage of a foreign language course, received the Zulfiya State Prize, which was established to support youth, especially girls in our country. In 2021, a mathematics teacher at the Department of Exact Sciences, Khodzhiev Dilmurod, was awarded the Medal of Glory by our government in recognition of his many years of effective work. In addition, every year students of academic lyceums successfully participate in Olympiads in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, native language and literature, Russian language, English language, history organized in our region and the republic and take prestigious places. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 3, 2020 No. 4910 “On the system for selecting talented youth and measures to improve the activities of academic lyceums” radically changed the activities of academic lyceums. According to him, the vice-rector for academic affairs of universities with academic lyceums simultaneously became the director of the academic lyceum. Today, the Academic Lyceum of Andijan State University is headed by Valiev Ulugbek Kadirzhanovich. Today, the Academic Lyceum of Andijan State University is headed by Valiev Ulugbek Kadirzhanovich. Muydinov Lazizbek Azizbekovich works as deputy director for educational work of the academic lyceum, and Akbarov Bunyodbek Ikromovich works as deputy director for work with youth. There are also four educational departments in the academic lyceum. These are the departments of “Exact Sciences”, “Foreign Languages”, “Uzbek Philology” and “Social Sciences and Humanities”, where only 50 teaching staff teach the younger generation. Currently, the activities of the academic lyceum have been radically reformed, and students receive classes in classrooms equipped with modern teaching aids. In order for students to effectively spend their free time, scientific clubs, chess-checkers, sewing, knitting, music clubs are organized in all subjects, and all this is organized systematically.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75