The department is one of the first departments in the Department of Chemistry of Andijan State University. it was organized in 1963 on the basis of Andijan State University. In 1963-1971, the head of the department was Candidate of Chemical Sciences Gulomnabi Khakimov.
In 1971-1981, the department was headed by associate professor M, Mamadaliev. During these years, a separate building was assigned to the department and laboratories in chemistry were created. Since the formation of the department, 15 graduates of the faculty have become candidates and doctors of chemical sciences. These are doctors of philosophy of chemical sciences, associate professors M Kodirov and U. Obidov, doctor of chemical sciences, professor I.R. Askarov, doctor of chemical sciences, professor N.Madikhonov, doctor of chemical sciences I.A. Abdugofurov, candidates of chemical sciences, associate professors T.Y. . Nasriddinov, E. Mirzaboev, T. Inokov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences A.G. Gofurov, Doctor of Technical Sciences Kh. Uzokov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences O. Muzaffarov and others. They fruitfully work in higher educational institutions of the republic.
1981-1987 the department was headed by candidate of chemical sciences associate professor K.K.Khaydarov.
Since 1987, the department was headed by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor I.R. Askarov.
R.A. Askarov began his career as the head of the department with repair and re-equipment. Created a scientific laboratory. He did everything to create an office for the preparation of chemical preparations and a new, modern teacher's office at the department. As the head of the department, he achieved the most complete provision of the chemical laboratory. Under his leadership, the offices and corridors of the department were re-equipped. He paid special attention to the discussion of open lectures, organized a consulting methodology at the department, streamlined the implementation and defense of theses in chemistry. A huge share of R.A. Askarov in the development of relations with the schools of the city and region. Under his leadership, extensive research on the chemistry of ferrocene was carried out.
In 1992, when our institute was given the status of a university, the Faculty of Chemistry was established. On the basis of the Faculty of Chemistry, two new departments were created: "General and Organic Chemistry" and "Physical and Analytical Chemistry". The Department of General and Organic Chemistry was headed by Professor I.R. Askarov, and the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry - Associate Professor T.Yu. Nasriddinov.
In 1992-1996, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor T.Yu. Nasriddinov as the head of the department of "Physical and Analytical Chemistry" and Otakhanov Kobiljon Kakhramanovich (head of the department of chemistry) made their worthy contribution to the scientific activities of the teachers of the department, which became one of the best at the university. T. Nasriddinov conducted a lot of research in the field of organic chemistry and worked effectively to solve many unresolved problems in this area.
By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 510 dated October 30, 2021, a scientific council was established at Andijan State University to award scientific degrees of Doctor of Chemical Sciences (DSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in chemistry DSc 03/29.2021.К.60.05. Currently, the Scientific Council is holding defenses in the specialties 02.00.09 - "Commodity Chemistry" (chemical sciences) and 14.00.41 - "Folk Medicine" (chemical sciences).
Later, in different years, the department was headed by Ph.D. Isroilov, candidate of chemical sciences associate professor I.A. Abdugafurov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Associate Professor Abdullaev, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Professor I.R. Askarov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Associate Professor Yu.T. Isaev and others. Currently, the department is headed (as acting) Doctor of Philosophy of Chemical Sciences (PhD) K.K. Otakhonov.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75