In the 2022 – 2023 academic year total number students at Andijan State University reached to 21 876, with 1179 staff members to organize their studies. Among them 795 academic staff, including doctors, professors, candidates of science, and teachers.
5 educational building facilitated best environment for students with modern infrastructure and equipments and of course teaching materials and resources.
At university campus 5 dormitories with the capacity of 2932 seats provided accommodation for university students. The office of the Preventive Inspector, the university psychologist, and the “Medical Department” offices had been created in the dormitory and gave necessary assistance. Moreover, 2 fitness clubs for female students living in student dormitories, 6 sewing and knitting clubs with 6 sewing machines, a karaoke room were available to students. As a part of 5 important initiatives put forward by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the student dormitories were equipped with 59 modern computer kits and 20 wifi internet networks reaching up 93 percentage coverage.
Training session were organized on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies and information technologies, to establish lesson processes at the required level, 75 electronic interactive panels and 50 portable projectors are provided.
There were 40 266 titles and 458 634 copies of instructional literature in the Information Resource Center's library. comprising 12 838 titles in 62 180 copies of scientific literature, 4 667 titles in 49 765 copies of textbooks, 3 530 titles in 71 049 copies of instructional aids, 7 096 titles in 16 926 copies of fiction, and 5 423 titles in 98 966 copies of other literary genres. 6 712 copies of foreign literature, with 159 titles and 748 copies of literature.
About 5,000 additional textbooks and instructional materials were added to the Information Resource Center in 2023. The information resource center received published educational books from professors and educators. 1 789 books were contributed to the Information Resource Center by sponsors. There are 17,604 people registered in the system, and there are 28,567 electronic resources in the general electronic library database and the electronic library. Additionally, professors, instructors, and students can quickly exchange information via mobile devices thanks to an interactive library accessible through the Telegram network at
Access to full-text scientific and educational databases has been made available via the university's IP address since 2023 in cooperation with the Foreign Information Library Resources Department and the scientific division of the institution. These tools include 18 worldwide databases, Proquest, EBSCOhost, ScienceDirect, and journals like Springer Nature and Web of Science. To date, 7,685 electronic resources have been downloaded and contributed to the Information Resource Center's local network's foreign electronic resources database, which includes monographs, journals, dissertations, abstracts, articles, and theses.
Furthermore,, the unified electronic library information system of higher education and scientific research institutes in the Republic of Uzbekistan, now incorporates the database of the Information Resource Center's electronic library. 11,598 scientific and educational publications have been uploaded thus far, and uploading is still being done.
On the basis of cooperation agreements with regional law enforcement officers, staff members of the regional Justice Department, the regional Department of Public Education, and members of the military unit based in Andijan city, professors and instructors at Andijan State University regularly conducted educational programs aimed at increasing knowledge and awareness.
During the 2022 – 2023 academic year these actions carried out in the direction of increasing the quality of education at Andijan State University:
The process of adapting the students admitted to the 1st year to the existing conditions at ASU (organization: conducting "1st year school" events (outside of classes)
In order to increase national culture in the pedagogical team of ASU conducted theoretical seminars on "Ethical qualities of leading personnel, pedagogues and students" and developing appropriate recommendations based on its results. Based on the principle of "family-neighborhood-university" "Establishing the activities of the Parents' Council.
Under the motto "Theatre is a place of education", "Travel around the Motherland", in order to study the ancient and rich history of our country, to promote it widely among young people, to strengthen the sense of national pride and pride in them, "In memory of our ancestors" (Alley of writers, to holy places) "Uzbekistan - organization of cultural excursions of professors and teachers on the topics "Jannatmakon Diyor", "Valley of Happiness", "How We Love Uzbekistan", "On the Road to Creativity".
Organization of cultural days in cooperation with national cultural centers operating in our republic and cultural festival on the theme "Uzbekistan - the land of inter-ethnic harmony and religious tolerance".
"The most active department in the teacher-disciple system", "The most exemplary student residence" on the basis of the study of the efficiency of the activities of the departments of the faculties, public organizations, the primary organization of the Youth Union, group leaders, and student residences on the systematic implementation of spiritual and educational work with students ", "The most active propagator of spirituality" contests.
In order to acquaint the parents of the students with the current problems of the students' life and educational process, to study, identify and solve these problems on the basis of mutual cooperation, as well as to ensure constant cooperation between the parents, in all academic groups there is a "Communication area with parents" organization of events.
Development and approval of a plan of measures for the implementation of five important initiatives put forward by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Within the framework of the 4th initiative, organizing a weekly presentation of fiction in academic groups. Conducting the educational project "My First Book" as part of it. Publication of student creations as a collection within the project. Scientific-educational, artistic, encyclopedic and scientific of students updating the electronic catalog of books available in publishing houses of our country in order to meet the demand for literature.
Systematic holding of ASU contests and promotion of winners within the framework of the project "Jewels of the World" aimed at raising students' interest in reading fiction "10 books in a month - 100 books in 1 year".
Compiling the list of "100 books that students should read", organizing the reading of these works on the ASU website and social networks throughout the year, implementing various commercials, print campaigns, and conducting extensive promotion of this initiative on social networks.
Conducting competitions among teachers and students such as "The most well-read student", "The most well-read coach", "The most active member of ARM".
Organization of "Book holiday" and "Book fairs" on the topics "Book is a miracle", "Love for books is love for spirituality, enlightenment" promoting high examples of national and world classic literature among students.
Implementation of the "Let's read a book together" project.
Implementation of measures to actively attract students to the ARM Information Resource Center, information and library institutions in the city of Tashkent and the Tashkent region;
Organization of the "Book Club" under ARM.
Organization of "Teacher's gift of 3 fiction books to students" and "Leader's gift of 10 fiction books to the educational institution" among professors.
Getting to know the works of representatives of Uzbek literature and reading their artistic works, as well as organizing literary and artistic evenings dedicated to the birthdays of scholars.
Within the framework of the 5th initiative, the works to be carried out to fully include students in educational processes, ensure their employment, and effectively organize free time from classes.
Organization of short-term courses in tailoring, embroidery, national handicrafts, conducting psychological seminars and trainings on the topics of "Girls' circle", "Preparation for family and marriage" at ASU.
Improving the activities of the "Golden Wing" ASU volunteer group aimed at creating conditions for social adaptation of students with disabilities.
Systematic organization of the activities of the "Kizlarjon" club and the attachment of the leading girls in the group to the group and the activities of the club.
Organization of "School of Skills" fairs at ASU as part of the State program "Our Youth's Future".
To support the activities of clubs organized in schools in Tashkent city and regions from an educational and methodological point of view, to participate in the provision of modern distribution and didactic materials.
Through the "Cultural and Enlightenment" TV channel in order to highlight the achievements of talented students (international and republican contests and competitions, science Olympiads, state awards, scholarship holders, winners of the "Zulfia" award, "Nihol" and other competitions) and set an example for their peers. Organization of the "Teleiqtidor" show.
Based on the characteristics of the educational programs at ASU, conducting moral propaganda campaigns on the topic "Educational experiences of the city of Tashkent: values, traditions", "Targeted personnel training system at ASU and its educational foundations", "ASU + school = Progress".
Organization of "Open dialogues" of students with the rector and administration of ASU.
Organization of the telegram channel "Greats of the country" in Uzbek, Russian and English languages on the Internet system. In this: Providing information about the lives, scientific and creative works of great scientists, generals, state and public figures who grew up in the territory of Uzbekistan, and their exemplary activities for the development of the state and society; preparation of videos that tell about the life and creativity of famous scientists, businessmen, writers, people who have achieved great achievements in the field of culture, art and sports in our country, in particular, about the school period.
Conducting "Open communication" meetings of the rector of ASU with professors, teachers, students, as well as students' parents (based on the plan and schedule).
Organizing events among students in educational institutions based on projects such as "My teacher is the light of my life" and "My philosophy of life" with the participation of professors and teachers and young promoters (in this way, to encourage students in the field of science).
Conducting educational practical training in the museums, historical places of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city, as well as "Museum of Repression Victims", Victory Park, Adiblar Avenue. Based on the lesson schedule.
Vice-rector for educational affairs M.K.Maxkamov
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75