The ministry of the higher and secondary special education of Republic of Uzbekistan
Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan
The Andizhan state university
On April, 20-21th, 2018 in the city of Andizhan on the basis of the Andizhan state university scientifically-practical conference «Modern problems of physics of semiconductors and development of renewable energy sources» is spent. Scientists and experts of institutes AS, professors-teachers, researchers and the presented students of high schools will participate in conference work. Participation of scientists of some universities of the European countries and representatives of branch manufacturing enterprises is planned.
In conference work plenary sessions for the invited survey reports of leading scientists, and section sessions for discussion of actual problems of physics of semiconductors and prospect of development of renewable energy sources in following directions are provided:
- Basic and applied problems of physics of semiconductors.
- Problems and prospects of development semiconductor micro- and nano-electronics.
- Research and applied problems of semiconductors Photovoltaics.
- Development of renewable energy sources.
- Organizational and methodological questions of a professional training of higher education on the physics of semiconductors and renewable energy sources.
Requirements for registration of the text of abstract of reports:
- The text of abstract of reports it is possible will present in the Uzbek, Russian and English languages in the chosen actual directions of conference;
- Should contain results of the scientific analysis, the generated conclusions, offers and recommendations;
- The volume of the text of abstract of reports on full 1 or 2 sheets A4 (including schedules, drawings, etc.) with fields from different directions on 2 cm is made out by font Times New Roman, 14, in 1,0 intervals;
- The name of the thesis capital letters, in lines first name, middle initial, last name the author(s) and the organization name, in lines is typed the text with the resulted list of references in the end.
Responsibility for correctness’s of the information resulted in the text is born by the author(s) the report thesis.
Abstract of reports should be presented till March, 25th, 2018 to organizing committee of conference on the address:
170100, Andizhan, street University №129, the Andizhan state university, physics chair. Bodies: (374 225-61-30, +99891 487 11 88. e-mail:
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75