
The Faculty of Social Economics was formed by the order of the Rector of Andijan State University dated June 29, 2015 No. 01-17/1 “On Making Changes to the Structure of the University”. Doctor of Law, Professor T.T. Madumarov was appointed to the position of the dean of the faculty. The educational directions “National idea, the foundations of spirituality and legal education”, “Labor economics and sociology”, “Pedagogy and psychology”, “Psychology (by type of activity)”, “Human resource management”, “Organization and management of the hotel industry” are assigned to the department. ", "Tourism (by type of activity)", "Business Management" (on the basis of a joint program with the Institute of Economics and Management of Tomsk State University (Russia). 11 doctors of sciences, 16 candidates of sciences, 22 senior lecturers and 32 assistants work at the faculty .
The faculty is currently preparing competitive specialists in accordance with the requirements of the time in educational areas of undergraduate studies 5111600 - National idea, the foundations of spirituality and legal education, 5110900 - Pedagogy and psychology, 5210200 - Psychology (by type of activity), 5231600 - Human resource management, 5610200 - Organization and management of the hotel industry, 5610300 - Tourism (by type of activity). In addition, there is a master's program in the specialties 5A110902. Pedagogy and psychology (Uzb.), 5A111601 - Methods of teaching social and humanitarian sciences (basics of spirituality) (Uzb.), 5A111602 - Teaching social and humanitarian sciences (legal education) (Uzb.) and 5A230108 - Antimonopoly management and development of competition. In the 2020-2021 academic year, 883 undergraduate students and 12 master students study at the faculty.
Currently, the departments of the Faculty of Social Economics have clubs “Ideological Immunity”, “Experts in Law”, “Scientific Creativity”, “Young Economists”, “Young Psychologists”, led by qualified professors. Circles unite more than 150 talented students, members of the clubs are engaged in scientific and creative activities in the relevant areas. The results of the research work of members of the clubs are published in the "Scientific Bulletin", socio-political, popular science journals and collections of university conferences. Among the members of the circle are growing personal scholarship holders and winners of various competitions.
A gifted student of the 3rd year of the educational direction "Pedagogy and Psychology" Umarov Azizek in 2016 became the owner of the Navoi State Scholarship.
499 students study at the faculty in 26 academic groups. Spiritual and educational events, various evenings, competitions are regularly held in all groups. The staff of the faculty takes an active part in many spiritual and educational, scientific and practical conferences of the university, city, regional, republican level. In particular, the team "Youth of Andijan", consisting of talented students of the faculty, became the winner of the Republican contest "Tafakkur sinovlari" and was awarded the Diploma of the 1st degree.

The department has a rich history. Since the 1930s, it began its activities at the institute as a section of pedagogical disciplines. During the war, teachers of pedagogy and psychology worked at the Department of Natural History. The first teachers in the disciplines "Pedagogy" and "Psychology" were Ardashev A. F., Nikitin N. D., Makaev V.
Initially, the department conducted scientific and pedagogical activities at the intersection of the areas of pedagogy and psychology, in 1991 it was headed by the candidate of psychological sciences M. Mamajonov.
Every year the composition of the department increased, young teachers began their activities. In subsequent years, there were great changes in the scientific life of the department. M.Khalimova and T.Suleimanova completed their scientific work and defended their Ph.D. dissertations. A psychological service and psychodiagnostic centers have been created at the department, the activities of which are carried out in cooperation with the self-government bodies of enterprises and citizens of the regional level. The Center "Psychological Service" served many social organizations in the region. In particular, he provided psychological assistance to the department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Andijan region, regional departments of education, departments of the registry office, MFO.
The main goal of the faculty of the department is the preparation of curricula, texts of lectures, teaching aids. M. Rustambekova prepared the texts of lectures on the discipline "Psychology of the Family", senior teacher T. Suleymanova - on the discipline "Fundamentals of Defectology", Y. Yusupova - on the disciplines "General Psychology" and "Psychodiagnostics and Experimental Psychology", G. Tozhiboeva prepared a working training the program and texts of lectures on the discipline "Psychology of Law", some of them are published by the publishing house.
With their scientific reports, members of the department take part in many international, regional, republican scientific conferences. The department carries out research work in the major scientific direction “Social and psychological problems of the formation and development of personality”.
According to the long-term plans of the department, focusing on such topical issues as the use of technologies based on folk pedagogy, as well as on the specifics of management in the organization of cognitive activity, setting ourselves the tasks of implementing topical theoretical and practical problems of managing the pedagogical process, the following goals are outlined:
Formation of mental actions in students;
Activation and acceleration of recipients of education;
Effective organization and management of the learning process;
Methodical improvement of educational material;
Didactic reconstruction of educational material;
Organization technology of differentiated learning in the educational process.

History of the Department of National Idea, Fundamentals of Spirituality and Legal Education
In 1998, the Faculty of Law and Economics was formed at the University, and S. Askarov became the dean of the faculty. After the formation of the faculty, the department "Jurisprudence" was formed, and since this year, the head of the department has become Ph.D. associate professor B. Rasulov.
In 1999, the dean of the faculty S. Askarov was transferred to another position, and therefore Ph.D. associate professor B. Rasulov.
In November 2005, the Department of "National Idea, Fundamentals of Spirituality and Legal Education" was transformed into the Department of "The Idea of National Independence: Fundamentals of Law and Spirituality" at the Faculty of Pedagogy. Since 2011, the department of "National idea, the basis of spirituality and legal education" continued its activities at the Faculty of History and Humanities of the University. Since 2015, she has been a member of the "Socio-economic" faculty.
From the beginning of the department's activity to the present day, the heads of the department were such professors and teachers of the university as Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor B. M. Rasulov in 2005-2006, Ph.D., Associate Professor U. Ubaydullaev in 2006 -2009, Ph.D., Associate Professor Sh. Askarov in 2009-2010, Ph.D. Associate Professor R. Imanov in 2010-2015, Doctor of Law Professor T. Madumarov in 2015-2019, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor U. Ubaydullaev in 2019-2020, in 2020-2021 - Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor L. A. Kurbonova. Since 2021, the department has been headed by senior lecturer Sh.K.Amirkhodzhaev.
To date, the department has 22 professors and teachers. The general average age of the members of the department is 40 years, and this provides a basis for the further prosperity of the department. There are 4 doctors of sciences and professors, 3 associate professors, 2 doctors (PhD), 9 senior teachers and 4 teachers at the department.
The Department of National Idea, Fundamentals of Spirituality and Legal Education mainly prepares bachelor specialists for such social and social areas as 51111600 "National Ideas, Fundamentals of Spirituality and Legal Education", specialties of the magistracy 5A111601 "Fundamentals of Spirituality" and 5A111602 "Legal Education".

Philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, logic, cultural studies, religious studies, ethnoculture, philosophy and methodology of history, social philosophy and other disciplines for all faculties and areas of the university are taught at the Department of Philosophy. 1 Ph.D., professor, 5 Ph.D., associate professors work at the department. At the department, under the leadership of F.Yuldasheva, an applied grant project “Processes of modernization in Uzbekistan and the formation of innovative consciousness among young people” is being implemented.
Currently, the department is preparing a scientific collection of the Republican scientific-practical conference “Processes of modernization and innovative development in Uzbekistan”.

The time of creation of the department, order number. The Department of Theory of Economics as part of the Faculty of History was established by the decision of the Scientific Council of Andijan State University on June 30, 1995.
Brief history of the department. On June 30, 1995, by the decision of the Scientific Council of the State University named after Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, the Department of Theory of Economics was formed at the Faculty of History. The first head of the department was Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Merozhkhon Nizamovna Yusupova. From the first days of the department's formation, such teachers as the honored teacher of Uzbekistan Abdumazhid Abdullayev, doctors of economic sciences, professors Abdulkhamid Khaitov, Olimjon Zokirov worked at it; Candidates of Economic Sciences, Associate Professors Fazliddin Jalolov, Ulugbek Sobirov, Gulnorakhon Bozorova, Muhammadamin Okhunov; teachers Gulnora Nosirova, Ravshanbek Ergashev, Mutalibjon Akromov, K. Aliyev, K. Askarov, A. Iskhakov; the number of young members of the teaching staff was replenished with such teachers as Gayratov Mamasoli, Vohidov Azamjon, Khusanova Zulfiyahon, Sultonov Mavlonzhon, Umarov Ilhomjon, Abidkoriev Azizullo, Karimov Muzaffar, Shukhratbek Kamolov, Muydinov Bakhodirzhon, Abdullaev Mirzokhid, Nurmatov Dilshodbek, Khalilov Kudratillo, Rustamova Sayyora.
Heads of the department. The heads of the Department of Economics were Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Merozhkhon Nizomovna Yusupova (1995-2003), Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Nodirbek Ibragimovich Askarov (2003-2008), Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Shukhrat Alimovich Zokirov (2008-2012), Ph. Sciences, Associate Professor Dilshodbek Nabievich Nurmatov (2012-2018) and from 2018 to the present day, the head of the department is Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Umidakhon Ismailzhanovna Maraimovna.
Material and technical base of the department. The Department of Economics is located on the 4th floor of the 5th block of the building for 1000 places of the educational campus of Andijan State University, has 2 rooms for the teaching staff and 4 classrooms for conducting classes with students. Each classroom has 1 TV and 1 video projector. In addition, the department has at its disposal 1 “smart” electronic monitor, 3 sets of computers connected to an uninterrupted Internet network, 3 printers. Also, each professor and teacher of the department has their own modern personal computer, for all of which, by connecting to a Wi-Fi network, uninterrupted Internet access is provided throughout the university. In addition, the faculty has a computer class for 20 computers, located in room 210.
Scientific potential and scientific activity. 4 Doctors of Science, professors work at the Department of Economics (D.E.S. A.Abdullaev, D.E.S. N.Askarov, D.E.S. A.Khaitov, D.E.S. I.Umarov) , 10 PhDs, associate professors (D. Nurmatov, M. Yusupova, A. Abitkariev, U. Maraimova, U. Sotvoldiev, M. Akhunov, Kh. Kuchkarov, N. Zokirov, B. Muydinov, PhD M. Karimov), 7 senior teachers and 3 teachers.
Topic of scientific research of the department: The department is implementing an applied project on the topic “Theoretical and practical problems of improving the mechanism of personnel management in the context of digitalization of the economy”.
Research work: doctoral students Sh.Kamolov, M.Abdullaev, S.Rustamova, B.Ruzimov, D.Sarymsakov, U.Khamrakulov in basic doctoral studies, as well as independent researchers Z.Khusanova, G.Mamasoliev, M.Rahmonov research in the specialty 08.00.13 - "Management".
Scientific structures operating at the department. The Department has a Scientific Council No. PhD.03/30.12.2019.I.60.03 at Andijan State University, a scientific seminar No. PhD.03/30.12.2019.I.60.03, specialty 08.00.13 - Management at Andijan State University, Admissions Committee qualification exam in the specialty 08.00.13 - Management.
Professors of the department N.Askarov, A.Gaitov, A.Abdullaev are active in several scientific councils and seminars of our country, Ph.D. I.Umarov was accepted to the editorial boards of foreign journals such as TRANS Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research (TAJMMR) (ISSN: 2279-0667) (Impact Factor: SJIF 2020 =7.209).
At the department, from January 1, 2021, the electronic scientific journal “Economics and Management” began its activity. Since 2018, 2 times a year, in October and May, international scientific and practical conferences on various topics have been held.
Educational process: 4 doctors of sciences, professors, 10 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 7 senior lecturers and 3 teachers conduct lectures, practical, seminars and laboratory classes in 39 disciplines of undergraduate courses, 15 disciplines of magistracy specialties, 12 subjects for students of joint programs at the Department of Economics.
Starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, the department has organized training at the following levels:
Bachelor's Degree direction:
5231600 - "Human Resource Management" (Labor Economics and Sociology) - a total of 25 people are accepted, of which 3 are on the basis of a state grant and 22 on the basis of a contract.
5610300 - “Tourism (by type of activity)” - a total of 25 people are accepted, of which 5 are on the basis of a state grant and 20 on the basis of a contract.
5610200 - "Organization and management of the hotel industry" - a total of 25 people are accepted, of which 5 are on the basis of a state grant and 20 on the basis of a contract.
Joint Program (Bachelor):
"Business Management" in cooperation with the Tomsk State University of the Russian Federation - a total of 30 people are accepted.
Master's degree specialty:
5A230108. “Antimonopoly management and development of competition” (uzb.) - 6 people are accepted in total, 2 of them on the basis of a state grant and 4 on the basis of a contract.
Basic PhD:
Prepares basic doctoral students in the specialty “08.00.13 - Management”.
Status of work with grants at the department. The department has established cooperation with the organization TuCAHEA (Creating a platform for higher education in Central Asia: composite adaptation (Tuning) and improving the quality of education), with the University of Prague (Czech Republic) under the ERASMUS + International Grant program, as well as with the Italian University of Pisa in the areas of “Enhancing capacities in implementation of institutional quality assurance systems and typology using Bologna process principles (IQAT)” and “Key Action 1-Mobility for learners and staff”.
In addition, members of the faculty of the department participate in the following state grants:
Project on the topic "Organization of training seminars on the development of knowledge in the field of business and entrepreneurial skills among students and young people" on the basis of the State grant No. 28-03 of the Parliamentary Commission under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Duration: August 2014 - April 2015)
The project “Uzbekistan - a country of peace, stability, kindness and prosperity” based on the State grant No. 44-13/94 of the Parliamentary Commission under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Term: September 2016 - September 2017), currently Ph.D. n. I. Umarov takes part in the grant “Development of a national rating system for assessing the innovative potential of industrial enterprises” code PZ-20200125 of the Institute for Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research under the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The state of advanced training at the department at the present time. Data on advanced training and internships of the faculty of the Department of Economics in foreign universities
Name |
City, Country |
Name of high school |
Date |
Grant organization |
Sh.Kamolov |
Amsterdam, Netherlands |
University of Vocational Education "Fontys" |
2002 |
Republican Fund "Ustoz" |
Sh.Kamolov |
Pohang, South Korea |
Handong University Global |
2005 |
Iste'dod Foundation |
G.Mamasoliev, G.Abdullaeva |
Berlin, Germany |
Educational center “Mugelze” |
2009 |
Asia Recovery and Development Bank |
D.Nurmatov, Sh.Kamolov |
Pisa, Italy |
University of Pisa |
2017-2018 |
ERASMUS+ program |
D.Nurmatov, M.Abdullaev |
Prague, Czech Republic |
Prague University |
2017 |
ERASMUS+ program |
Sh.Kamolov |
Delhi, India |
NIESBUD, Bhartia University |
2020 Sh.Kamolov |
ITEC Foundation |
Work with gifted students and activities of clubs at the department. Under the scientific guidance of the professor of the department A. Abdullayev in 1996-1997, the student of the direction "Orientalist-economist" Askarov Nodirbek became a laureate of the Presidential Scholarship. In the 2005-2006 academic year, a student of the educational direction "Macroeconomics" Kuronbaev Davronbek received a scholarship "Navoi" (supervisor: Sh. direction "Economics and sociology of labor" Ulugbek Mirsaidullaev (supervisor: Z. Khusanova) became the winners of the competition "Scholarship of the Youth Union" for the 2017-2018 academic year. Talented students took part in the republican stage of the competition "Tafakkur sinovlari", where in 2016 they took 1st place, and in 2017 - an honorable 3rd place. In 2018, they again won a ticket to the republican stage. Subject circles "Young Economist", "Young Manager" regularly work at the department.
Graduates of the direction of education "Economics and sociology of labor" 2016-2018 N.Saidmurodov, F.Raimjonov, Sh.Urinbaev, Sh.Sirojiddinov, Sh.Abdullajanov received grants for a master's degree at prestigious universities in the US and South Korea continue their education. 3rd year student of the direction "Labor Economics and Sociology" Nodira Tursunova became a finalist of the UGRAD program of the US Department of State and took part in a 5-month student exchange program at Keene College USA in 2020.
Partnerships. The department has established partnerships with such leading universities of the republic in the scientific and educational fields as: Tashkent State University of Economics, Tashkent Financial Institute, National University of Uzbekistan, Andijan Institute of Economics and Engineering, Fergana State University, Namangan Institute of Economics and Engineering, from foreign Universities - with the University of Pisa in Italy, Tomsk State University of Russia, Uzbek-Kyrgyz University of the Kyrgyz Republic, Prague University of the Czech Republic, Jaipur University of Management in India.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75