Andijan State
In the academic year 202023-2024 to be carried out with partner organizations at Andijan State University on “prevention of drug addiction among student-youth” and “fight against the spread of drugs among youth” PLAN OF MEASURES
2023-11-07    666


I confirm"

Andijan State University


______________ A.S.Yuldashev

_____” __________ 2023

"I confirm”

Head of Andijan region Narcological dispensary

______________ _____________

_____” __________ 2023

"I confirm”

Deputy chairman of the Regional Commission for Drug Control under the government of Andijan region

______________ N.N.Mominov

_____” __ 2023


In the academic year 202023-2024 to be carried out with partner organizations at Andijan State University on “prevention of drug addiction among student-youth” and “fight against the spread of drugs among youth


Name of events performed

Duration of execution

Responsible for execution


Improvement of propaganda work on the basis of special guidelines aimed at revealing the essence of the danger of drug addiction, terrorism, religious extremism, missionary work and proselytism, information resource centers, classrooms, youth union enrichment with thematic literature, posters and the organization of special corners, establishment of effective and efficient use of specially prepared videos, booklets, handouts in the educational process process and extracurricular activities.

During the 2023-2024

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


The hanging of slogans, panels within the theme on the main building and in appropriate places, the organization of an exhibition of books by the information resource center in the of the hall of university.

During the 2023-2024

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


Organization of the “space of dialogue with parents” events in all academic groups in order to familiarize parents of students with the existing problems of student life and the educational process, to study, identify and achieve solutions to these problems through interaction, as well as to ensure constant cooperation between parents.


2024 November

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


Screening documentaries that reveal the true nature of addiction.


Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


At all faculties, employees of the internal affairs and health authorities (drug treatment dispensary, AIDS center) and other specialists take part in the work of student dormitories, who organize lectures, round tables, meetings on the topic “harm and severe consequences of narcotic drugs” according to the established schedule, demonstrate videos at meetings

During the year

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


Holding meetings and round tables in student dormitories on topics such as “we are against “mass culture”,” we with our people on the way to prosperity",” the influence of drugs on human life “

2023 December

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


Organization of information hours on the topic ”harm and severe consequences of narcotic drugs".

Extensive use of television equipment and video projectors in order to increase the efficiency of activities)

During the 2023-2024

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


In all university groups, there are calls for vigilance of young students exposing the vices of drug addiction, AIDS “we are against drug addiction" holding a contest of essays, creative works and essays on the topic .

During the year

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


Organization of propaganda events on the topic "effective ways to overcome such problems as offenses, drug addiction, immorality, negatively affecting the moral state of young people."

2024 February

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


Every year in June, the university holds a ”month of struggle against drugs", as well as on June 26 - the International Day of Struggle against Drugs at a high level.

In due time

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


During the ”month of struggle against drug addiction ", tutors organize control over the work of dormitories and the living conditions of students living in rent, conduct individual conversations with students and landlords with the participation of group coaches.

During the 2023-2024

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


Organization of the following competitions among university students on the topic “harm and severe consequences of drugs”, material and moral encouragement of the winners of the competition:

a) essay contest;

b) poster contest;

c) sports competitions;

During the 2023-2024

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


Carrying out information and educational work in the areas adjacent to the university, colleges and academic lyceums, secondary schools within the framework of the month ”month of combating the spread of drugs among young people".


Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


Organization of educational activities aimed at realizing the interests and aspirations of students with disabilities, low-income and in need of social protection.

2024 March-April

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


Extensive coverage in the media, including on the ASU website, in social networks of materials prepared for the organization and holding of events at a high level

During the 2023-2024

Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


Timely communication to the Ministry and the regional khokimiyat of information about the work carried out at the university to combat drug consumption and illegal drug trafficking.


Head of the Department for Youth Work, Spirituality and Education, Deputy Deans, tutors


Khodjamberdiev K.A.
Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual Educational
129 st.Universitet,
Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,
Telephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30
Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14
How to get there: Taxi in direction 75
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