No |
The name and surname of the master |
Research topics |
Scientific leader |
1 . |
Mominov Azamat |
Measures for the protection of dominant plants of Shorsuv Hills (Turkestan Ridge). |
Jurakulov G.N. Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
2 . |
Dusmatova Gulnoza |
Inheritance of economic traits in varieties and hybrid forms of cultural cotton. |
Makhkamov T.X , Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
3 . |
Abduvakhopova Makhliyo |
Inheritance of valuable economic traits in fine fiber forms of cotton |
Dusmatova G.A , Doctor of philosophy in biological sciences |
4 . |
Otaboyev Tursinboy |
Morpho-biological characteristics of some endemic plants distributed in Fergana valley |
Ruzmatov E. Yu. Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
5 . |
Musaev Hasanboy |
Inheritance of quantitative and qualitative traits in interspecific hybrids of cotton |
Jurakulov G'.N. Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
6 . |
Musayeva Mukhayo |
Anthropogenic transformation of vegetation cover of Pop-Chust hills |
Ibrokhimova G.A, Doctor of philosophy in biological sciences, docent |
7 . |
Jorayeva Zamira |
Bioecological characteristics of some raw plants of the Fergana Valley |
Ruzmatov E. Yu. Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
8 . |
Gulomova Gulbahor |
Agrotechnics of amaranth cultivation and some medicinal properties |
Muminov M.M , Doctor of chemistry sciences, docent |
9 . |
Odilova Nilufarkhon |
Bioecological characteristics of species belonging to the Shoradosh family distributed in the Fergana Valley. |
Mamatyusupov A.Sh. Doctor of philosophy in biological sciences, docent |
10 . |
Berdiyorova Odinakhon |
Bioecological characteristics of species belonging to the Dukkakdosh family distributed in the Fergana Valley |
Mamatyusupov A.Sh. Doctor of philosophy in biological sciences, docent |
11 . |
Ergasheva Umidakhon |
Biologo-ekologicheskie osobennosti nekotoryx poleznyx plantiy v usloviyax Andijanskikh adyrov. |
Naraliyeva N.M. Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
12 . |
Yuldasheva Mukhlisa |
Inheritance of seed parameters in geographical and genotypic long forms of medium fiber cotton |
Dusmatova G.A , Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
13 . |
Mannobova Risolat |
Soil algal ecology of cultivated fields. |
Mamasoliyev S.T. Doctor of philosophy in biological sciences, docent |
14 . |
Abdullayeva Risola |
Urban flora and ecology of Andijan city |
Madumarov T.A. Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
15 . |
Abdulkhayeva Oyzoda |
Anthropogenic transformation of vegetation cover of Andijan hills |
Naraliyeva N.M. Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
16 . |
Ikromaliyeva Gulkhayo |
Medicinal plants of Andijan region |
Naraliyeva N.M. Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
17 . |
Ibragimova Maftuna |
Levisticum officinale WDJ Koch under introduced conditions |
Makhkamov T.X. Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
No |
The name and surname of the master |
Research topics |
Scientific leader |
1 . |
Kushbakova Malika |
Ecological cost of the stochnyx river and ix influence of the surrounding environment in the forest of Andijana. |
Mambetullaeva SM , Doctor of biological sciences, professor Prof., Dr. Ferah Sayim (Turkey) |
2 . |
Teshaboyeva Zarina |
Analysis of environmental factors in Andijan city. |
Mambetullaeva S.M , Doctor of biological sciences, professor Prof. Dr. Esra Ersoy (Turkey) |
3 . |
Nurmatov Abbasbek |
Anthropogenic transformation of the vegetation cover of Fergana valley forests. |
Naraliyeva N.M , Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
4 . |
Turgunov Abdulaziz |
The current ecological situation of the Central Fergana desert |
Ibrokhimova G.A, Doctor of philosophy in biological sciences, docent |
5 . |
Qabilov Muhammadjon |
of Paulownia ( Paulownia imperialis ) afforestation in river profiles |
Mamasoliyev S.T. Doctor of philosophy in biological sciences, docent |
6 . |
Tulanov Oybek |
Studying the level of impact of man-made factors on the environment |
Ruzmatov E. Yu. Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
7 . |
Tursunov Otabek |
Biology of some species included in the "Red Book" of the Fergana Valley. |
Naraliyeva N.M , Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
8 . |
Kurbonova Dildora |
Astragalus L. species included in the "Red Book" and their biology. |
Ibrokhimova G.A. Doctor of philosophy in biological sciences, docent |
9 . |
Kakhorov Zafarbek |
Land degradation process in Andijan region |
Madumarov T.A. Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
10 . |
Yuldashev Izzatullo |
Andijan city wastewater and their ecological analysis |
Madumarov T.A. Doctor of biological sciences, docent |
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75