President of our Republic Sh.Mirziyoev has been taking initiative in signing decrees on developing the system of education in higher schools, improving the quality of the education, development of science in the system of Education, improving the intellectual abilities of students by organizing master classes and increasing the productivity and the results of scientific-research activities of teachers and professors, involving students to deal with scientific activities and others. As a practical proof of these works, famous scholars of Uzbek language and literature Yormat Tojiyev and Omonullo Madayev visited our university.
Dean of the faculty, docent B.Rahmonov, head of the department of Uzbek literature Halim Karim, chairman of the department of Uzbek linguistics, professor Diloro Nabiyeva accorded a hearty welcome to the guests. They organized special lessons for students during the meeting, gave them necessary information, and answer the interesting questions asked by students and introduced with the main issues of today’s literature and language. Students greatly benefited scientifically and spiritually from that meeting at the result of conducted lessons and given advice.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75