Andijan State
Information on international relations implemented at Andijan State University
2023-11-07    681

During the 2022-2023 academic year, the work provided for in the work plan of the International Cooperation Department is carried out in the prescribed manner.

In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 2/24-4/1-5381 dated September 13, 2022, the Higher School of Public Administration of the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Service under the President of the Russian Federation (“RANEPA”) is the head of the countries CIS. Head of the Department of International Cooperation at Andijan State University I. Ya. Gasanov participates in 6-module retraining, internship and advanced training courses. The duration of the program is 9 months, successful graduates are provided with a diploma and certificate.

Report of the 11th meeting of the Republican Commission on working with international ratings and indices dated March 28, 2023 and monitoring the implementation of the tasks set in the action plan for 2023 to improve the position of the Republic of Uzbekistan in priority international ratings. ratings and indicators of the socio-economic sphere in accordance with paragraph 8.2(92) of the plan, brochures and flyers were prepared in April with information about the benefits established for foreign citizens and the services offered by the university for their implementation. advertising activities for the export of educational services.

In order to increase the share of foreign students studying at the university, on May 5-8, 2023, the department of international cooperation will provide information about the university to school graduates and citizens of the Osh and Jalalabad regions of the Kyrgyz Republic in order to attract foreign applicants for the 2023-2024 academic year who returned after completing work. Foreign citizens were offered 3 levels of education: bachelor's, master's and basic doctoral studies; detailed information about student residence and library, sports facilities and excursions to historical cities.

On January 10, 2022, an agreement was signed with "AKI INTER" LLC of the Republic of Azerbaijan in order to attract foreign citizens to study at Andijan State University.

In order to provide convenience to foreign applicants, the online document acceptance platform was launched.

Andijan State University has signed bilateral contracts, memoranda and agreements with 45 prestigious higher education institutions, research centers and institutes of the world. Active cooperation has been established with 13 higher educational institutions. Exchange of professors and teachers and students, organization of international scientific and practical conferences, development and implementation of international grant projects, seminar trainings and master classes are being carried out with these foreign partner higher education institutions. Joint educational programs have been established with 3 universities. Starting from the 2024-2025 academic year, it is planned to admit students to the joint educational program with Aegean University of the Republic of Turkey.

The IRENES project funded by the Asian Development Bank, an international project worth 140,000 US dollars, was implemented and a modern experimental scientific laboratory on the use of alternative energy sources was established at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the university. Modern scientific and technical equipment was brought to this laboratory from Spain, Russia, Germany and remotely connected to the Oxford scientific research center.

From 2023 to 2026, funded by the European Union's "Erasmus+" fund, "101083216 - ECAMPUZ European" aims to increase capacity, develop and implement sustainable tools to address national priorities related to "Sustainable growth and jobs" in the food sector in Uzbekistan. World Talent Camp for Uzbekistan Scientists in Food Science and Technology — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE" project is being implemented. The budget of the project is 717355 €.

"DEBSEUz Project" grant project (worth 80,000 €) has been developed in the Republic for the training of highly qualified personnel for the operation and maintenance of solar power systems and their components.

In 2024-2025, it is planned to attract investment in the amount of $50,000 from the Aegean University of Turkey to establish a chemistry laboratory at the university.

In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 2/24-4/4-1015, a forum of technical higher education institutions of Uzbekistan and Turkey was organized in Izmir, Turkey on June 9-10, 2022. Within this forum, the rector of Andijan State University A. S. Yuldashev met with the chancellors of many Turkish universities and discussed the possible directions of cooperation in the future, and on the 4th evening, there was a presentation with information about Andijan region, HEIs in the region, and Andijan State University, and a lecture on "Prospects of cooperation between Andijan State University and Turkish higher education institutions." participated with At the end of the lecture, he presented his proposals to Turkish HEIs. As a result of participation in the forum, several cooperation memoranda and contracts were signed between Andijan State University and prestigious universities of Turkey.

On October 26-27, 2022, the rector of Andijan State University held talks with representatives of several higher education institutions of the Russian Federation at the "III-Uzbekistan - Russian Education Forum" organized in the city of Samarkand. Cooperation agreements were signed with St. Petersburg State University and Tomsk State University of the Russian Federation.

On November 27-30, 2022, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research of the Republic of France, the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the French organization Campus France (CAMPUS FRANCE), the Embassy of Uzbekistan in France and the Embassy of France in Uzbekistan organized as a result of the cooperation of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research of the Republic of France "II-Uzbekistan - Rector of Andijan State University A. at the "French Education Forum". S. Yuldashev held a meeting with Mrs. Karine Chakki, a representative of the international relations department of the INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées) institute, and discussed the directions of mutual cooperation. Also, the rector of Andijan State University, the head of the department of international cooperation relations of the INS HEA national institute, Prof. Sofi Gindt, and the representative of the "Erasmus+" foundation held a discussion within the framework of the forum. There was an exchange of views on the directions of education in France, the education system and the perspectives of cooperation, the more effective use of the opportunities of the "Erasmus+" fund, the requirements and stages of participation in the projects were exchanged.

A cooperation agreement was signed between Andijan State University and Tongmyong University of the Republic of Korea at the "Uzbekistan-Korea Rectors' Forum" held on March 27, 2023 in Tashkent.

Decision PQ-3775 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to increase the quality of education in higher education institutions and ensure their active participation in comprehensive reforms implemented in the country" and PQ- In order to ensure the performance of the tasks defined in the decision No. 2909, and to improve the training of personnel that meets world standards, Andijan State University has implemented joint educational programs in 7 educational fields at the bachelor's level (2+2) and at the master's level (1+1) with 3 foreign higher education institutions. is coming In particular, from the 2019-2020 academic year, joint educational programs were organized with Mordovia State University of the Russian Federation and Polotsk State University of the Republic of Belarus, and from the 2020-2021 academic year with Tomsk State University of the Russian Federation:

With Mordovia State University: "Philology and language teaching: Russian language" (bachelor's degree) and "Biology" (master's degree);

With Polotsk State University: "Technological education" and "Tourism" (bachelor's degree);

With Tomsk State University: "Business Management", "Biology" and "Archival Studies" (Bachelor's Degree).

In accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 6, 2021 No. 421 "On the procedure for organizing educational activities on the basis of joint educational programs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign partner higher education organizations", documents related to joint educational programs were studied and amendments and additions were made in the prescribed manner. It was submitted for examination by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Currently, 46 students are studying at the 2nd stage based on joint educational programs, 55 are currently studying at the 3rd stage, 36 at the 4th stage, a total of 137 students are studying at the partner foreign HEIs. In 2022, 2 students studying "Biology" specialty (1+1) completed the master's degree.

The professors and teachers of the university regularly participate directly or remotely in training programs, internship programs, webinars and seminars organized by foreign partner HEIs.

In paragraph 6 of the target indicators approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 8, 2019 "On approval of the concept of the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030" PF-5847 to 10%, and paragraph 7 sets the task of increasing the share of foreign professors and teachers involved in higher education institutions of the Republic to 5% in 2023. In order to ensure the implementation of this decree, in March-April 2022, 12 professors and teachers of the university received distance training at the Perm National Research Polytechnic University of the Russian Federation. In March 2023, 6 teachers of the Department of Russian Language and Literature participated in the seminar on the Russian language organized by the St. Petersburg State University of the Russian Federation.

From March 21 to May 21, 2022, the basic doctoral student of the university R. Kazimirova returned from a research internship at the University of Putra, Malaysia.

From October 7 to November 7, 2022, the head of the "Department of Ecology and Botany" of the university N. Naralieva and teachers of this department M. Kushbakova and Z. The Teshabaevas were on a scientific internship at the Aegean University of the Republic of Turkey.

From November 7 to February 11, 2022, the basic doctoral student of the university N. Abdurazzakov, on November 21-30, 2023, 4 professors and teachers of the university returned from an internship at Sannio University in Italy within the framework of the KA107 MOBILITA EXTRA-UE International Credit Mobility project financed by the European Union "Erasmus+" fund.

On February 1-28, 2023, the teacher of the "Department of Music Education" A. Sidikova returned from a research internship at the Kazan Federal University of the Russian Federation.

From March 14 to April 13, 2023, the teacher of the "Department of Botany" G. Ergasheva did a research internship at Aegean University of the Republic of Turkey.

From March 10 to May 5, 2023, the head of the International Cooperation Department of the university I. I. Hasanov attended the advanced training course at St. Petersburg State University of the Russian Federation.

In Andijan State University from January 1, 2022 to June 1, 2023, students from leading foreign higher education institutions, including: Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Malaysia, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, and the Republic of Turkey, will receive classes. a total of 15 professors and teachers were involved.

From January 1, 2022 to June 1, 2023, the university implemented a student exchange program with foreign HEIs four times. 19 students of Osh State Pedagogical University of the Kyrgyz Republic and 40 students of Osh State University, a total of 59 students of foreign HEIs studied at Andijan State University.

I. A. Karimjanov
Vice-rector on scientific affairs and innovations
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