
E-mail: talimsifati@adu.uz
About the department
The Education Quality Control Department was created in accordance with Resolution No. 515 Art. 14 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 18, 2017 “On the organization of the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
The education quality control department was reorganized on the basis of Order No. 72 of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 27, 2023 “On improving the activities of education quality control departments in public higher educational institutions”, as well as Order No. 58-K of the rector of Andijan State government controlled. University dated April 3, 2023
Main goal of the department
The main goal of the department is to study and analyze the compliance of university students’ knowledge with state educational standards, control the quality of personnel training, organize internal certification of the university and, based on its results, identify factors that negatively affect the quality of education, take measures to eliminate and prevent them.
Main tasks of the department
quality control of personnel training at the university and their monitoring;
study and analysis of the compliance of students’ knowledge with state educational standards and the level of proficiency in subjects studied;
the formation of a teaching staff capable of ensuring the quality of education, including (objective) transparent organizational mechanisms that allow the selection and hiring of potential teachers, as well as improving their professional skills and qualifications;
regular analysis of the quality of teaching by teaching staff;
organizing an internal assessment of the university and taking measures to eliminate existing shortcomings based on the results of the internal assessment;
studying the correct organization of the educational process based on the requirements specified in regulatory legal documents, and the effectiveness of using the Hemis system (including the timeliness and completeness of entering information into the information system, the organization of the credit-module system at the level of requirements);
analysis of the compliance of qualification requirements, curricula and programs with professional standards and labor market requirements for the training of competitive personnel;
forming expanded conclusions about the position of graduates in the personnel market, the demand for them, and the level of viability of the industry;
studying the organization of training sessions based on modern pedagogical and information technologies, establishing quality control of the lesson's educational process at the required level;
study of attracting qualified specialists from production (practice) to conduct classes;
identifying the effectiveness of measures taken to ensure transparency and objectivity in monitoring and assessing students’ knowledge;
study of advanced training of professors and teachers, inclusion of innovations in science in programs;
analysis of the fair distribution of teaching load between professors and teachers;
the state of the conditions created for students and teachers in the information resource center, the availability of textbooks on subjects, studying the conditions created for students and making proposals to management;
study and analysis of the organization of independent education in accordance with the requirements (ensuring the development of methodological instructions, establishing requirements for the organization of independent education and forming the study load of students);
ensuring the implementation of anti-plagiarism programs at the university (including the introduction of the principles of academic integrity and systematic organization of anti-plagiarism);
participation in studying the activities of other higher educational institutions in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry;
analysis of the compliance of the basic information of professors and university teachers with the subject(s) they teach, studying the completion of retraining in the manner prescribed by law, the availability of an academic title or degree corresponding to the specialty, and informing the rector of the university;
analysis of the state of the material and technical base of the educational process, making proposals for its development and improvement;
organizing student internships at the university, taking into account educational areas and specializations and monitoring its effectiveness;
conducting educational seminars and trainings aimed at improving the quality of education in cooperation with the relevant structures of the university.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75