Andijan State
Report on scientific research activities conducted at Andijan State University
2023-11-07    682

In 2023, Andijan State University has a total of 696 professors and teachers, including 253 (44 Doctor of Science (DSc), 209 Candidate of Science (PhD)) professors and teachers. Scientific potential is (36.35%) together with the pluralism.

A total of 202 students are studying in basic doctoral studies (PhD), 10 students in targeted basic doctoral studies, 18 students in doctoral studies (DSc), and 7 students in research university.

In addition, the percentage of people with scientific degrees under the age of 40 is 43 (17%).

There are 7 Scientific Councils awarding scientific degrees at the university. In these Scientific Councils 02.00.09 - "Chemistry of goods" and 14.00.41 - "Folk medicine", 07.00.01-"History of Uzbekistan", 08.00.13- "Management", 10.00.01-Uzbek language, 10.00.02 - " Uzbek Literature", 09.00.04 - "Social Philosophy", 13.00.02 - "Theory and Methodology of Education and Training" (philosophical sciences), 03.00.10 - Doctor of Science (DSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) scientific degrees in ecological specialties are given.

In 2022, a total of 43 doctoral theses were defended, including 36 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and 7 Doctor of Science (DSc) theses.

In 2021-2022, professors and teachers of the university published 1,028 scientific articles in the journals of the OAK list, 1,140 (7,331 citations Google Scholar) in foreign journals, and 71 (172 citations) in SCOPUS journals.

The university has 6 scientific projects within the framework of state programs related to scientific activity. Within the framework of these scientific projects, improved software algorithms of 11-language interactive-developing terminological electronic educational dictionary for concrete and natural sciences for grades 5-11 were developed in the structures of mobile applications of intellectual platforms. They were placed on the "Play Market" platform. 2 doctoral theses and 1 PhD theses were defended. 11 lectures were given at the international conference. Participated in local conferences with 2 lectures. 11 articles were published in local magazines. 816 scientific works were published in foreign journals. 500 terms annotated. 13 DGUs were obtained. 5 articles were published in Higher Attestation Commission recognized journals. New constructions of highly efficient photoelectric energy devices have been developed and patented.

Funds received from scientific research conducted on the basis of state grants at Andijan State University in the last two years are calculated for one professor-teacher: the amount received in 2022 is 3479.5 mln. 2,887 million soums per teacher. amounted to soum. The amount received in 2023 is 3113.5 mln. 3.751 million soums per teacher. amounted to soum.

A total of 2 billion 550 million soums were allocated for 3 start-ups and 1 fundamental projects from the extra-budgetary funds of Andijan State University.

In 2022, 36 articles were published in "Scopus" and "WOS" databases by professors working at the university, which is 5% per one professor.

In order to publish the main scientific results of the dissertation works, the following scientific journal under the management of the Higher Attestation Commission has been launched at Andijan State University:

Scientific Bulletin Journal:

Scientific bulletin. Series: Humanities Studies;

Scientific bulletin. Series: Pedagogical studies;

Scientific bulletin. Series: Chemical Studies;

Scientific bulletin. Series: Biological studies;

Scientific bulletin. Series: Physical-mathematical studies.

Journal of commodity chemistry and folk medicine.

Necessary conditions have been created for research related to laboratory experiments in the scientific laboratory of the Department of Chemistry, the scientific laboratory of the Department of Zoology and Biochemistry, and the scientific laboratory of Renewable Energy Sources are conducting experiments. The university has leading scientific schools in the fields of "Semiconductors" under the leadership of academician S.Zaynabiddinov, "Renewable energy sources" under the leadership of professor R.Aliev, "Commodity chemistry and folk medicine" under the leadership of professor I.Askarov, "Victims of repression" under the leadership of professor R.Shamsuddinov.

The department for organizing scientific and research activities of talented students regularly conducts seminars and trainings for students on writing scientific articles, creating and publishing articles according to the demands of local and foreign magazines. In order to interest students in scientific activities and business, the contests "Best project", "Best article", "Best development" are held among students, and the winners are encouraged with cash prizes.

Contacts were established with Lachin Italmazova, the regional coordinator of the Times Higher Education international rating, and the profile of Andijan State University was created on the electronic portal of Times Higher Education, and the university's information was posted on the portal. Andijan State University was included in the 2022 The Impact ranking along with 30 Institution of higher educations in the Republic. In 2023, it was ranked in The Impact ranking together with 47 Institution of higher educations in the Republic. What is more, the necessary information to participate in the World University Ranking 2023 ranking of this ranking has been posted on the portal.

The profile of Andijan State University was created on the QS electronic portal, and university information was posted on the portal after contacts were established with the regional coordinator of the QS international rating Sergey Kristalyubov. All the necessary information to participate in the QS World University Rankings Asia 2023 has been posted on the portal.

The profile of Andijan State University was created on the UI GreenMetric international green rating portal. The necessary documents for UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2023 are being uploaded to the portal.

Plans related to scientific activities and information on their implementation:

Every academic year, the vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations, in cooperation with his departments, develops an annual calendar work plan, which is reviewed by the university council and approved by the rector.

In order to ensure the implementation of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 24, 2019 No. 1030 "On the procedure for paying additional remuneration to employees with academic degrees engaged in scientific, scientific-pedagogical and labor activities in state organizations in the field of science and education" at the university today regularly, depending on the results achieved by academic professors working in the main state of the university in the calendar year, bonuses are given to doctors of philosophy from 30% to doctors of science from 60%.

The employees who successfully defended their dissertations at the university were awarded by the Council of Andijan State University on October 5, 2018.

It is being encouraged based on the decision of the meeting No. 2. In accordance with paragraph 16 of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 696 of November 6, 2020, (To those who defended their doctoral thesis prepared for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of Science (DSc) before the end of the study period, as well as to their scientific supervisors and consultants, by the order of the head of the institution, the appropriate scholarship provided for the remaining period (term) of the study period and the doctoral student In the amount of the total amount of the payment for the work carried out with, the reward will be paid within a maximum of 20 days from the date of presentation of the relevant diploma.)doctoral students (DSc), basic doctoral students (PhD) will receive the appropriate scholarship for the remaining period of the study period and scientific supervisors with the doctoral student the remaining amount of hourly wages was paid for the work done (paragraph 16, based on the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-471 of December 30, 2022, became invalid on January 1, 2023).

I.A. Karimjanov
Vice rector for research and innovations
129 st.Universitet,
Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,
Telephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30
Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14
How to get there: Taxi in direction 75
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