Andijan State
Ensuring the implementation of paragraph 16 of the Annex to the Decree No. PF-87 of March 7, 2022 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further accelerate work on the systematic support of families and women" PROGRAM of measures held within the framework of "16 days against violence" of Andijan State University
2023-11-07    1599


Deputy Governor of Andijan Region, Andijan State University

Chairman and rector of the regional women's committee __________________ MPYunusov ______________ A.S.Yuldashev

"____" ________________ 2019 "____" _____________ 2022

Ensuring the implementation of paragraph 16 of the Annex to the Decree No. PF-87 of March 7, 2022 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further accelerate work on the systematic support of families and women" PROGRAM of measures held within the framework of "16 days against violence" of Andijan State University




Implementation mechanism

I jro term

Responsible for implementation


Conducting "16 days against violence" series and events among students and youth on the theme "Toward a family without violence and a prosperous life" on the occasion of November 25 - the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women .

1. Delivering the action plan to those in charge and fully explaining the essence of each item in it.

2. Start the "16 days against violence" series of events.

3. To control the execution of the tasks in the action plan and to summarize the completed works.

2022 year

Until November 23



November 25



From November 25

Until December 10

Head of the Department of Work with Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment T.Moydinov, Chairwoman of the University Council on Women's Issues U.Ahmedova, Department of Coordination of Student Accommodation D Abidova, university psychologist O. Mukhtorov, deputy deans and all tutors


Organization of promotional activities on the topic "Each of us is responsible for preventing domestic violence" .

1. Establishing the organization of promotional activities in cooperation with relevant organizations at the university and all labor teams.

2. Increasing the legal literacy of women in university labor teams.

3. Ensuring wide media coverage of events.

2022 year

From November 25

Until December 10


From November 25

Until December 10



Head of the Department of Work with Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment T. Moydinov, Senior Legal Consul M. Sodikova, Chairwoman of the University Council on Women's Issues U. Ahmedova, University Press Secretary I. Dzumbayev, Dean o Principals and all tutors


Organization of seminars and trainings on the topic "Cases of harassment and violence against women and protection from them" with the participation of representatives of competent bodies in the field of protection of women from harassment and violence

1. Organization of propaganda and campaigning activities related to cases of harassment and violence against women and protection from them.

2. At the university taking measures to increase legal literacy by organizing seminars and trainings.

3. To provide wide media coverage of the seminars and trainings held.

2022 year

27 - until November




November 28




November 28-30

Head of the Department of Work with Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment T.Moydinov, Chairman of the University Council on Women's Issues U.Ahmedova, Senior Legal Consul of the University M.Sadigova University Press Secretary I.Dzumbayev University inspector U. Nazarov, deputy deans and all tutors


Organization of challenges through social networks on the topics "We support protection of women and girls from oppression and violence" and "We are against violence " and conducting essay contests among students on these topics.

1. Organizing a challenge among students through social networks.

2. To hold an essay competition at the university and to determine the winners of the competition by the working group.

3. Promotion of contest winners.

2022 year

From November 25


December 10



December 5

the youth work, spirituality and enlightenment department T.Moydinov , the chairman of the university council on women's issues U.Ahmedova, the press secretary of the university I.Dzhumabayev, deputy deans and all tutors


organizing an event dedicated to the International Human Rights Day under the slogan "Protection of human rights - a guarantee of development" .

1. Organization in the form of open dialogues, round talks, meetings at the university.

2. Coverage of events through television and other mass media.

2022 year

From November 25



Until December 10

T.Moydinov, Head of the Department of Work with Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment, Senior legal consul M. Sodikova, chairwoman of the university council on women's issues U. Ahmedova, university press secretary I. Djumbabayev, deputy deans and all tutors


Organization of a university-wide conference within the framework of the series of events "16 days against violence" held under the slogan "We are against violence" in connection with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25

1. Taking measures to hold the conference at a high level.

2. Organizing a university-wide conference.

3. To ensure wide coverage of the conference in mass media and social networks

December 1-8 , 2022



December 9



T.Moydinov, Head of the Department of Work with Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment, the chairman of the university council on women's issues U.Ahmedova, the press secretary of the university I.Dzumbayev, the inspector of the university U.Nazarov, deputy deans and all tutors


Holding the opening presentation of the "Young Psychologists' Club" at the Republican Center for Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Women

1. Signing cooperation agreements with psychology departments at the university.

2. Development of "Young Psychologists Club" Regulations and topics of practical psychological training for students.

3. Forming a list of interested students.

4. Women among 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade students of the Faculty of Psychology of the University rehabilitation and adaptation and holding roundtable discussions about it.

5. Holding the ceremonial opening of the Young Psychologists Club as part of a 16-day series of events.


2022 year

Until November 30






until December 5







Until December 10

T.Moydinov, Head of the Department of Work with Youth , Spirituality and Enlightenment, U.Ahmedova, chairperson of the university women's department, O.Mukhtorov, university psychologist, I.Dzumbayev, press secretary of the university vice deans and all tutors


Organization of roundtable discussions within the framework of "16 days against violence" in order to increase the legal literacy of students and strengthen their "Ideological immunity" against violations and criminality .


1. Organization of roundtable discussions on the topic "Youth and Law" in order to inform university students about the negative consequences of "Popular culture" and the dangers of the Internet.

2. Covering the roundtable in the media.

2022 year

From November 25

Until December 10

Head of youth work, spirituality and enlightenment department T.Moydinov, senior legal consul M.Sodigova, chairperson of the university council on women's issues U.Ahmedova, university press secretary I.Dzhumabayev, dean deputies and all tutors


Essay competition on "Violence against women and ways to prevent it" among university students .

1. Announcing a competition among university students and distributing the announcement through partners and existing social networks, Facebook page, Telegram, "Uzbekistan NGO" Telegram channels, etc.

Essay: In this;

- Ensure that the essay is written in English, Uzbek or Russian, and contains at least 250 words;

- in the essay, focusing on the issues of gender equality, women's rights, human rights, gender separation and discrimination in the family and society, and most importantly, conveying to the participants that the problem of violence against women and ways to prevent it are covered;

2022 year

From November 25

Until December 10

T.Moydinov, Head of the Department of Work with Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment, Press secretary of the university I. Dzhumabayev, chairman of the department for women's issues of the university U. Ahmedova,

Khodjamberdiev K.A.
Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual Educational
129 st.Universitet,
Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,
Telephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30
Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14
How to get there: Taxi in direction 75
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