
Biography of the Dean of the Faculty:
• 1971-1980 - Studied at secondary school No. 39 in the Izboskan district
• 1980-1984 - Graduated from Andijan Pedagogical College.
• 1984-1989 - She entered the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Art and Graphics, where she graduated with a degree in drawing, fine arts and labor science.
• In 1989, he began his career as an assistant at the Department of Drawing Geometry of the Namangan branch of the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute.
• 1995-1997 – Engineer-teacher at Andijan Electromechanical College
• 1997-2001 – methodologist of the drawing and drawing department of the Andijan Institute for Advanced Training of Teaching Staff
• 2001-2002 - Assistant at the Department of Drawing and Applied Arts, Andijan State University
• 2002-2007 - Deputy Dean for Spiritual and Moral Education of the Pedagogical Faculty of Andijan State University.
• 2007-2010 - Head of the Department of Drawing and Fine Arts at Andijan State University.
• 2010-2011 – Dean of the Faculty of Arts of Andijan State University
• 2011-2013 - Head of Internal Control and Monitoring Department
• 2013-2019 – Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Andijan State University
• Since September 2019 - Dean of the Faculty of Art History of Andijan State University

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Correspondence Department
Phone: 0(374)2234052
E-mail: pedagogika_anddu@edu.uz

Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs
Phone: +998903832305
E-mail: mirzohidn224@gmail.com
The Faculty of Art History was created by order of the director of Andijan State University dated September 3, 2019 No. 01-44. The dean of the faculty is Ph.D., Associate Professor Ch.T.Shakirov. The faculty includes the departments of fine arts and engineering graphics, music education.
Educational process
Currently, the faculty trains specialists in the following specialties: 5110800 – “Fine arts and engineering graphics”, 5111100 – “Music education”, 5150600 – Vocal art (by type), 5150700 – Instrumental performance (by type), 5150800 – Painting ( by type), 5151200 – applied arts (by type).
Theory and practice
Students of the Faculty of Art History consolidate their theoretical and practical knowledge in professional practice. The educational process is organized in small groups, taking into account the specifics of the faculty and creative orientation.
Individual lessons are organized by qualified teachers who pay special attention to the individual talent and creative potential of each student. They consolidate the knowledge acquired during the learning process through spiritual activities. Within the framework specified in the curriculum, qualifying practice is organized in preschool education organizations, general education institutions, secondary schools, music and art schools.
In addition, agreements have been concluded on conducting educational, plein air and field practices in the areas of fine arts and engineering graphics, applied arts, painting in parks, eco-parks, museums, and on Registan Square in Andijan.
The faculty cooperates with the Department of Public Education of the Andijan Region, the Department of Preschool Education, and the Academy of Arts. An exchange of theoretical, practical and methodological experience has been established with teachers of schools and colleges. In the educational process, along with theoretical training, much attention is paid to practice.
Activities of clubs
At the faculty, on the basis of circles, a creative team of youth students “Dutorchi Kizlar”, “Makomchilar”, “Nikhol”, the “Yoshlar” theater, circles “Engineer”, “Tasvir”, “Calligraphy and Miniature”, “Creator” were organized. Their participants participate in all events of the faculty, university and region, republic. Classes are taught by qualified teachers.
Clubs bring together more than 500 talented students, and club members are engaged in creative and scientific activities in various fields. The faculty staff actively participates in many spiritual, educational, scientific and practical conferences at the university, city, regional and republican levels.
Spiritual and educational works
The creative team of youth students “Dutorchi Kizlar”, “Makomchilar”, “Nikhol”, the Yoshlar Theater participates in many spiritual and educational events at the university, city, regional and republican levels.
In addition, the team of the Yoshlar Theater consists mainly of active students and young teachers of the faculty. They took an honorable third place in the republican theater competition. Teams from the “Engineer”, “Drawing”, “Calligraphy and Miniature”, “Creative” circles exhibit their works at all events of the faculty, university and region. A number of events are being carried out to promote and popularize sports among students.
In order to form universal human values among students, a system of material and moral support has been created, which is carried out through the participation of teachers and students of faculty circles in events at the institutions “Kariyalar uyi” and “Mehribonlik uyi”. On holidays and days of remembrance and honor and on other holidays, they entertain the public with their concert programs and exhibitions.

In September 1988, the department “Methodology of teaching specialized disciplines” was created at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Andijan State University. Associate Professor E. Dadakhuzhaev was appointed head of the department. Since that time, only 6 teachers have worked at the department, including 1 associate professor, 1 senior teacher, 4 assistants.
The department is specialized mainly in training personnel in two specializations (teacher of drawing and drawing, training of a teacher-musician). Since 1999, on the basis of a resolution of the scientific council of the university, the department began to be called “Drawing and Applied Arts”. There were 1 associate professor, 1 senior teacher, and 10 assistants at the department. Since March 2000, senior lecturer B.Kuchkarov was appointed head of the department.
From that moment on, 2 senior teachers and 17 assistants worked at the department. 6 of them were teachers of the specialization “Drawing and Applied Arts”. Teachers of the department conducted a scientific research on the topic “Issues of improving the methods of teaching fine, labor and musical arts in secondary and higher schools. Since the 2002-2003 academic year, the departments have merged into the Faculty of Professional Education. Since 2003, on the basis of a resolution of the scientific council of Andijan State University, 2 departments were created on the basis of the faculty of vocational education (the department of drawing and fine arts, and the department of music and methods of its teaching).
At the Department of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics, specialists are trained in the direction 5150800 - Painting (by type), 5151200 - Applied art (by type). From the 2021-2022 academic year they are studying in specialization 6210500 - Painting (machinery), 6210800 - Applied art (pottery).
Currently, the department is conducting research to develop its scientific potential. The department employs 2 candidates of science, 1 associate professor, 4 senior teachers, 20 teachers.
Currently, the department of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics employs 4 senior teachers, 1 People's Artist of Uzbekistan, 1 Honored Cultural Worker of Uzbekistan, 2 members of the Academy of Arts and 5 assistants.

In September 1998, the department “Methods of teaching special subjects” was created at the Faculty of Education of Andijan State University. Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor E.Dadakhodzhaev was appointed head of the department.
At that time, a total of 6 teachers worked at the department: head of the department, associate professor Dadahodzhaev E., senior teacher Kuchkarov B., assistants: Darmonov I., Mirzaev S., Tursunov O. and Khodzhiboev. A. The department specializes in training personnel in 2 areas: (teacher of drawing and drafting, training of musicians and teachers).
On August 26, 2023, based on a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences was disbanded and became part of the Faculty of Education, and continues to operate under the name of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Arts.
Currently, the department is headed by Sh. Akhmedov. The department employs 1 Honored Artist of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan, 7 associate professors, 6 senior teachers, 16 teachers and 9 accompanists.
Today the department conducts research to develop its scientific potential.

This department was created in 1960 on the basis of the departments of pedagogy, psychology, Uzbek linguistics and mathematics. Initially, the department was called the Department of Methods of Teaching Special Subjects, in which teachers such as S. Vakhobov, A. Baratov, A. Khaidarov, O. Oripov, A. Arzimatov, K. Yunusov, R. Khoshimov, T. Ganiev, V.A. Lokhin, V.S. Zamchalin, K. Polatov and N. Akhmedov.
Since 2005, the departments of the native language and methods of teaching it and the department of methods of teaching mathematics have been merged into the department of methods of primary education. Until 2018, associate professor Tolipov A.V., candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Adishev I.A., associate professor Arzimatov A.V., candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Yunusov K.A., candidate of medical sciences, Associate Professor Jorakhanov A.V., Ph.D. D., associate professor Mamadaliev K., candidate of medical sciences, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Rakhmonov B., candidate of medical sciences, supervised by associate professor Kiyikboev F.A.
Since 2018, the Department of Primary Education Methods has been headed by Associate Professor D.A. Nurmanova.
Currently, the department has 42 professors (31 full-time, 11 part-time). Of these, 1 is a Doctor of Science, 7 are Candidates of Science, 34 are senior teachers and lecturers.
To date, professors and teachers of the department have published 14 textbooks, 10 electronic textbooks, 61 educational and teaching aids, and more than 400 scientific articles.
In subsequent years, scientific activity at the department increased significantly. In 2022 and 2023, D. Nurmanova defended her doctoral dissertation (2022); I. Okhunov (2022), B. Kadirova (2022), D. Sobirova (2022), M. Madaminova (2022), N. Ismoilova (2023), Z. Madumarovalar (2023 d.) successfully defended their doctoral degree Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). dissertations.
The following doctoral students work at the department on the basis of full-time practice:
1. Akbarov A. 01.01.02 – Differential equations and mathematical physics
2. Joraev E. 10.00.01 – Uzbek language
3. Israilova B. 10.00.01 – Uzbek language
4. Kazimirova R.13.00.02 – Theory and methodology of training and education (in areas)
5. Shermatova G. 10.00.01 – Uzbek language
The department has established cooperative relationships. In particular, there is close contact with Ataturk University (Turkey), Polotsk State University of Belarus and Saratov State National Research University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky (Russia).
A number of activities were held between teachers and students based on the mentor-student tradition. As a result, the owners of the Navoi State Scholarship were Ismanova’s daughter Dilorom Bakhtiardzhon (scientific supervisor R.S. Yankina), Mamajonov’s daughter Mushtari Bakhodirzhan (scientific supervisor Associate Professor D. Nurmanova), Zulunova’s daughter Gulrukhbanu Babirmirzo. Jorakozieva’s daughter Mokhichehra Anvardzhon (scientific supervisor D. Sobirova) won a gold medal at the international competition “THE BEST YOUNG SCIENTISTS OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT STATES-2021”

The Department of General Pedagogy has its own rich and honorable history. From the first days of the existence of the Andijan State Pedagogical Institute, special attention was paid to teaching pedagogy. In the 1930s, an independent section of pedagogical sciences began to work at the institute.
During the war years, teachers of pedagogical sciences worked at the Department of Natural Sciences. The first teachers of pedagogical subjects were A.F.Ardashirov, N.D.Nikitin, V.Makaev. In 1942, 2 teachers of pedagogy worked at the department. In the 1944-1945 academic year, with the expansion of the institute through the opening of correspondence departments, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology was created as an independent educational department.
At that time, the head of the department was the senior lecturer N.D.Nikitin, and the teacher was R.M.Kaziev. Since 1946, the department was headed by A.F.Ardashirov. Since this year, the department has united all teachers and pedagogical leaders of private methods. That year there were 15 teachers working at the department. In 1946-1961 the department was headed by A.F.Ardashirov, in 1961-1963 the department was headed by R.M.Kaziev and M.V.Shelkunov. In subsequent years, associate professors T.Nishonboev (1963-1969), (1974-1977), B.Vakhobjonov (1969-1974), M.Kamoldinov (1978-1993), professor T.Kh.Khasanov taught at the department. (1987). -1998), associate professors K.Turgunboev (1998-2003), A.Teshaboev in 2000-2002, K.Turgunboev in 2002-2004, F.Yunusov in 2004-2005, A.Teshaboev in 2005-2012, 2012 - In 2014 year the head was Z.Azimova, in 2014-2018 M.Artikova, from January 2019 the department was transformed into the department of “General Pedagogy”, Associate Professor N.I.Abdullaeva was elected head, and she still heads the department.
The Department of General Pedagogy achieved high results in scientific and pedagogical potential for 2017-2021. 7 professors and teachers of the department successfully defended their dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences on global topics.

The department was created in 1989 under the name “General Engineering Sciences and Labor”. Associate Professor Sh.Kh.Ikramov was appointed acting head of the department. Associate professors A.B.Baratov, I.M.Sodikov, candidate of technical sciences A.A.Zaparov, senior teachers A.B.Zulunov, A.M.Abdullaev joined the department. In 1990-1991, the director was Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor D.Mamatisakov.
Young teachers L.Olimov and N.Artikov came to work at the department. After Associate Professor D.Mamatisakov became the dean of the Faculty of Physics, in 1991-1992 the department was headed by Associate Professor I.M.Sodikov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A.A.Zaparov. During this period, positive changes took place in the scientific and pedagogical potential of the department, including candidates of technical sciences and associate professors M.Khalilov and Kh.Akbarov. During this period, the premises of educational laboratories were equipped, and the educational and material base of the department was improved.
Relations with Uzbek and foreign higher educational institutions and research institutes have expanded. As a result of optimization work at the university, the department was merged with the department of general physics and began to be managed under the name “General Physics and Engineering Sciences” and was headed by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor U.Abdubokiev. In 1999, as a result of an increase in the number of students and an increase in the number of teaching hours of the department, the department was divided into two departments: “General Physics” and “General Engineering Sciences”. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Kh.Akhunov was elected head of the department. In 2000-2002, it was headed by L.Olimov, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. On his initiative, scientific research on semiconductor materials was launched.
From 2002 to 2015, associate professor A.A.Zaparov worked as the head of the department. Since June 2005, the department has been called “Labor Education”. Professor A.B.Djumaboev, one of the leading scientists of our Republic in the field of composite materials technology, was invited to the department. Since September 2015, the head of the department is Candidate of Technical Sciences M.U.Turaev. Today, the department employs Professor A.B.Djumaboev, associate professors Sh.Kh.Ikromov, A.A.Zaparov, senior teachers S.Ubaydullaev, S.Toshpollatova, M.Nurmatov, assistants G.Mamadzhonova, Sh.Dzhaloldinova, employees R. Tuychiev, M.Kambarova and F.Botirova. Professors and teachers of the department diligently fulfill the tasks of their personal work plans, annual work plans of the department and plans for scientific and methodological seminars, fulfilling the assigned tasks in accordance with the requirements of today.
A branch of the scientific and technological complex “Science and Development” of the Tashkent Technical University was opened at the department, 4 professors and teachers of the department who took part in it defended their Ph.D. dissertations. In 2015-2019, the head of the department was Associate Professor M.U. Turaev, in 2019-2020 – Associate Professor Kh.J.Mansurov. Currently, the department is headed by senior lecturer S.Yu.Toshpulatova.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75