Andijan State
INFORMATION On the work done in the direction of spiritual and moral education during the 2021 academic year at Andijan State University
2022-11-10    3871


On January 16, 2021, educational seminars were organized for the faculty of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Faculty and students of 1 and 2 courses to study the Message of the President to the Oliy Majlis dated December 29, 2021 in the assembly hall of the Andijan State University. It was emphasized at the seminar that the basis of the third renaissance, the development of the education and training system, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the development of science and innovation should serve as the main pillars of our national idea.

On January 16-28, 2021, training sessions were held at the department of faculties according to the Message of Sh.M. Mirziyoyev of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the large assembly hall of the university. All students took part in the round table. During the interview, the working group, organized by the teachers of the Department of Civil Society Theory, presented presentations and lectures prepared in accordance with the Petition.

The speakers explained the essence of the Message of the President and answered the questions of the participants, emphasizing that 2021 was declared in our country as the Year of Supporting Youth and Improving the Health of the Population, which will open up greater opportunities for young people, and that young people should contribute to the development of the country.

On January 6, 2021, the teacher of the Department of Music Education of the Faculty of Arts Orifjanov Kh. held a round table on the topic "Corruption in the country" with the participation of academic groups 106-107, vocal art: traditional singing. 39 students took part in the round discussion.

On January 17, 2021, the Faculty of Philology of Andijan State University, under the leadership of Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs A. Ergashev, held a round table with students of the Faculty of Philology in the 1st student residence on the topic "Youth potential - future success" in order to prevent corruption. The conversation was full of heated discussions. The event made a good impression on the gathered students, they received relevant answers to their questions.

On January 18, 2021, professors and teachers of the Department of Uzbek Literature of the Faculty of Philology of Andijan State University took part in the presentation of the work of the writer Farid Usman "King Babur" at the creative school of Muhammad Yusuf in Andijan. . Halim Karim, Associate Professor at the Department of Uzbek Literature, expressed his opinion about the work and read samples of his new poems. At the same time, the senior lecturer of the department B. Mominov spoke in detail about the work. The students who attended the event left a good impression and received adequate answers to their questions about the work.

On January 18, 2021, the teacher of the Department of Methods of Preschool Education of the Faculty of Preschool Education S. Tadjibaev held a “Lesson of Mastery” on the topic “Drawing Techniques by Non-Traditional Methods” a refresher course for educators of preschool education organizations was organized for students at the Regional Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Education Workers of Andijan Region . About 30 participants took part in the seminar. Teachers and students of the department also watched this mastery lesson.

On January 8, 2021, the UZBEKISTAN-24 FACT-24 TV channel showed a video about Mukhlisa Mashrabova, a student of the Faculty of Arts of Andijan State University in vocal performance: traditional singing, laureate of international competitions.

On January 18, 2021, a round table on the interests of students was held at the Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Engineering. At the event, 1st year students were involved in the choice of areas of interest to them and the organization of the work of clubs at the faculty in this area.

On January 18, 2021, 25 students of grades 10-11 of the school under the guidance of Rufina Rafailovna, Deputy Director for Spiritual and Educational Work of the Presidential School "Followers of I.A. Karimov" of Andijan State University, leader of the Youth Union E. Khoshimov's students visited. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics for Youth Valiev U. gave information about 2 educational areas of the faculty and introduced students to the computer classes of the faculty and gave them brief explanations about computer technologies and the effective use of the Internet.

On January 18, 2021, the head of group 102 of the Department of General Technical Sciences and Labor Education of the Pedagogical Faculty Saidnazarova T. held a round table on the topic “Education without corruption”. It was attended by teachers and students. In a round discussion, each student was called to fight against this evil. 28 students took part in the round discussion.

On January 18, 2021, the accompanist of the Department of Music Education of the Faculty of Arts Madaminkhodzhaev U. held a round table on the topic “Fighting the spread of drugs among young people” in group 202 of the 2nd year. 22 students took part in the round discussion.

On January 19, 2021, an online roundtable discussion was held at the Faculty of History on the topic "Educational and moral foundations of preventing and fighting corruption in educational institutions." Deputy dean I. Djumaboev, youth leader G. Mamatov, 52 students took part in the roundtable discussion.

In this roundtable discussion, the deputy dean I.Dzhumaboev explained to the students that the term corruption is derived from the Latin word "orruptio" and means bribery, corruption, work, moral (spiritual) violation, usually from the authority and rights given to him by an official. , emphasized that it means that they use the position of official influence, opportunities and connections for their own personal interests contrary to the laws and ethics.

On January 19, 2021, the general pedagogy department of the Faculty of Pedagogy held an extended roundtable discussion on the topic "Globalization and youth" by the 2nd year group coaches I. Sattarova, N. Toshtemirova and M. Mahammatova. As the main topic of the roundtable discussion, the "Culture" foreign to our mentality, which is coming from western countries today, was discussed.

On January 19, 2021, the head of the dean of the faculty of preschool education, Z.E. Azimova, held a roundtable discussion with the graduate students of preschool education on the topic "Increasing the quality and number of scientific and pedagogical articles". 12 graduate students participated in the interview. The audience got additional information on what to focus on when writing articles and which scientific journals and websites to use.

On January 19, 2021, the concertmaster of the Department of Music Education of the Faculty of Arts, F. Ubaydullaeva, held a roundtable discussion on the topic "The right choice of profession determines the future" at the 6th TTJ. 31 students participated in the round discussion.

On January 19, 2021, a program on the educational activities of Mahmudhoja Behbudi was organized on Andijan regional television in the "Creation Gulshan" column. Professors and teachers of the Department of Uzbek Literature of Andijan State University, Faculty of Philology H. Karimov, M. Tojiboeva, B. Mominov took part in it.

On January 19, 2021, a book reading event was held between departments of the faculty on the initiative of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering under the project "One book per week". At the event, there were questions and answers on O'tkir Hoshimov's book "There is light, there is shadow" and intensive roundtable discussions.

On January 19, 2021, in connection with the PATRIOTIC month, a competition was organized by the youth union of the faculty for the dean's cup among female students of the faculty of foreign languages. 12 selected teams from all groups of the faculty participated in the organized competition. The goal is to select talented young people from among 12 teams for the development of girls' sports at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and to make them participate in university competitions. The teams participating in the competition are as follows:

1. "Diamond" team consisting of students of French language 101 group.

2. "Aristocrats" team consisting of students of the French language 102 group.

3. English language and literature course, 1st year, group 103 "Lucky" group.

4. English language and literature, 1st year, group 105, "Inborn talents" group.

5. English language and literature, 1st year, group 102, "Legendary" team.

6. English language and literature course, 1st year, group 109, "Svangs" team.

7. English language and literature, 1st year, group 102, "Legendary" group.

8. Course of accompanying English language guide, 1st year, group 101, "Prodigy" group.

9. English language and literature, 1st year, group 108, "Princesses" group.

10. English language and literature, 2nd year, group 230, "Sport girls" team.

11. English language and literature, 2nd year, group 213 "Eagle" team.

12. English language and literature, 3rd year, group 303 "Tigers" team.

According to the end of the competition

1st place went to the "Diamond" team made up of students of the French language course.

The 2nd place was awarded to the "Tigers" team of 3rd-year English language and literature students.

3rd place was won by "Swangs" team of 1st year English language and literature students.

The winners were duly awarded by the management of the faculty.

On January 19, 2021, a conversation aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle was organized on the "Active Youth" telegram channel of the Faculty of Philology in cooperation with the head of the AndSU medical branch M. Isaqova and nurse M. Shermatova to encourage professors, teachers and employees to walk and run daily.

On January 20, 2021, at the Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering, the "Dean's Cup" competition was held among students of all groups of the faculty under the slogan "Sports Health Pledge". 100 students from 10 groups took part in the competition. At the end of the competition, the team of 2nd year students of Informatics Teaching Methodology took the 1st place, the 1st year students of Mathematics and Informatics took the 2nd place, and the team of 3rd year students of Informatics Teaching Methodology took the 3rd place. .

On January 19-21, 2021, a competition was organized under the motto "Sports Health Pledge" among faculty members and employees of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​in the fields of football and volleyball. The competition lasted 3 days. Teams of professors and teachers of the department of English language and literature of the faculty and the staff of the dean's office won the right to participate in the final stage of the competition.

In the final, the staff of the dean's office won the victory over English phonetics with a score of 5-3 in volleyball. In the football type of sport, the Department of English Language and Literature defeated the staff of the Dean's Office with a score of 5-1 and won the championship.

On January 20, 2021, in cooperation with Andijan regional television, the program "Look at talent" was shown under the leadership of M. Hakimov, a teacher of the department of music education of the Faculty of Arts. Department teachers K. Toshtemirov, Kh. Orifjanov and talented students of vocal art: traditional singing, 106th group student Go'zaloy Mirzaolimova, 107th group student Shokhboz Hamidov took part in the show.

On January 20, 2021, a discussion on the topic "Internet safety" was organized among students living in the 1st student residence of Andijan State University in the computer room organized by A. Ergashev, the deputy dean of the Faculty of Philology for youth work. In the conversation, the security rules, information security issues and the Republic of Uzbekistan According to the decision of the Supreme Court of March 12, 2019, the websites of the world information network "" and "" and the information resources of "Facebook", "Youtube" and "Telegram" and the banned profile on social networks , channel and pages were mentioned.

On January 20, 2021, professors and teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​organized a conversation on the topic of "Internet safety" for students and young people in the computer room organized in the residences of 4-5 students. In the interview, the security rules, information security issues that may arise when students use the Internet, and according to the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March 12, 2019, the websites of the world information network "" and "" and "Facebook","Youtube" and "Telegram" information resources and banned profiles, channels and pages in social networks were mentioned. In addition, it was explained to all students that students who used prohibited social networks and took part in spreading them to other friends without their knowledge will be prosecuted. Employees of ATM department of the university participated in the event with their lectures.

On January 20, 2021, students studying at the Faculty of Preschool Education, under the leadership of group coaches, participated in a training seminar organized by professors and teachers of the Department of Civil Society to study the address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Oliy Majlis on December 29, 2021 at Andijan State University. 331 students from the faculty of preschool education participated in the seminar.

On January 20, 2021, performances of the visual arts creative circle and its activities, which were established in order to strengthen the cooperation relations of the TSMG department of the Faculty of Arts with the Academic Lyceum under AndU, were shown on Andijan regional television. A. Mamitaliev, teacher of TSMG department, member of the Union of Artists of Uzbekistan, gave a "Skills lesson".

On January 20, 2021, the vice-rector of the National University of Uzbekistan, candidate of political sciences, associate professor Kamoliddin Mansurovich held a seminar-training for the students of the 201st group of the Faculty of History on the topic of the history of socio-political processes and geopolitical realities that are relevant at the moment. In this seminar, an expert in the field gave comprehensive explanations to students and youth regarding the contents of the President's Address to the Parliament on December 29, 2021.

On January 20, 2021, the senior teacher of the Department of Uzbek Literature, Faculty of Philology of Andijan State University Ph.D. Zilola Eshonova organized a discussion on the topic of ethics of Hazrat Mir Alisher Navoi, a great child of the Uzbek people, great thinker, poet, scientist and statesman, under the column "Spiritual confusion" on the regional radio.

On January 20, 2021, the teachers of the Department of Music Education of the Faculty of Arts, Ya. Tursunkho'jaeva and M. Rakhimova held a roundtable discussion among the students of the 1st year, group 101-102, on the topic "Drug addiction is a plague of the century, let's protect our youth from it." 46 students participated in the round discussion.

On January 21, 2021, A. Medatov, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering, O. Olimjonov, the leader of the primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, O. Olimjonov, Deputy Dean M. Djuraboev, senior teacher G. Temirova, and 230 students from the 1st-3rd years of the faculty " A meeting was held in the hall of faculty activists on the topic "Corruption is the future". It was explained to the students that corruption is a bad vice, and the leader of the primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, O. Olimjonov, gave an understanding of the conditions created for the students by the youth union.

On January 21, 2021, teachers of the department of general pedagogy of the Faculty of Pedagogy, F.Komilova, Z.Mamajonova and H.Gulomkadirova, held a roundtable discussion among the students of the faculty on the topic "Technology and education". At the round table, insights were given about the standards of use of business networks, entertainment games and technical tools, which are increasingly entering our lives today.

On January 21, 2021, a roundtable discussion was held at the Faculty of History regarding the address of Sh.M. Mirziyoev of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Deputy dean I. Djumaboev and 55 students took part in this roundtable discussion. During the interview, the deputy dean I. Djumaboev explained the content of the President's address to the students and answered the students' questions.

On January 21, 2021, professors and teachers of the Department of Preschool Education Methodology of the Faculty of Preschool Education, Assoc. F. Kiyikboev, A. Isroilov, and N. Khaytboev held a roundtable discussion on the topic of "My golden age as a student" with students living in the 3rd student residence. During the roundtable discussion, students were told that they should use the opportunities created for them widely and effectively. 43 students participated in the round discussion.

On January 21, 2021, the "Qodiriyhonlik" night dedicated to the life and work of Abdulla Qadiri was held among the students of the faculty in order to study the works of great representatives of our literature at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. The participation of the senior teacher of the Department of Uzbek Literature of the Faculty of Philology Hurshidakhan Polvonova in the event helped to further strengthen the knowledge of the young people of the faculty. The purpose of the event is to increase the sense of patriotism among young people, to remember our Great Scholars and to become worthy heirs of our ancestors, not only to be their followers, but also to widely promote reading among all students of our faculty.

On January 21, 2021, in all academic groups under the jurisdiction of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, a high-level event was held on the topics "Information and coaching hour" "Humanity - a symbol of perfection". The trainings were conducted in accordance with the materials provided by the Ministry of Higher Education's Spirituality Department.

On January 21, 2021, a meeting was held in the building of the Faculty of History with the participation of students who were admitted to study after military service and who applied for financial support from the Youth Union of Uzbekistan.

This meeting was attended by the deputy dean of the faculty, I. Dzhumaboev, the leader of the primary organization of Andijan State University, O. Olimjonov, the youth leader of the faculty, G. Mamatov, and 75 students. Providing financial assistance to the participants of the meeting. The Union provides 35% of the amount of the contract for studying to undergraduate students in higher education institutions on the basis of a payment-contract form, providing financial assistance to students, and they pay 65% ​​of the amount of payment specified in the contract within the specified time. , it was explained that he will present documents reflecting his activity in public affairs.

On January 22, 2021, a meeting was held in the building of the Faculty of History of Andijan State University with the participation of students who were admitted to study after military service and who applied for financial support from the Youth Union of Uzbekistan. This meeting was attended by the deputy dean of the faculty I. Dzhumaboev, the leader of the Primary Organization of Andijan State University O. Olimzhanov, the youth leader of the faculty G. Mamatov and 75 students.

Providing financial assistance to the participants of the meeting. The Union will provide 35% of the amount of the contract for study to undergraduate students in higher education institutions on the basis of a payment-contract form. it was explained that he should submit documents reflecting his activity in public affairs.

On January 22, 2021, a selection of videos was announced on the ASU CHTF - 2021//OFFICIAL CHANNEL// channel of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​to properly celebrate the birthday of our first President Islam Karimov. The students who want to participate are instructed to pay special attention to I.Karimov's life path, his selfless efforts to achieve independence, and his reputation in the eyes of our country and the world. So far, more than 30 videos have been prepared by the students and sent to the public on the official channel and referred to the judgment of experts.

Videos continue to be presented. The winners will be awarded with souvenirs by the management of the faculty.

On January 22, 2021, a meeting was held between Deputy Minister Yusuf Kadirovich Absoatov and Deputy Director of Spirituality and Enlightenment Center Mirzohid Botirovlar, and Deputy Deans of HEIs in the region for working with youth. At the meeting, the address of the President to the Oliy Majlis and the summary of the tasks to be performed, the tasks that should be performed, and the work being carried out in working with young people in higher educational institutions were reviewed in a critical and analytical spirit. One-on-one communication was held with the deputy deans for work with youth.

They were asked about the spiritual and educational work carried out in the last academic year, the identification of talented students and their proper orientation, the report on the work done on the promotion of reading, and the work that should be done on the tasks given above, and specific plans for improving the spirituality of young people. A number of tasks were assigned to the participants at the event.

On January 22, 2021, a roundtable discussion was held in the hall of Andijan State University regarding the address of Sh.M. Mirziyoev of the Republic of Uzbekistan. More than 600 students participated in this roundtable discussion. In the interview, the teachers of the Department of Theory of Civil Society Assoc. O. Akhmadjonov, Ph.D. B. Tojiboevlar explained to the students the essence of the President's address and said that 2021 will be the "Year of supporting youth and strengthening public health" in our country He answered the questions of the interview participants, stressing that this will open the door to wider opportunities for young people, and that young people should contribute to the development of the country.

On January 22, 2021, M. Qambarova, a teacher of the Department of General Technical Sciences and Labor Education of the Faculty of Pedagogy, held a roundtable discussion on the topic of "Hygiene compliance" for students of technological education at the 6th TTJ. Faculty members and students of the department took part in the event. Video clips prepared by M. Qambarova were shown. Professors and teachers expressed their opinions during the event. Students' opinions on the topic were also heard. The essence of the subject was explained to the students in real life examples. The event left a positive impression on all participants.

On January 22, 2021, the intellectual game "Zakovat" was organized between the groups of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering in order to meaningfully spend free time of students and ensure their employment. 6 teams from the groups took part in it, and according to the results of the game, the "Descendants of Khorazmi" team, consisting of students of the 1st year Applied Mathematics, was named the winner of the week.

On January 22, 2021, M. Tairova, a teacher of the Department of Preschool Education Methodology of the Faculty of Preschool Education, held a roundtable discussion among the students of group 206 on the topic of "Modern information technologies and their effective use" in connection with the implementation of the 3rd point of 5 important initiatives. During the roundtable discussion, the speaker emphasized to the students that they should not be deceived by unfounded and unsubstantiated messages coming from the Internet, especially Telegram channels, and should only trust messages published on official channels. Among the 21 students who participated in the interview, students who expressed interest in blogging were given separate methodological advice.

On January 22, 2021, an inter-group soccer competition for the "Dean's Cup" was held among the students of the Faculty of History in order to promote a healthy lifestyle, meaningfully organize free time, and attract young people to football. The deputy dean I.Dzhumaboev, youth leader G.Mamatov, G.Odashkhanov and 8 teams of the faculty took part in this football competition. According to the results of the competition, the team of students of the 209th group took the proud 1st place. The winners and actively participating teams were duly awarded by the dean of the faculty.

On January 22, 2021, chess and checkers competitions for the "Dean's Cup" were held among female students in the library of the Faculty of Social Economy. More than 30 female students took part in it. Madina Mamajonova, a student of applied psychology, became the winner of the chess competition held under the leadership of Shokhsanam Usmonova, the chairwoman of the women's council of the faculty. The 2nd place was taken by Tajiddinova Layla, and the 3rd place went to Gulshanoy Muhammadhashimova. The checkers competition was also interesting, Mukhlinso Roziboeva, a student of Human Resource Management, defeated all her opponents and became the champion of the competition. Saliha Mamasodikova and Mehrinoz Abdulhamidova took 2-3 places.

On January 22, 2021, M. Tairova, a teacher of the Department of Preschool Education Methodology of the Faculty of Preschool Education, held a roundtable discussion among the students of group 206 on the topic of "Modern information technologies and their effective use" in connection with the implementation of the 3rd point of 5 important initiatives. During the roundtable discussion, the speaker emphasized to the students that they should not be deceived by unfounded and unsubstantiated messages coming from the Internet, especially Telegram channels, and should only trust messages published on official channels. Among the 21 students who participated in the interview, students who expressed interest in blogging were given separate methodological advice.

On January 23, 2021, the "Dean's Cup" competition was held among the 1st-year students of the Faculty of Social Economy in the mini football type of sport. 8 teams of 1st year students took part in it. This football competition was opened by S. Ismailov, the deputy dean of the faculty for work with youth. The games within the competition were refereed by the senior teacher of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Abduholiq Holikov, who ensured that the teams played according to the rules of the game.

Every dispute was characterized by its intransigence. The best performing teams reached the semi-finals. In the first semi-final, the tourism development and hotel management teams competed, and the tourism development team, which won 0-2, qualified for the finals. In the second semi-final, the Applied Psychology team competed against the team of national ideals, foundations of spirituality, and legal education for a place in the finals.

In this debate, the team of applied psychology won 8-0. The National Idea, Moral Foundations and Legal Education team competed with the Hotel Management team for 3rd place. At the end of the competition, the students of national idea, foundations of spirituality and legal education took 3rd place.

On January 23, 2021, professors and teachers of the "Primary Education" department of the Faculty of Pedagogy held a roundtable discussion on the topic "Profession-Pride". D.Nurmonova, head of the "Primary Education" department, told the round table that the main goal of today is to provide employment to graduates. In the round discussion held as a pedagogical practice report, students' practice conclusions were heard.In their speech, the students once again expressed their conviction that the teaching profession is a difficult and honorable profession. Also, professors and teachers gave methodical advice to the professional problems faced by the students during the internship. The leading pedagogues gave information about keeping practice normative documents and their quality delivery.

On January 23, 2021, an event called "Book Pleasure" was organized with the participation of the dean of the faculty and all the deputy deans in order to effectively spend their free time of students from other regions and to promote reading among them in the 4th-5th student residence of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. At the event, a one-on-one interview was conducted with each student. Interesting questions asked by students added interest to the evening. The students also expressed their opinion that such meetings should be organized more often. The purpose of the event is to attract young people to reading and to teach them to be interested in life and love their fields.

On January 24, 2021, M. Makhamatova, Head of Group 206 of the Department of General Pedagogy, held a roundtable discussion on the topic "Global and current problems in the interpretation of our youth". Business networks that have become actual problems today and the problems they cause were discussed in detail at the roundtable discussion. The speaker explained about the destruction of families, the orphanhood of children, crimes among young people, and suicides as a result of the consequences of gambling in social networks.As in everything, the standard is the main criterion in organizing the effective use of computer technology and the Internet, she said. In addition, information was provided on the effective connection and use of WI-FI zones installed at each faculty of the university.

On January 24, 2021, professors and teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, staff of the dean's office and a group of talented students visited the city of Khanabad, which has been named the second Switzerland, in order to have a meaningful weekend and to ensure the implementation of the tasks on the development of domestic tourism. The purpose of attracting students is to strengthen their sense of patriotism, to show that there are such beautiful and unique places in our country, and to make them feel proud of our Motherland.

On January 25, 2021, D. Umnov, a teacher of the Preschool Pedagogy Department of the Faculty of Preschool Education, held a roundtable discussion with the students of the 207th group on the topic of the book "Temur's Laws" on educating young people in the spirit of military and patriotism. During the round-table discussion, he emphasized to the students how important it is to read, study and use the ideas contained in the book for our current life. 21 students actively participated in the round discussion.

On January 25, 2021, the teacher of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture of the Faculty of Physical Culture, K. Mamadaliev, organized a roundtable discussion on the topic "Braves protect the Motherland" for the students of the 206th group of physical culture. In the round discussion, students and youths who were in military service told about various situations they experienced during their military service. 25 students participated in the roundtable discussion.

On January 25, 2021, the teacher of the Department of Preschool Education Methodology of the Faculty of Preschool Education, D.Abdullajonova, introduced to the professors and students of the faculty the creative samples of 20 students participating in the "Skillful Hands" club she leads. Dean of the faculty Z.Azimova expressed her warm thoughts about this "Skillful hands" club under the leadership of club leader D.Abdullajonova. He mentioned that the practical continuation of the circle should be continued as an example in preschool educational organizations.

On January 25, 2021, A. Mamitaliev, a teacher of the Department of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics of the Faculty of Arts, a member of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, held master classes on the topic "Master's skills" for teachers of the 10th general education school in Andijan and students of the Academic Lyceum under AndU. Unique ways to support and increase students' interest in the fine arts direction of art have been revealed.

On January 25, 2021, the "Nihol" student-youth creative team organized at the Faculty of Arts presented a big concert for the residents of Baliqchi district. A. Mamadaliev, acting as the mayor of Baliqchi district, thanked the creative team and handed over the "Thank you note" of the district hokim.

On January 25, 2021, a chess and checkers competition was held among professors and teachers of the Faculty of Socio-Economics. Rustamova Sayyora, a teacher of the Department of Economics, won the women's chess competition, and Mominova Khijrona, a teacher of the Department of Psychology, took the 2nd place. There were also interesting debates among men in chess. Qudrat Yunusov, a teacher of the philosophy department, did not give the first place to anyone. Sevara Yusupova, a teacher of the Department of Philosophy, won the women's checkers competition, while Quvataliev Mirzamahmud, a teacher of the Psychology Department, won the 1st place among the men.The winner and prize-winners were awarded on the same day by T.T. Madumarov, dean of the faculty.

On January 25, 2021, the teacher of the interfaculty physical culture and sports department of the Faculty of Physical Culture B. Satkulov organized a roundtable discussion on the topic "Achievements of Uzbekistan's athletes" for the 2nd year students in athletics. The results achieved by Uzbek track and field athletes on international arenas were explained in detail at the roundtable discussion.

On January 25, 2021, at the Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering, a volleyball competition was held among the 1st year students of the faculty under the slogan "Keep up with sports". 50 students from 4 groups took part in the competition. At the end of the competition, the team consisting of students of the 1st year group 103 of Mathematics and Informatics won the 1st place, the students of the 1st year group of Mathematics and Informatics won the 2nd place, and the students of the 1st year of Computer Engineering took the 2nd place. team won 3rd place.

On January 25, 2021, teachers of the Department of Physical Culture Theory and Methodology, D.Eshpolatova, Kh.Mukhtorova, and students of the 106th group of the Faculty of Physical Culture, group 106, held a roundtable discussion on the implementation of the 1st point of 5 important initiatives on the topic "Book as a source of knowledge". organized. During the interview, the students expressed their opinions about the fiction they read during the quarantine period. 27 students took part in the roundtable discussion.

On January 25, 2021, the deputy dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, U. Valiev, held a meeting with the students of the 1F1-, 1F2-, 1F3-, 1F4-, 1f5 groups of the faculty. The purpose of the meeting was to convey to the students the essence of the "Issues of the Higher Education System" specified in the President's Address. First of all, it was explained that the development of education and training, the establishment of a healthy lifestyle, and the advancement of science and innovation should serve as the main pillars of our national idea.

On January 25, 2021, the 1st year group coaches of the Department of General Technical Sciences and Labor Education of the Faculty of Pedagogy, T.Saidnazarova, S.Ubaydullaev, held an extended roundtable discussion for students on the topic of "Drug addiction lifetime". During the round discussion, professors and teachers emphasized how sad the consequences of this disease are. The meeting was full of questions and arguments, in a high spirit.

On January 26, 2021, a roundtable discussion on the topic "Spiritual and moral image of the student and prevention of delinquency, crime and corruption among students" was held in the 3rd student residence. The dean of the faculty of preschool education Assoc. Z.E. Azimova, deputy dean for work with youth B. Abdukadirov, inspector of prevention of the region U. Mamatkhonov, chairman of the coaching council U. Akhunov, professors and teachers Assoc. F. Kiyikboev, A. Israilov at the round table and N. Khayitboevlar, TTJ economic manager Sh. Niyazov, TTJ educator and pedagogue H. Solieva and more than 150 students and young people participated.

On January 26, 2021, T. Yusupov, the deputy dean for academic affairs of the Faculty of Physical Culture, A. Tursunovlar, the chairman of the group coaches' council of the faculty, with the participation of 19 group captains of the faculty of physical culture, "Preventing delinquencies among young people and minors, corruption and organized crime among students and young people" a meeting was held on the subject of "getting". It was emphasized that the issues discussed at the meeting, the assigned tasks will be conveyed to the students by the group coaches in all groups.

On January 26, 2021, a party dedicated to the memory of Hazrat Mir Alisher Navoi, the sultan of poetry, and poet Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, among the students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, was organized. Excerpts from the lives and works of our great scholars were read by the 1st-2nd year students of the faculty. Demonstrations performed by groups will increase students' interest in the work of our great ancestors and increase the sense of pride that they are the descendants of such great people.

On January 26, 2021, a visit of 11th grade students to the university was organized under the leadership of Zulhumor Sadiqova, Uzbek language and literature teacher, J. Dehqonova, deputy director for youth work of the 5th general education school in Khanabad, on the topic of "Cooperation between family, school and higher education". During the visit, the students were introduced to the sights of the university, educational practice processes at the faculty of philology, as well as the library of books and electronic textbooks at the ARM.

On January 26, 2021, at the 4th comprehensive school of Boston district, Andijan region, "The book is the key to all success!" an event was organized on the subject. At the event, the head of the 2nd sector of Boston district, district prosecutor Z. Gulomjonov, the deputy dean for work with youth of the Faculty of Philology A. Ergashev, the head of the department of Uzbek literature, Z. Mamajonov, the teachers of the department B. Shahobov and B. Mominov, as well as creative students, singer Nodirbek Rejapov took part.

Demonstration performances of young athletes, poems and songs, tunes and dances were performed by artists.

On January 26, 2026, 24 students of the school, under the leadership of R. Ibrokhimov, the leader of the Youth Union of the 5th school of public education of the city of Khanabad, visited the Andijan State University physical culture faculty in order to get to know the educational process and increase their interest in the profession. The teacher of the Department of Physical Culture Theory and Methodology of the Faculty of Physical Culture, B. Joraev, introduced the visiting students to the educational process and the sports fields and buildings of the university.

On January 26, 2021, with the participation of the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, U. Valiev, and the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Academic Affairs, J. Matkarimov, a medical examination of students' health was organized by the university to promote a healthy lifestyle among students. 1st-year students of physics and 1st-year mathematics education have passed a full medical examination. 160 students participated in the medical examination.

On January 26, 2021, the dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Kh. Mansurov, the deputy dean for work with youth U. Valiev, the deputy dean for educational affairs J. Matkarimov, N. Yunusov, O. Samsakov, J. Usmanov in cooperation with the youth physical training, their sports "Dean's Cup" competition was organized among all groups of the faculty in order to show their abilities in the field of sports. In the qualification stage, the members of the team consisting of the boys of the 19M3-, 19F1-, 18FE-, 19M9-groups of the faculty reached the final stage.

In the final stage, the team members of the 19M3 group dominated and won the "Dean's Cup". The teams that actively participated in the competition were awarded diplomas and commemorative gifts by the dean's office of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

On January 26, 2021, a cultural event was held at 21 music and art schools in Ulughnor district. Professors and teachers of the Faculty of History of Andijan State University and leaders of the youth union took part in this event. In the event, 100 people from unorganized youth, female youth leaders, athletic youth and talented youth living in 21 neighborhood gatherings of the district were included.

On January 26, 2021, a spiritual and educational event was held by the 1st-year students of the Faculty of History of Andijan State University in the "Muruvat" boarding school for the disabled, Kurgantepa district, in order to ensure the implementation of 5 important initiatives of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on raising the morale of young people and meaningfully organizing their free time. At this event, musical performances were performed by students, and gifts were presented to children with disabilities.

On January 27, 2021, 320 students and professors of the Faculty of Arts took part in an exhibition event held in the large meeting hall of the university to study the Address of the President of our Republic to the Oliy Majlis.

On January 27, 2021, the creative team of students and youth "Nihol" of the Faculty of Arts presented a musical performance for the employees of the regional prosecutor's office and residents of the district in the cultural center located in the village of Karakurgan of Marhamat district. Mayor of Marhamat District B. Yuldashev wished success to the work of the creative team and presented the "Thank you note" of the administration.

On January 27, 2021, the teachers of the inter-faculty physical culture and sports department of the Faculty of Physical Culture, F. Torakulova and D. Turgunova, organized a conversation for students and young people on the meaningful organization of their free time, their interest in art and their favorite art books, in the 1st student residence. . At the same time, on the topic "If you want to be healthy, follow the rules of hygiene", control work was organized on the living conditions of the students living in the student accommodation, the cleanliness of the kitchen, hygiene rooms and common rooms.During the supervision, explanatory work was carried out separately with students who did not follow cleanliness. The rooms of the students living in the 1st student accommodation were fully inspected.

On January 27, 2021, the teacher of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture of the Faculty of Physical Culture, E.Solaydinov, a candidate for master of sports, gave practical training to the students of the Faculty of Physical Culture regarding the preparation process for the "Universiade" sports competition between higher education institutions on the topic "Secrets of the sport of wrestling". organized a training session. During the practical training, he gave insights into the methods of wrestling, history, its development, and the results achieved by our wrestlers on the international and domestic arenas.

On January 27, 2021, the coach of the 302nd group of the Faculty of Social Economy, S.A. Ismailov, held a conversation with the students of the group on the topic "Use of social networks and information security". 14 students participated in the interview.

On January 27, 2021, the teacher of the Uzbek language and literature department, Dilfuzakhon Kadirova, held a roundtable discussion on the topic "Widely promoting reading among young people" in the student residence of Andijan State University. 30 students of the Faculty of Philology took part in this roundtable discussion. The main purpose of the roundtable discussion is for the students to increase their interest in reading, to expand their worldview, to develop oral and written speech of students, and in turn, students also talked about the books they loved to read.

On January 27, 2021, the teacher of the preschool pedagogy department of the faculty of preschool education B.Marasulov held a roundtable discussion with the students of the 105th group on the topic "Book-based life" at the ARM, which operates in the faculty of preschool education, in connection with the implementation of the 4th point of the 5 important initiatives put forward by the President . During the roundtable discussion, the speaker called on the students to enter the ARM in their free time and use scientific-pedagogical and literary literature widely and productively. Students also gave brief information about the content of the fiction they read. 21 students participated in the round discussion.

On January 27, 2021, in the Faculty of Foreign Languages, great attention is paid to improving students both academically and physically. Today, the intellectual game "Zakovat" was held between 11 teams of talented students of the faculty. The university's "Universal" national team also took part in the event. 4 groups of the most knowledgeable students were sent to the final course.

Genius" team, French language and literature, group 102 with 1st place,

Group 104 English language and literature "Genius" team with 2nd place

With the 3rd place, the 108th group English language and literature team "Enternaty" won the right to participate in the final stage.

On January 27, 2021, the intellectual game "Zakovat" was held between the groups of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering. 6 teams from the groups took part in it, and according to the results of the game, the "Descendants of Khorazmi" team, consisting of students of the 1st year Applied Mathematics, was named the winner of the week.

On January 27, 2021, among the students who returned from military service at the Faculty of Social Economy and the active girls of the faculty, in order to learn about the heritage of our great ancestors and widely apply it to the public, the birthdays of Mir Alisher Navoi, the Sultan of Speech, on February 9, and the horn and poet Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur on February 14 planned to organize a competition including their life path and creativity and developed the competition regulations, nominations and competition program. The contest was announced on all official pages of AndDU social networks.

On January 27, 2021, in the spiritual room of the 2nd Student Accommodation, a roundtable discussion was held by I.B. Djumaboev, the deputy dean of the Faculty of History for work with youth, in order to promote reading among students and increase their interest in books. During the interview, they received answers to the questions they were interested in.

On January 27, 2021, with the participation of U. Valiev, deputy dean for work with young people of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Andijan State University, a roundtable discussion was held for the students of the 3rd year of mathematics education in room 1.10 of the faculty aimed at "further increasing the spirituality of young people and their patriotism". . At the roundtable discussion, students received answers to the questions they were interested in and expressed their opinions.

On January 27, 2021, T. Saidnazarova, teacher of the department of general technical sciences and labor education of the Faculty of Pedagogy, held a roundtable discussion on the topic of the 6th TTJ "Principles of personal hygiene". Professors and students of the department participated in the event. The video clips prepared by the group trainer were shown to the students and explained in real life examples.

On January 28, 2021, in the small assembly hall of the university, in order to prevent crime among young people and organize prevention of offenses, "Let's fight against crime and crime together!" a roundtable discussion was held. Colonel M.S. Nishanov, the deputy head of the Andijan Region IIB, M. Khasanov, university preventive inspector, A.Sh. Hamrakulov, vice-rector of the university for work with youth, deputy deans of faculties for work with youth, and 100 group captains and students took part in it.

On January 28, 2021, a roundtable discussion on "Eastern views in the spiritual worldview of girls" was held in the 3rd student residence. At the roundtable discussion, dean of the faculty of preschool education Z.E.Azimova, graduate of "Khadichai kubro" secondary special educational institution M.Kadirova, chairman of the board of trainers U.Akhunov, chairman of the women's committee of the faculty of preschool education Sh.Kochkarova, doctor of pedagogy V.Kadyrov , teachers of the pre-school pedagogy department M.Abdullaeva, B.Marasulov, educator-pedagogue of the 3rd student residence H.Solieva and more than 70 students participated.

On January 28, 2021, a meeting was held with the physical culture faculty dean Z. Jumakulov, the deputy dean for academic affairs T. Yusupov, the chairman of the faculty group coaches council A. Tursunovlar on the topics of preparation for certification and preventing corruption during the winter session. . All group coaches of the Faculty of Physical Culture participated in the meeting.

On January 28, 2021, Z. Ziyavutdinova, a teacher of the Department of Music Education of the Faculty of Arts, held a roundtable discussion on the topic "Preventing crime and delinquency among minors, calling for awareness" with the participation of students of music education. 40 students participated in the event.

On January 28, 2021, students of group 103 Rakhmonov Khikmatillo, Mirzahamdamov Sakhovatbek, Mirzajonov Azizbek, Juraboev Asadbek, who live in the rented house at 10A, 1-Gishkhana Street, Andijan city, were brought to the house of group coach A. Alisherov visited and got acquainted with the living conditions of the students and conducted explanatory and propaganda work about breaking the law and not becoming a member of various movements.

On January 28, 2021, all academic groups of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​held trainings on the topics of "International Harmony and Religious Tolerance" as part of the "Information and Coaching Hour". The training was conducted according to the model plan provided by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.

On January 28, 2021, the teachers of the Department of Human Physiology and Safety of Life Activities of the Faculty of Physical Culture, F.Mirzabekova, M.Kholmirzaeva organized a roundtable discussion on the topic "Motherland - begins at the threshold" for the female students of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Group 306. 15 students of group 306 participated in the roundtable discussion.

On January 28, 2021, all academic groups of the Faculty of Philology held a high-level online discussion on the topic of "Information and Coaching Hour Training", "International Harmony and Religious Tolerance" held in the twenty-second week of the 2021-2021 academic year of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.

On January 28, 2021, in the 2nd comprehensive school of Izboskan district, Andijan region, the deputy dean for academic affairs of the Faculty of Philology, Ph.D. docent U. Rahimov held a seminar training session on the topic "Linguistic basis of creative thinking" for teachers of mother tongue and literature of 26 schools attached to the base school. 40 science teachers participated in the training and received appropriate answers to the questions they were interested in.

On January 28, 2021, in cooperation with the regional council of the People's Democratic Party, a meeting was organized in the spiritual room of the 2nd TTJ(Student Accommodation) to promote reading among students and increase their interest in books. At the meeting, students received answers to their questions, and interesting trainings were organized during the event. 100 female students took part in the event.

On January 28, 2021, the Faculty of Preschool Education b. t. leader A. Turgunov and faculty blogger student M. Omonboeva held a roundtable discussion with 2nd year students on the topic "Modern information technologies and their effective use" regarding the implementation of the 3rd point of the 5 important initiatives put forward by our President. During the interview, the students were told in detail about the visit of President Sh. Mirziyoyev to the information technology center of Bukhara region. 67 students participated in the round discussion.

On January 28, 2021, Faculty of Foreign Languages carried out promotional activities among the students of the 1st-2nd year of the faculty on the methods of effective use of the Internet. He is regularly teaching them how to use a computer. A free club for students was organized at the faculty in order to effectively and meaningfully spend students' free time and improve computer literacy.

On January 28, 2021, at the Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering, a football competition was held among all students of the faculty under the slogan "Sports Health Pledge". 70 students from 8 groups took part in the competition. At the end of the competition, the team of 2nd year students of Informatics Teaching Methodology took the 1st place, the 1st year students of Mathematics and Informatics took the 2nd place, and the team of 1st year Computer Engineering students took the 3rd place.

On January 29, 2021, S.Tadjibaev, a teacher of the Department of Preschool Education Methodology of the Faculty of Preschool Education, held a roundtable discussion with the students of the 101st group on the topic "Gloss of colors" in connection with the implementation of point 1 of the 5 important initiatives put forward by the President. During the roundtable discussion, the speaker told the students that spring is coming, that it inspires everyone, and what should be paid attention to when depicting spring. 23 students participated in the round discussion.

On January 29, 2021, the teacher of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture B. Joraev held a roundtable discussion on the topic "Employment of Graduates" for the 4th year graduating students of the Faculty of Physical Culture to ensure youth employment and master their profession in the future. organized. He emphasized that they should be responsible and devoted to their profession after completing their studies. 32 students participated in the roundtable discussion.

On January 29, 2021, in the presence of T. Yusupov, the deputy dean for academic affairs of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Yu. Mirzakarimov, senior teacher of the Department of Physical Culture Theory and Methodology, the 2nd year students of the Faculty of Physical Culture were held at the information resource center of the university "Information security and correct use of Internet networks" ” seminar was organized. More than 120 students took part in the seminar.

On January 29, 2021, a commemorative volleyball tournament dedicated to the memory of the late M. Kochkarov was held between unorganized youth and school graduates in 15 general secondary schools of Ulug'nor district in order to meaningfully spend their free time. Teachers of the Faculty of History and leaders of the Youth Union took part.

On January 29, 2021, a book reading event was held between departments of the faculty on the initiative of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering under the project "One book per week". At the event, questions and answers and intensive roundtable discussions were held on the book "The Alchemist" by Poelo Coelho.

On January 29, 2021, U. Valiev, the deputy dean for work with young people at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Andijan State University, announced to the students of the 1st year of physics education, item 4 of 5 important initiatives to raise the morale of young people, taking into account the widespread promotion of reading among them. A roundtable discussion was held under the theme "Book-spiritual mirror". 45 students of the 1st year physics education took part in the round discussion.

On January 29, 2021, M.I. Nurmatov, deputy dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy for work with youth, organized a reading party at the 6th TTJ. The main purpose of the event was to promote reading and reading books among students. At the event, M.I. Nurmatov presented the best works and stories he had read to the attention of the students. Ch. Aytmatovni's short stories "Jamila", "Bo'takuz", "Alvido Gulsari" aroused interest among students. During the event, it was agreed to hold an online reading of short stories and stories among students on the topic "My favorite book».

On January 29, 2021, H.M. Matkulov, the deputy dean for working with young people of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, held a meeting among 2nd-year students on ensuring youth employment and attracting them to entrepreneurship. At the meeting, H.M. Matkulov gave detailed answers to the questions asked about ensuring employment of young people and involving them in entrepreneurship and directing them to the profession.

Also, M. Madumarov, a 2nd-year student of "Group 209", expressed his opinion on organizing a corner of active, talented, enthusiastic students and their group leaders at the faculty. He mentioned that the students and group coaches included in this corner will be recognized with certificates and thanks. The proposal was unanimously approved by the students. The meeting left a great impression on the students.

On January 29, 2021, G.Mamajonova, teachers of the "General Engineering Sciences and Labor Education" department, held a roundtable discussion with the graduates of the 4th year on the topic "My profession - my pride". At the roundtable discussion, the head of the "General Engineering Sciences and Labor Education" department S. Toshpolatova explained to the graduates that no matter what profession they choose, they should be loyal and devoted to their profession. Graduate students received answers to the questions they were interested in. 90 students participated in the round discussion.

On January 30, 2021, students of the 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th grades of the 41st secondary school in Pakhtaabad district and the leader of the youth union P. Nematjonov, under the leadership of the deputy director for spiritual and educational affairs M. Abdurahimov, held the "Family, school and higher education" visited on cooperation". During the visit, the students got acquainted with the attractions of the university, educational practice processes in the faculties, sports fields, and at the same time with the book fund and electronic textbooks of the IRS(Information Resource Center).

On January 30, 2021, teachers of the "General Pedagogy" department, F.Komilova, Z.Mamajonova, held an event on the topic "My profession-my pride" at the 35th DIMI in Andijan. The graduating classes received answers to their questions. The event was held in the form of a heated debate.

On January 30, 2021, the 11th grade students of the 41st general education school in Pakhtaabad district under the leadership of the deputy director for spiritual and educational affairs Sattikulov Hamidjon, teachers: N. Nabieva, J. Rahimov, N. Abdurahimov, S. Meliboev, M. Kasimova;

Students of the 11th grade under the leadership of Tokhtasinova Dilafruzkhan, the head of the 11th grade of the 8th general school in Kurgantepa district;

Students of the 11th grade under the leadership of the head of the 11th grade of the 34th general education school in Izboskan district, Abdulkhakimova Nodirakhan, visited the university on "Cooperation between family, school and higher education". During the visit, the students got acquainted with the attractions of the university, educational practice processes in the faculties, sports fields, and at the same time with the book fund and electronic textbooks of the IRC.

On January 29, 2021, a roundtable discussion was held among the students of Andijan State University academic lyceum on the topic "Crime, crime prevention". Captain M. Khasanov, preventive inspector of Andijan city IIB No. 2, B. Akbarov of MMIBDO took part in the event.

On January 30, 2021, the teacher of the Department of Preschool Education Methodology of the Faculty of Preschool Education, U. Akhunov, held a table tennis competition among the students of 103-104 groups under the slogan "Sport is our companion" in connection with the implementation of the 2nd point of the 5 important initiatives put forward by the President. The competition was full of heated and irreconcilable arguments. The competition, in which 18 students participated, ended in a friendly draw. At the end of the competition, actively participating students were awarded with certificates of honor approved by the dean of the faculty.

On January 30, 2021, a chess and checkers sports competition was held among the students of the 2nd year physics-astronomy teaching method of the physics-mathematics faculty in student accommodation No. 2. Haydaralieva Gulchiroy, a 2nd-year student of teaching methodology of physics and astronomy, actively participated in the competition and won the 1st place. Souvenirs were awarded to the winning students.

On January 30, 2021, a library was established in the academic lyceum of Andijan State University in order to ensure the implementation of the 4th point of the 5 important initiatives put forward by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for students, to raise the morale of young people and to widely promote reading among them.

On January 30, 2021, a memorial lesson dedicated to the First President of Independent Uzbekistan Islam Abduganievich Karimov was held at the Faculty of History. First, the anthem was played accompanied by teachers and students. During the lesson, the good deeds done by our First President were mentioned. The lesson was held by D. Musaev, senior teacher of the Department of World History, and I. Jumaboev, deputy dean for cultural-educational and youth work. During the lesson, the great opportunities created by the First President for the youth, the peaceful policy he promoted in the international arena were specially recognized.It was noted that Islam Karimov's works have not lost their importance even today. At the end of the lesson, students received detailed answers to the questions they were interested in.

On February 1, 2020, an intellectual competition was held in the "Intellectual Field" between students of the Faculty of Pre-School Education and the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​on the television of Andijan region. In the competition, which was full of heated questions and answers, the team "Tafakkur" made up of students of the faculty of preschool education won 5:1 and won the ticket to the next stage.

On February 1, 2021, in the residence hall of Andijan State University academic lyceum, academic lyceum MMIBDO' B. Akbarov and psychologist B. Yusupov held a discussion on "Crime Prevention" between students. The main goal of this conversation is to prevent delinquency and crime among young people and minors.

On February 1, 2020, the Dean of the Faculty of Pre-School Education sent to the faculty group trainers the "Measurement plan for the fight against abuse and illegal circulation of narcotic substances" for 2021 No. 3/4-84 dated January 26, 2021 No. 3/4-84 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan The faculty introduced the plan of measures developed based on He introduced them to the work to be done based on this plan.

On February 1, 2021, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics held a checkers competition among students of the 1st year mathematics education. Among the boys, Abdulkhafizov Muhammadbabur won the first place, and Kamalova Nigorakhanlar won the first place among the girls. Souvenirs were awarded to the winning students.

On February 1, 2021, the Faculty of History organized a fitness club in Student Residence No. 2 in order to promote a healthy lifestyle among students, meaningfully organize their free time, and attract students to sports. 35 students were involved in it.

On the occasion of the 538th anniversary of the birth of our great ancestor Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur and the 580th anniversary of the birth of the great thinker, scientist, founder of the old Uzbek literary language, Nizamiddin Mir Alisher Navoi, a contest of wall newspapers was held between all groups of the academic lyceum from February 1 to February 3, 2021. Students of the 107th group of foreign philological subjects of the academic lyceum took the proud 1st place in this competition. Souvenirs were awarded to the winning students.

On February 1, 2021, under the leadership of the dean of the faculty of preschool education Z.Azimova, professors and teachers of the faculty G.Dosbekova, B.Kadirova, T.Khudoyberdieva and M.Abdullaeva, students who graduated from the faculty of preschool education and are currently working in a non-state preschool educational institution called "Academy of Scholars" visited their workplaces in order to get acquainted with their activities. During the visit, experienced mentors gave their feedback to the former graduate students about what other processes to emphasize during the activity. The students were very happy with their teacher's visit and thanked them.

On February 1, 2021, the 2nd year "201" group of the Faculty of Arts, Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics, held a roundtable discussion on the subject of "The figure of Alisher Navoi" under the leadership of coach J. Isakov. During the interview, students' creative works in the field of painting were shown. 28 students participated in the round discussion.

On February 1, 2021, with the participation of teachers and students of the Faculty of Socioeconomics, MG'MAXT, a round discussion was held on the topic "Ethical issues in Navoi's works" dedicated to the birthday of Mir Alisher Navoi, the Sultan of poetry. 10 professors and more than 40 students participated in the round talk.

On February 2, 2021, the dean of the faculty of art Ch. Shakirova and the teachers of the department: M. Yurdanidze, B. Kochkarov, Kh. Ismanov, Sh. Bekmurodova and T. Sobirkhodjaeva held an exhibition of creative works made by students. expressed their opinions about the exhibitions.

On February 2, 2020, a meeting "Creatives and youth" was held in the large meeting hall of the university with the participation of poet Begali Mo'min, poet Begali Mo'min, singer Rejapov Nodirbeklar. During the meeting, samples of the artist's new poems were read. A concert program prepared by singer N. Rejapov was shown. The creative meeting left a good impression on the students.

On February 2, 2021, the teacher of the Department of Preschool Education Methodology J. Mamakhonova of the Faculty of Preschool Education held a roundtable discussion with the students of the 1st year "102" group on the topic of "Rainbow Flesh Polish" in connection with the implementation of the 2nd point of the 5 important initiatives. At the roundtable discussion, the speaker introduced the proposal to draw pictures with rainbow colors, and the students approached the task with a high level of interest and creativity. 26 students participated in the round discussion.

On February 2, 2021, students of the faculty of pedagogy visited the musical drama theater named after Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur. The main purpose of the visit was to celebrate the 538th anniversary of the birth of the son of Andijan, Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur. Students got more information about the lives and deeds of our great figures. The students shared the events in the theater with each other and drew their own conclusions.

On February 2, 2021, on the occasion of the 580th anniversary of the birth of the founder of the old Uzbek literary language, Nizamiddin Mir, Alisher Navoi, the English teacher of the academic lyceum M. No'manov, among the students of the 108th group of foreign philology subjects, on the topic "Alisher Navoi and interesting facts about him" conducted a roundtable discussion in English.

On February 2, 2021, professors and teachers of the chemistry education department of the faculty of natural sciences: N. Tolakov, Q. Otakhanov, A. Khojikulov visited the student residence No. 2 and got acquainted with their living conditions, amenities and problems in student residences. He gave insights on the meaningful organization of students' free time.

On February 2, 2021, graduates of the Andijan City 44th General Education School visited the Faculty of Socio-Economics of the Andijan State University and, in order to ensure youth employment and increase the interest of students in higher education, informed school students about university faculties and educational directions, and entrance exams. fully informed. A total of 27 school graduates, 3 of their teachers, S. Ismailov, deputy dean of the Faculty of Socio-Economics, and faculty leaders took part in the event held as part of the Open Doors Day.

On February 2, 2021, A. Teshaboev, Head of the Preschool Education Methodology Department, M. Artikova, Head of the Preschool Pedagogy Department, U. Akhunov, Chairman of the Faculty Group Coaches Council, met with the 4th year students of the preschool education department. At the meeting, reports of 63 graduate students on their work in the process of pedagogical practice were heard. At the end of the meeting, professors and teachers discussed the shortcomings and achievements of the students.

On February 2, 2021, a competition in the field of ArmWrestling was held among students of higher education institutions. Students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​participated in this competition. During the competition, Jamoldinov Sanjar, a 2nd year student of the "207" group of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, took an honorable 2nd place, Rasulov Islam took the 3rd place, Nizomiddinov Sirojiddin took the 4th place and was awarded with souvenirs. Also, volunteer spectators tried themselves in the competition. ArmWrestling sport various measures were considered in order to better engage in this type of sport and to develop this sport.

On February 2, 2021, a sports competition was held among the students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences in the fields of chess and checkers with the students of the 2nd year of chemistry and geography. At the competition, Tursunov Shahobiddin, a 2nd year student of geography education, group "204", was declared the winner in the chess category and went to the regional stage. Normurodov Akhrorbek, a 2nd-year student of the "201" group of geography education in checkers, won and took 3rd place in the regional competition. D. Sadriddinova, a 2nd-year student of chemical education, group "201", took part in the chess competition held among girls and was declared the winner.

On February 2, 2021, the chairman of the women's committee of the academic lyceum, S. Yuldasheva, held a group discussion with the students of the academic lyceum on the topic "Correct use of social networks" in order to ensure the implementation of the 3rd point of the 5 important initiatives. During the conversation, he informed the students about the correct and effective use of social networks.

On February 2, 2021, a roundtable discussion on the topic "Pros and cons of using the Internet" was held by the head of the group Sh. At the roundtable discussion, the head of the group, Sh. Akbarov, spoke about the useful and harmful aspects of the Internet and pointed out that information harmful to students is distributed on various foreign sites, that students should not be influenced by them, and that students should acquire the skills of using the Internet correctly. He then provided information on some useful resources related to the field of education.

On February 2, 2021, a roundtable discussion was organized on the topic "Book source of knowledge" under the leadership of group coach Ya. D. Qabulova, a specialist in the department of the IRC of the University, who is located in the faculty, introduced new literature to the students along with understanding the subject.

On February 2, 2021, 47 students of the 16th general education school of Pakhtabad district, led by teacher Akbarkulova Zulfizar, visited the open day held at the Faculty of Pre-School Education. The students were welcomed by a group of professors and teachers of the faculty headed by the dean of the faculty Z.E.Azimova. Students were introduced to the activities of faculty members, ARM, computer rooms, auditoriums, clubs, and pre-school education organization established in the faculty.

On February 2, 2021, the coach of the 202nd group of the Faculty of History, D. Musaev, visited the student residence No. 2 and got acquainted with the living conditions of the students of the group.

On February 2, 2021, teachers of the department of Russian language and literature of the Faculty of Philology Z. Kasimova, H. Ayupova, H. The Ruzievas participated as referees. In the competition, the Russian language and literature group in foreign language groups, Abdulaziz Abdulhamidov, a student of the 106th group of the Russian language, and Abduholiq Soibjonov, a student of the 201st group of the Russian language, entertained the audience by reading from their works.

On February 2-3, 2021, a roundtable discussion was held among students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​on the topic "Widespread promotion of reading among young people". In this conversation, in order to promote reading among the students of the faculty and organize their free time in a meaningful way, they expressed their views on the need to become members of libraries, become familiar with works of art, get information about the author of the work, their life and work, and expand their world views.

There was a conversation about the fact that in our country, great attention is being paid to raising the spiritual and intellectual potential of young people, their thinking and worldview, to raising a well-rounded generation who live with love and loyalty to our motherland and people, to strengthen the promotion of reading, and to improve the activities of the information and library.

On February 2, 2020, the teacher of the Department of Preschool Education Methodology of the Faculty of Preschool Education, J. Matkarimov, held a roundtable discussion under the slogan "What did I give to the motherland..." in order to educate students in the spirit of military patriotism in the 3rd student residence. During the roundtable discussion, the speaker explained to the students the need to use the opportunities created for them widely and effectively, and to become necessary personnel for the development of our country. 42 students participated in the round discussion.

On February 3, 2021, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics for Youth Affairs, U. Valiev, held a roundtable discussion with the 1st-year mathematics students of the faculty under the motto "The motherland is as sacred as the motherland" on educating young people in the spirit of military patriotism. During the round-table discussion, U. Valiev explained to the students the need to make wide and effective use of the opportunities created for them and to become necessary personnel for the development of our country.

On February 3, 2021, T.T. Madumarov, the dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Economics, S.A. Ismailov, the deputy dean for youth affairs, and Sh.Sh. Usmanova, the chairman of the women's council of the faculty, visited the TTJ No. 2. During the visit, students were interviewed and the rooms and living conditions of the students were studied. 63 students of the Faculty of Socio-Economics live in TTJ No. 2, exchanged opinions with the students about the accommodation situation, preparations for the autumn-winter season.

During the conversation, dedicated to the birthday of Mir Alisher Navoi, the Sultan of poetry, the students performed Rubai's and ghazals memorized from Navoi's ghazals. Books were awarded to the students who performed the best ghazal and rubai.

On February 3, 2021, the head of the 205th group of the Faculty of History of Andijan State University F. Isaqova and her students visited the "Sakhavat" boarding house for the elderly and people with disabilities and received information about the condition of the elderly.

A heart-to-heart conversation was held with the people who are grateful for our present day, peaceful and peaceful life, and souvenirs were presented.

On February 3, 2021, the staff of the dean's office of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics held a roundtable discussion on the topic "The book is a mirror of the nation" with students living in the 2nd TTJ(Student Accomodation). During the interview, the students got acquainted with their places of residence. After that, he told the students that the book is a source that grows the human mind, increases the range of thinking, and that it is a faithful friendship for us, that every student should be a close friend with the book, and that it is necessary to use every second effectively. During the roundtable discussion, the group trainer asked the students "Is the book better or the e-guide?" conducted a survey named.

Through this questionnaire, students expressed their opinions. The survey took place under intense and conflicting opinions and discussions. M. Exsonboyeva and N. Solijonova told the remaining students that a person who has read many fiction, detective, adventure and other books will have a broad world view, rich spirituality, and deep thinking. G. Haydaralieva expressed her opinion about electronic manuals.They said that electronic manuals are easy to carry, can be used at any time, and can be widely popularized among students. The survey looked at the pros and cons of various opinions. According to the results of the survey, it was found that most of the students are in favor of reading books.

On February 3, 2021, in classroom 409 of the Faculty of Philology, in the presence of the Dean of the Faculty of Philology B. Rahmonov, the Deputy Dean for Work with Youth A. Ergashev, and the Chairman of the Board of Trainers G. Rasulova, "Is the social network a hook?" a conversation was organized on the subject. In the interview, students' activities in social networks, safety rules that may arise in cases of their use,according to information security issues and the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 12, 2019, the websites of the world information network "" and "" as well as the information of "Facebook", "Youtube" and "Telegram" resources and banned profiles, channels and pages in social networks were mentioned.

On February 3, 2021, in order to ensure the implementation of point 3 of the 5 important initiatives put forward by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a sports competition of "Volleyball" and "Tennis" sports was organized in cooperation with the academic lyceum of Andijan State University and the unorganized youth of Guliston MFY. The non-organized youth of Guliston MFY and teachers and students of academic lyceum actively participated in the competition. The main goal of this competition is to train young people physically and mentally, increase their interest in sports, and promote a healthy lifestyle.

On February 3, 2021, table tennis and chess competitions were held between the parents of Ulughnor district 1st comprehensive school under the motto "Parents and I". Activists of the Youth Union of the Faculty of History of Andijan State University, parents and schoolchildren took part in this event.

On February 3, 2021, an inter-level volleyball competition was organized among the students of the faculty of pedagogy living in the student residence No. 6. Students living on the 4th floor won the competition. Souvenirs were awarded to the winning students.

On February 3, 2021, the students under the guidance of the coach of the 1st year "102" group M. Rahimova of the Faculty of Arts, music education, visited the stalls of artisans located on Registan Square in Andijan. During the visit, students and young people were greatly impressed by the round-table discussions held with the artisans working here about the advantages of entrepreneurship and profession.

On February 3, 2021, students of the 11th grade under the leadership of Akbarkulova Zulfizarkhan, the head of the 11th grade of the 16th general education school in Pakhtaabad district;

11th grade students led by the head of 11th grade of the 9th general education school in Asaka district Ashurov Mansurbek visited the university on "Cooperation between family, school and higher education". During the visit, the students got acquainted with the attractions of the university, educational practice processes in the faculties, sports fields, and at the same time with the book fund and electronic textbooks of the IRC.

On February 3, 2021, teachers of TSMG department T. Sobirkho'jaeva, M. Zokirova and M. The Yurdanidzes organized a roundtable discussion on the topic "Family is sacred" for the 4th year students. At the event, the opinions of today's youth on the topic of family were listened to and relevant advice was given to them.

On February 3, 2021, in order to prevent delinquency and crime among youth and minors, Professor T.T. Madumarov, the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Economics, and S.A. Ismailov, the Deputy Dean, and Sh. they visited their homes and informed them not to walk aimlessly on the street after 19:00 and not to talk to strangers.

On February 3, 2021, in the conference hall of the Andijan State University, the head of the Crime Prevention Department of the Andijan Region Internal Affairs Department M. Nishonov, the regional prevention supervisor M. Hasanov, the deputy dean, etc., G. G'ulomov and students of the 2nd TTJ a meeting was organized with his participation. At the meeting, lectures were given on measures to prevent crimes committed among students. At the meeting, it was emphasized the need to implement complex measures for the early detection and prevention of crimes and offenses at the university. More than 150 students of the faculty participated in this meeting.

On February 3, 2020, with the participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Philology of Andijan State University B. Rahmonov and the Deputy Dean for Work with Youth A. Ergashevlar, the pedagogue-educator of the student residence, F. Darveshevalar, in the 1st student residence, "Student House - my home" was held with the students of the faculty. ” a round discussion was held. During the interview, the rules of living in the student accommodation, hygienic requirements were explained.

The interview left a good impression on the students and they got relevant answers to their questions. During the interview, art books were presented to model room owners at TTJ(Student Accommodation). On this day, senior teacher of the Uzbek language and literature department G. Rasulova and teacher G. Hamidova organized a round discussion on the topic "New Uzbekistan: Reforms and news" in the student residence. More than 48 students participated in the interview.

On February 4, 2021, at the Faculty of Preschool Education of Andijan State University, approved by the vice-rector of Andijan State University for youth work, which was developed by the dean of the faculty of preschool education and approved by the letter dated on 01/26/2021 No. 3/4-84

"Prevention of crimes related to abuse and illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and powerful drugs among student youth",also a meeting was held between the employees of internal affairs bodies, professors and teachers of the faculty and students in accordance with the 2021 comprehensive action plan for the fight against AIDS. The meeting was attended by the deputy head of Andijan city internal affairs department lieutenant colonel H. Abdurahmonov, Andijan city regional prevention inspector lieutenant O'Hojimatov, National Guard public order department employee major D. Sultonov, pre-school education faculty dean Z. E. Azimova took part in the meeting.

On February 4, 2021, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences for Work with Youth, G'. G'ulomov, Associate Professor A. Isaevlar, Chairman of the Board of Trainers of the Faculty, held a meeting among students living in student accommodation No. 2 "Ensuring employment of young people and attracting them to entrepreneurship" held a roundtable discussion on career guidance. In the roundtable discussion, he conducted explanatory work on engaging girls to engage in embroidery, beadwork and the preparation of various products in order to occupy their free time from classes with labor activities and to ensure their progress both materially and spiritually through these crafts.

On February 4, 2021, in order to find talented and talented young people and to support them, as part of the student festival under the slogan "Andijan unites youth", sports chess and checkers competitions were held between higher educational institutions of Andijan region. N.Norbo'taev, a student of the Faculty of History, took an active part in this competition.

On February 4, 2021, a friendly competition in the form of checkers was organized between the students of the 106th and 107th groups of vocal performance: traditional singing of the Faculty of Arts. In an interesting event organized under the leadership of the coach of the group, H. Orifjanov, students B. Ziyodinov, Sh. Karimova and N. The Umaralievas demonstrated their activity.

On February 4, 2021, professors and teachers of the Department of Preschool Education Methodology of the Faculty of Preschool Education held a roundtable discussion on the topic of "Young people keeping up with the times" on the wide application of computer literacy to students. M.Tairova, Z.Madumarova and F.Kiyikboev from the professors-teachers made a speech, acknowledging that the use of modern educational technologies is a requirement of the present time. 26 young students took part in the roundtable discussion.

On February 4, 2021, a friendly competition in the sport of checkers was held between the students of the 1st year groups "106" and "107" of the vocal performance: traditional singing department of the Faculty of Arts. At an interesting event organized under the leadership of the coach of the group, H. Orifjanov, B. Ziyodinov, Sh. Karimova, N. Umaralieva demonstrated their activities.

On February 4, 2021, "ANDIJAN UNITES YOUTHS!" among higher education institutions in Andijan region. Tursunov Bekzodbek, a student of the Faculty of Philology, took an active part in the cycling competition held as part of the student festival held under the slogan.

On February 5, 2021, Rasulov Shahbozbek and Qahhorov Shahrukhbek, students of MG'MAHT, Faculty of Socioeconomics, took part in the university national team in the tug-of-war competition held between universities and won the following results. Rasulov Shabozbek, a student of MGMAHT, took the 2nd place in the region in the arm wrestling competitions in the 80 kg weight category. Baratov Muslimbek, a student of our faculty, successfully participated in the bicycle marathon.

On February 4, 2021, the deputy dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, U. Valiev, held a roundtable discussion on "Ensuring employment of young people and attracting them to entrepreneurship and directing them to the profession" among students living in student accommodation No. 2. In the roundtable discussion, he conducted explanatory work on engaging girls to engage in embroidery, beadwork and the preparation of various products in order to occupy their free time from classes with labor activities and to ensure their progress both materially and spiritually through these crafts.

On February 4, 2021, the leadership staff of the Faculty of Philology prepared video clips consisting of Navoi's ghazals, rubai and verses, dedicated to the 580th anniversary of the birth of Hazrat Mir Alisher Navoi, the great child of the Uzbek people, a great thinker, poet, scientist and statesman, based on the theme "Respect to the genius of Navoi". and it was shown on the university telegram channel.

On February 4, 2021, in all academic groups of the Faculty of Philology, a conversation on the topic of "Alisher Navoi, a great soul" was held online at a high level at the "Information and Coaching Hour" held in the twenty-third week of the 2020-2021 academic year of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.

On February 4, 2021, a military parade was held by the students of the special military group at the academic lyceum. The main goal of this held military parade is to educate young students in the spirit of military and patriotism and to contribute to their development as a perfect person.

In the 2020-2021 academic year, 4th-year student Nodirbekov Furqatbek and 3rd-year student Gulomjonov Odiljanlar were awarded the Islam Karimov State Scholarship of the Faculty of Social Economy.

On February 4, 2021, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences for Work with Youth, G. G'ulomov, Associate Professor A. Isaevlar, Chairman of the Board of Trainers of the Faculty, organized a meeting with the students living in the 2nd TTJ(Student Accommodation) and discussed the living conditions of the female students living in the student accommodation. one by one, he went from room to room and studied. He inspected the conditions created for them, the facilities in the cooking, hygiene and spiritual rooms. A roundtable discussion was held for the students of the faculty under the motto "Motherland is as sacred as motherland" on educating young people in the spirit of patriotism.

During the roundtable discussion, acting deputy dean for work with youth, G. Ghulomov, chairman of the faculty mentors council, associate professor A. Isaevlar, organized a ghazal night for the bright memories of our upcoming great scholars, in particular, the great thinker, the sultan of words, Alisher Navoi. done. Active participants were awarded with souvenirs, scientific and artistic books of great scholars. It was explained that it is necessary for them to use the opportunities created for them in a wide and effective way, and to become necessary personnel for the development of our country.

On February 4, 2021, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​D. Rustamov and H. Matkulov, deputy dean for working with youth, participated in an event to involve faculty members in educational work. At this event, a number of issues related to systematic implementation of spiritual and educational work of professors and teachers, improvement of professional qualifications of professors and teachers, development of their professional skills, ensuring involvement in grants were considered.The issues of educational work, knowledge, skills and skills system, modern pedagogical technologies and their application in the practice of educational work necessary for organizing and successfully continuing the educational process at the faculty were emphasized.

On February 5, 2021, a literary-artistic evening dedicated to Alisher Navoi's 580th birthday "Tribute to the Genius of Alisher Navoi" was held in the large assembly hall of the university. During the event, the teachers and students of the musical education department performed songs with Alisher Navoi's ghazals.The songs performed by the students of the first stage created a special mood for the participants. Samples of poet's ghazals and rubai were read by philology students. Especially the dances prepared by the students, the stage presentation from the drama "Alisher Navoi" aroused great interest among the participants of the event. Rector of the university A.S. Yuldashev, vice-rectors, faculty deans, deputy deans, professors and teachers and more than 150 students took part in the literary and artistic evening.

On February 5, 2021, H.M. Matkulov, the deputy dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​for working with young people, and the group coaches of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​held a conversation on the meaningful organization of young people's free time. In the conversation, thanks to the constant attention and support of the head of our state, attracting talented students to scientific activities in higher education institutions, awarding and financial incentives for their achievements, ensuring their active participation in various State scholarship competitions, "Master-student" by attaching qualified professors to young personnel priority tasks such as continuing the tradition were agreed upon.

It was mentioned about talented youth - an important factor and national ornament that ensures the social and economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its rightful place in the world community. During the interview, he emphasized that all team coaches should focus on supporting young people and turning them into mature personnel in the future.

On February 5, 2021, "Information and coaching hour" was held at a high level in all academic groups of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​on the topic of "Alisher Navoi, a man of great heart". The trainings were conducted in accordance with the model plan provided by the spiritual department of the Ministry of Higher Education. Spiritual-educational events, roundtable discussions, conducted by all group coaches of the faculty in the Telegram groups of each group, are bearing fruit.

On February 5, 2021, the teachers of the General Pedagogy Department of the Faculty of Pedagogy, D. Yusupova, U. Shobdurakhmonova and A. Nigmatova, held a competition among students under the slogan "Knowledge - the light of the mind" at the 6th TTJ(Student Accommodation). The main goal of the competition was to promote reading and book reading among students. Students actively participated in the competition. Students shared the books they read with other students and learned the advice they needed from their teachers.

On February 5, 2021, the students of the "101-, 102-" groups of the faculty of foreign languages ​​visited the Youth Theater and performed the play "Shoshma sols" 20 professors and 300 students participated in it.

On February 5, 2021, a roundtable discussion on the topic "Be aware" was held in the music education group 302 of the Faculty of Arts in order to prevent the situation of violation. Deputy dean Q. Nurdinov and team coach Q. Toshtemirov informed the students about the negative consequences of various illegal actions. 24 students participated in the event.

On February 5, 2021, a roundtable discussion on the topic "Be aware" was held in the music education group 302 of the Faculty of Arts in order to prevent the situation of violation. Deputy dean Q. Nurdinov and team coach Q. Toshtemirov informed the students about the negative consequences of various illegal actions. 24 students participated in the event.

On February 6, 2021, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​D.A. Rustamov, Head of the Department of English Phonetics Associate Professor S.O. Solijonov, Head of the Department of English Grammar Professor G'M. Khoshimov, Head of the Department of English Language and Literature Associate Professor V.A. Vositov and H.M. Matkulov, the deputy dean for working with youth, organized an event aimed at "Prevention of offenses and prevention of crime" among the 4th year students. At the event, explanatory work was carried out on measures aimed at prevention of offenses and crime prevention among young people and minors.Issues aimed at organizing a systematic analysis of the causes of crimes and the factors causing them, the impact on legality and law enforcement and their elimination were mentioned. In addition, it was emphasized to follow the internal rules of the faculty, to come and participate in classes on time.

On February 6, 2021, in cooperation with the Department of Ecology and Botany of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection of Andijan Region, a party dedicated to the 580th anniversary of the birth of Nizamiddin Mir Alisher Navoi was held.

At the "Navoi Khanlik" night, students read Alisher Navoi's ghazals and poems. Mir Alisher, the Sultan of Poetry, presented a short performance dedicated to Navoi's life and work. Although the events on the stage caused tears in the audience, the dance performed by the talented girls delighted the hearts and invited everyone to dance. Among the participants of the event, Nomanjonova Mohigul, a 1st year student, read a poem dedicated to His Holiness Navoi.

He was the sultan of poetry

At the age of three, he gave his love to poetry

Generosity and charity were his motto

We are from such a generation.

At the end of the event, Shokirov No'monjon, adviser to the head of the state department for ecology and environment protection, expressed his gratitude to all participants and students. A. Hamrakulov, vice-rector of the university for work with youth, encouraged all the participants with a collection of art books.

Professors and teachers of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and a group of employees of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection of Andijan region and 150 students of the faculty actively participated in the evening.

On February 8, 2021, a spiritual and educational event was held by the students of the 2nd year, group 203 of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, English Language and Literature, on the occasion of the 580th anniversary of the birth of Mir Alisher Navoi, the Sultan of Poetry. Alisher Navoi's ghazals, stage performances, national dance and songs were performed at the event. During the event, there were questions and answers about Alisher Navoi's life and work. Faculty dean Rustamov Dilshod, deputy dean Matkulov Hosilbek, group leader Madumarov Murodjon and group coaches took part in the event.Students who actively participated in the event were awarded by the dean's office with souvenirs and an "Honorary label". The event was held in a spirit of enthusiasm.

On February 8, 2021, a spiritual event called "Respect to the figure of Navoi" was held in the personal structure of the National Guard Department of Andijan region on the occasion of the 580th anniversary of the birth of Alisher Navoi. The event was opened by students of traditional singing department of Andijan specialized art school.

Gani Abdumajid, member of the Writers' Union, chairman of the "Nafosat" circle, chairman of the "Cholpon" foundation, spoke about Navoi's work. After that, the head of the Department of Uzbek Literary Studies of the Faculty of Philology, Zakirjon Mamajonov, and the doctoral student of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Gulbahor Bektoshevalar, spoke about the brilliance of Navoi's work. The event was continued by the 2nd year students of the Uzbek language education department of the Faculty of Philology with ghazals, tuyuks(quatrain) and rubays. At the end of the event, which took place in a sincere spirit, the head of the department expressed his special gratitude to the teachers and students of our faculty.

On February 8, 2021, a spiritual and cultural event was held in connection with Alisher Navoi's 580th birthday at the Muhammad Yusuf Creative School in Andijan. 2nd-year students of the Uzbek language education department of the Faculty of Philology took an active part with their ghazals, tuyuks(quatrain) and rubays.

On February 8, 2021, a celebration event was held in the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​in connection with the 580th anniversary of the birth of Mir Alisher Navoi, a great thinker and the Sultan of Ghazal. The event was opened by the dean of the faculty, Dilshodbek Rustamov. Stage performances prepared by students and ghazals handed down to us by our great grandfather were performed at the event. At the same time, students performed live songs and dances at the event. At the end of the event, the actively participating students were awarded by the faculty management.

On February 8, 2021, professors and more than 100 students of the Department of English Phonetics of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​visited the musical drama theater of Andijan region under the leadership of group coaches. They took part in the evening to celebrate the 580th anniversary of Mir Alisher Navoi, the Sultan of Shariat property, organized by the provincial administration. The play "Farkhod and Shirin" written by A. Navoi, performed by the theater team, left a deep impression on all students. On behalf of the management and students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, thanks were expressed to the theater team.

On February 8, 2021, the head of the Department of Preschool Education Methodology of the Faculty of Preschool Education, A. Teshaboev, held a roundtable discussion on the topic of "Pedagogical practice and its benefits" with 3rd year students who are about to enter pedagogical practice. During the roundtable discussion, the speaker told the students what they should pay attention to during the pedagogical practice and what issues should be carefully decided upon. More than 70 students participated in the roundtable discussion.

On February 8, 2021, the "Weaving" club was organized in Student Residence No. 2 of the university in order to attract students to handicrafts. M.Ataboeva, a student of the 1st year, group 109 of the Faculty of History, explained and propagated the secrets of weaving to the members. Finished products are sold to customers.

On February 8, 2021, a volleyball tournament was held among first-year students of the Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Engineering. 35 students from 4 groups participated in the tournament.According to the results of the tournament, teams consisting of students of mathematics and informatics department 103 and IT service students of computer engineering were awarded the first place.

On February 8, 2021, M. Foziljanov, a teacher of the physics department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, conducted an educational practical training with the participation of 2nd year FAOM students on the implementation of the 3rd point of 5 important initiatives. In the educational session, the organization of effective use of computer technologies and the Internet among young people, practical training on the use of the "Google" network, on the use of "Zionet" and the electronic library of the library ADU.UZ, on improving the level of technical knowledge, on the development of skills on the use of the website of the information resource center was conducted.

On February 9, 2021, a competition was held among all groups of students to create a personal logo of the Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Engineering. At the end of the competition, the team consisting of students of the 2nd year computer science teaching methodology was recognized as the winner, and the logo was designated as the emblem of the faculty.

On February 9, 2021, on the day of the Faculty of Arts, the concertmaster of the Department of Music Education, H.Akhunova, held a roundtable discussion among students of the 205th group on the topic "Effective use of computer technologies and the Internet among young people."At the event, the teacher of the department of musical education Z. Ziyavutdinova gave the students extensive information about the possibilities of information technology, the features of multimedia and electronic textbooks in the organization of music lessons.

On February 9, 2021, more than 150 professors and students of Andijan State University participated in the ceremony of laying flowers under the statue of Alisher Navoi on the occasion of the 580th anniversary of the birth of Mir Alisher Navoi, the Sultan of poetry.

On February 9, 2021, an event dedicated to the 580th anniversary of the birth of Alisher Navoi was held in the hall of activists of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering. At the event, students read ghazals and rubai written by Alisher Navoi. Paintings of the poet were illustrated by students interested in fine arts.

On February 9, 2021, the teacher of the Department of Preschool Education Methodology of the Faculty of Preschool Education, D.Abdullajonova, conducted activities to ensure the implementation of the 1st point of 5 important initiatives in the 3rd student residence and to decorate the rooms with the help of hands and make flowers with the help of "Children's Science of Staging" . During the training, students demonstrated the decorations they made.

On February 9-11, 2021, in order for professors and students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​to follow a healthy lifestyle and engage in regular sports at the faculty, mutual competitions in football and volleyball were organized in the sports hall of the faculty, and all professors and students participated in the sports. they conducted training. The sports hall of the faculty of foreign languages ​​is used every day of the week for the development of students' interest in sports and for the participation of the faculty team in various sports competitions.

On February 9, 2021, at the exhibition organized by the Department of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics of the Faculty of Arts on the occasion of the birthday of our grandfather Mir Alisher Navoi, a competition was held among students in three fields in order to arouse students' interest in history and literary heritage, and to evaluate the knowledge gained by students in the field of visual arts. .

Alisher Navoi's life and work, artistic works by students were objectively evaluated by the jury.

According to the decision of the jury:

Fine arts and engineering in the direction of A. Navoi's portrait

1st year student Anvarova Sharofatoy and 2nd year student Sattarov Bakhriddin, graphic arts major,

Fine arts and engineering in the field of "modern composition".

Boboev Nozimjon and Jo'raboev Izzatbek, 1st year students of graphic arts,

Fine arts and engineering on "Composition to Navoi's works".

1st year graphic arts students Erkinova Shokhidaoy and Mukhammadjonova Dilnozakhan were declared winners.

The winners were duly awarded by the rector of the university and the staff and student union committee.

On February 9, 2021, the Dean of the Faculty of History R. Shamsitdinov and the deputy dean for work with youth I. Djumaboev visited the student residence No. 2 of the university, got acquainted with the living conditions of the students living there, and thoroughly studied the problems and suggestions of the students.

On February 10, 2021, the concertmaster of the Department of Music Education of the Faculty of Arts, U. Madaminkhojaev, held a roundtable discussion among the students of the 202nd group on the topic "Raising the spirituality of young people, widely promoting reading among them". Students expressed their opinion about the role of fiction in the development of human spirituality.

On February 10, 2021, the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​D.A. Rustamov, Deputy Dean for Work with Youth H.M. Matkulov, group coaches K. Karimov, A. Ataboev, D. Akhmadalieva held a meeting with students of the faculty who are on rent . Those responsible were the students who lived on rent in the apartment No. 23, 10 Loyikhavi street, Andijan city, Talibjonova Gulandom Rustamjon's daughter, Ilkhomjonova Orzukhan Akramjon's daughter, Valieva Sarvinoz Abdumalik's daughter,Mirzaakbarova Zarifabonu, Tokhtaboeva, daughter of Abdullaeva Gulnora Doniyobek, daughter of Mahmudova Nodirabonu Kabiljan, daughter of Nomo'nova Mekhrinoz Otabek, 2nd small daha, 12th floor, 13th floor, apartment 13, Andijan city, Tinchlik MFY. Mokhlaroyim, Khoshimjonova Maftuna, Andijan shahar, Nyi sharq, 2-oy, 23, met with Akhmadjonova Mokhlaroy, Ismailova Mushtari, who live on rent, studied their living conditions, talked with each of them, and talked with the owners of the apartment about the student tenants. During the meeting, they exchanged ideas about how the students in the rental house spend their free time.

In order to ensure that students spend their free time meaningfully, the faculty presented various fiction books and magazines. It is planned to hold a quiz next week based on the books distributed to the students. The students who live in rented accommodation were very disappointed in this meeting.

On February 10, 2021, "Andijan unites youth!" will be held among students of higher educational institutions in Andijan region. as part of the student festival.

"Humo" student theater studio, composed of students of the Faculty of History of Andijan State University, presented a play based on Takhir Malik's "Alive Childhood" at the Andijan Regional Musical Drama Theater. The festival was held in high spirit. At the festival, the dean of the Faculty of History, R.Shamsitdinov, once again conveyed the essence of the events held within the festival to young people and called on unorganized youth and students to spend their free time meaningfully.

On February 10, 2021, a literary and musical event was organized under the leadership of coach M. Rahimova in the 102nd group of the Faculty of Arts, Music Education, on the topic "Obeisance to our great countryman". Students memorized the ghazals of Z.M. Babur and performed musical works

On February 10, 2021, an event was held at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics on the occasion of the birthday of the great poet, thinker, statesman Nizamiddin Mir Alisher Navoi. During the event, students performed Alisher Navoi's ghazals, stage performances, national dance and songs.

On February 10, 2021, the "Valley Youth Forum" was held in cooperation with the Andijan Regional Council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan and the Andijan Regional Council of the National Restoration Democratic Party. Within the framework of the forum, our active young people from Fergana and Namangan were welcomed in a state consistent with our national values. Mokhlaroyim Zulunova, the press secretary of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and a student of the 2F3 group, also participated in this forum.

On February 10, 2021, "Andijan unites youth!" will be held among students of higher educational institutions in Andijan region. as part of the student festival.

"Humo" student theater studio, composed of students of the Faculty of History of Andijan State University, presented a play based on Takhir Malik's "Alive Childhood" at the Andijan Regional Musical Drama Theater. The festival was held in high spirit. At the festival, the dean of the Faculty of History, R.Shamsitdinov, once again conveyed the essence of the events held within the festival to young people and called on unorganized youth and students to spend their free time meaningfully.

On February 10, 2021, a literary and musical event was organized under the leadership of coach M. Rahimova in the 102nd group of the Faculty of Arts, Music Education, on the topic "Obeisance to our great countryman". Students memorized the ghazals of Z.M. Babur and performed musical works

On February 10, 2021, an event was held at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics on the occasion of the birthday of the great poet, thinker, statesman Nizamiddin Mir Alisher Navoi. During the event, students performed Alisher Navoi's ghazals, stage performances, national dance and songs.

On February 10, 2021, M. Hasanova, a teacher of the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, held a chess and checkers competition between the 2nd and 3rd groups of the 3rd year of mathematics in order to improve students' thinking abilities and increase their interest in sports. Nasriddinov Abdulla, a student of the 3M2 group, showed activity among the participants and became the winner in the chess competition. Iminova Shahlokhan won the checkers category of the competition.

On February 10, 2021, S. Mirzaev, a senior student of the TSMG department of the Faculty of Arts, presented the day of the eras at the 6th TTJ(Student Accommodation) on the topic "Ethics of manners at the TTJ(SA)». 32 students participated in the event.

On February 10, 2021, A. Yuldashev received a stage pass in the music education course of the Faculty of Arts, in the group 301, "Prevention of delinquency of youth and minors and prevention of crime". Requirements for the period actively participated. Students' opinions were heard on what should be paid attention to in order to prevent delinquency among young people.

On February 10, 2021, the Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering held a roundtable discussion on "Prevention of delinquency and crime among youth and minors". M. Djuraboev, deputy dean of the faculty for work with youth, and 80 students of the 1st stage took part in the roundtable discussion.

On February 10, 2021, B.Marasulov, a teacher of the Preschool Pedagogy Department of the Faculty of Preschool Education, held a roundtable discussion on the topic "Sport is our constant companion" in order to ensure the implementation of the 2nd point of 5 important initiatives in the 3rd student residence. Faculty professors B. Kadirova, S. Tadjibaev and about 50 students took part in the round discussion.

On February 11, 2021, more than 200 students of the mathematics department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics traveled to the exhibition hall of the Andijan regional history and culture museum, located at 202 Dukchi Eshon street, Andijan city. The museum also preserves pictures, pottery, and personal items belonging to Dukchi Eshon, which represent our history. Also, the dungeons where Dukchi Eshan was kept after the uprising have been preserved.

On February 11, 2021, at the Academic Lyceum under Andijan State University, at the event dedicated to the 538th anniversary of the birth of Z.M. Babur, the second and third year students of the Faculty of Arts, music education, performed classical songs performed with the poet's poems.

On February 11, 2021, the student-youth ensemble of the Faculty of Arts took part in the literary and musical event held in the large assembly hall of Andijan State University with their musical performances.

On February 11, 2021, in Andijan, "Andijan unites youth!" Under the motto "Andijan Polka" event was held at the Regional Puppet Theater as part of the student festival. The "Andijan Polka" team of the university took part in this event.

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