Andijan State
2018-02-09    7032

In recent days learning Foreign languages is one of the requirements of time. But the terms and phrases belong to the different branches not only are in great importance in conversation but also they are very necessary in writing practice too.  That is why one should work hard to improve his or her knowledge every day. 

International projects have been produced for to solve these kinds of problems. As stated in the Presidential Decree “ On Development measurements of Higher educational system of the Republic of Uzbekistan” to improve the system is an important and necessary step for supporting our state economics with high qualified specialists and increasing the development of professional and academic reading and writing.

A three day interesting seminar organized by Lancaster University department of English and linguistics, Great Britain, the social, economic and scientific research committee (ESRC), Global Research Fond (GCRF), UzTE association and Andijan State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, the department of English Grammar is a real proof of my words.

40 teachers of the faculty taught by professional teachers Dilrabo Axmadalieva and Dilafruz Satimova in the sphere of the project of developing academic written speech skills.  

It is essential to tell the names of Diana Mazgutova  and Tineke Brunfaut while speaking about this project.

Diana Mazgutova – is an author of the project on increasing the level of development of academic reading and writing skills. She defended the Doctor’s dissertation in Lancaster University department of English and linguistics. Doktor  Diana Mazgutova has the Master’s degree in two majors: linguistics and TESOL. Doctor Tineke Brunfaut, her advisor, helped and directed to create the web-page

Tineke Brunfaut – is a teacher of Lancaster University, department of English and linguistics as well as the head of the project. Her investigations contain learning, teaching and assessment of the second language.  She was awarded TOEFL’s famous young academician in 2017 and 2015.

Lancaster University in Great Britain is one of the research universities of 8 in the world. It is supported with finance according to the quality and the capacity of the investigations.

The main purpose of the project is to develop the academic reading and writing skills of Uzbekistan English teachers.

Academic reading and writing skills help teachers to publish their scientific writings in international journals. For this they should be familiar with the requirements of publishing. (to select the appropriate literature, international way of referencing, plagiarism and the ways of avoiding it).

To analyze the writings and comment their achievements and mistakes properly is one of the problem for the EFL teachers.

They recommended some important ways to develop professionally by creating English interactive Web site. According to their recommendations, the teachers and students may develop their skills in 

All the participants were awarded with the certificates at the end of the seminar.

Xurshidaxon AZAMJONOVA
Student of the faculty of Foreign Languages
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