Andijan State
Information On the procedure for organizing the activity of NGO`s and public council at Andijan State University REGULATION About the public council under the state body MODEL REGULATION
2024-10-27    142

Chapter 1. General rule

1. This Model Regulation determines the procedure for organizing the main tasks, functions and activities of the public council under the state body.

2. The public council is a permanent advisory body that conducts its work on a public basis.

3. The public council is established under the central apparatus of the state body, and its activities extend to all regional divisions and organizations under the authority of this state body.

4. The public council is established by the decision of the head of the state body.

5. Decisions of the Public Council have a recommendatory feature.

6. The Public Council will follow the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the chambers of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other legal documents.

7. The regulations on the public council amendments and additions to it will be approved by the decision of the head of the state body.


Chapter 2. The main tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities of the public council

8. The following are the main tasks of the public council:

- public interests and public opinion are taken into account in the adopted normative legal documents, decisions, as well as in state, sector and regional development programs, ensuring the implementation of the requirements of legal documents in the field of protecting the rights and legal interests of citizens, legal entities, and the interests of society, is entrusted to the state body and implementation of public control over the activities of the state body and its officials in the performance of tasks and functions related to social and public interests, provision of public services, implementation of transactions, contracts, projects and programs implemented within the framework of social partnership;

- performing the function of a “bridge” connecting the state body with citizens to ensure effective cooperation of the state body with non-governmental non-profit organizations, mass media and other institutions of civil society;

- making generalization and assessment of social and socially significant projects received from non-governmental non-profit organizations and other institutions of civil society to state administration bodies;

- systematic monitoring and comprehensive analysis of public opinion on the activities of the state body on the most important issues affecting the rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens, conducting sociological surveys, including using information and communication technologies;

- participating in the development and implementation of state programs and other programs in the field of anti-corruption in the activities of the government body, monitoring and analysis of ongoing work to combat corruption, as well as preparing proposals based on their results;

- monitoring of the measures implemented to ensure the openness of the activities of the state body, analyzing the possibilities of obtaining detailed information about its activities, developing proposals for their further expansion;

- posting information about public council activities on the official website of the state body and ensuring that they are updated on a quarterly basis;

- learning the conditions created for citizens' participation in the reform of the activities of the state body and develop proposals for their improvement;

- participating in educational activities and educational events held among citizens on the activities of the state body, development of suggestions for improving their effectiveness;

- comprehensive analyzing of the housing, social-household, and service conditions of the employees of state bodies and their families, the conditions of providing them with qualified medical care, as well as the problems of social and professional adjustment of the dismissed or reserved employees, the conditions based on the results of the analysis and making suggestions for improvement.


9. The public council performs the following functions in accordance with the tasks assigned to it:

- participates in reviewing the initiatives and appeals of citizens, non-governmental non-profit organizations and other institutions of civil society regarding issues related to the activity of the state body, as well as makes relevant proposals to the state body based on the results of their review;

- analyzes the cooperation of the state body with citizens, non-governmental non-profit organizations and other institutions of civil society, and also develops proposals for improving cooperation;

- develops proposals for improvement of its normative legal documents and decisions related to the activity of the state body, elimination of existing shortcomings in them, and also participates in organizing events dedicated to the discussion of the submitted proposals among the employees of the state body;

- prepares proposals for the development of drafts of state programs, action plans and other documents related to the activity of the state body, including the anti-corruption, participates in the implementation of the adopted programs within the scope of its powers, analyzes the effectiveness of the work performed, as well as eliminates errors and shortcomings prepares proposals for implementation;

- considers social and socially significant projects received from non-governmental non-commercial organizations and other institutions of civil society to state administration bodies;

- participates in the organization of meetings of administrative and employees of state bodies with citizens, as well as work related to consideration of appeals of individuals and legal entities, including organization of visits to places, monitors their implementation;

- employees of the state body and their families in improving their housing, social-household, service conditions, conditions for providing them with qualified medical care, as well as in solving the problems of social and professional adaptation of dismissed or reserved employees;

- organizes extensive explanatory work among employees of the state body on issues of social and legal protection of employees and their family members;

- improve the healthy working environment in the state body, its territorial divisions and organizations under its jurisdiction, ensuring legality, high legal culture and ethics, strengthening the spirit of loyalty to Uzbekistan and respect for laws among employees, their social, political, spiritual and spiritual-educational development, as well as in this field develops proposals for the improvement of scientific and educational literature;

- ensures regular notification of the general public in the country and abroad about the systematic measures implemented to reform the activity of the state body and develops proposals for solving existing problems and eliminating shortcomings;

- participates in the organization of scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, roundtable discussions dedicated to the activities of the state body;

- analyzes the results of the work carried out on covering the activities of the state body in the mass media, develops proposals for improving their efficiency and eliminating existing shortcomings;

- cooperates with non-governmental non-profit organizations, mass media, other institutions of civil society and citizens in fulfilling the tasks assigned to it;

- ensures regular notification of the general public in the country and abroad about the systematic measures implemented to reform the activity of the state body and develops proposals for solving existing problems and eliminating shortcomings;

- participates in the organization of scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, roundtable discussions dedicated to the activities of the state body;

- analyzes the results of the work carried out on covering the activities of the state body in the mass media, develops proposals for improving their efficiency and eliminating existing shortcomings;

- cooperates with non-governmental non-profit organizations, mass media, other institutions of civil society and citizens in fulfilling the tasks assigned to it.


10. The performance of the duties and functions assigned to the Public Council:

- to receive information in advance about future public board meetings and other public events organized by the state body, and to participate in these events;

- to visit the buildings and other objects of the state body, including its territorial divisions and organizations under its jurisdiction, in accordance with the procedure established by the state body;

- to submit proposals to the heads of the state body, its regional divisions and organizations under its jurisdiction on issues within the competence of the public council;

- to receive information, statistics and other materials of the state body necessary for the development and implementation of proposals and recommendations on improving the efficiency of the state body;

- to participate in the law-making activities of the state body, in ensuring the public and expert discussion of drafts of normative legal documents developed by the state body;

- to select the analysis of the quality of the answers given by the state body to the appeals of individuals and legal entities;

- to get acquainted with housing, social and service conditions with the consent of employees of the state body;

- to cooperate with mass media on coverage of issues discussed at public council meetings;

- to organize conferences, forums, seminars, roundtables and other events to fulfill assigned tasks.

The public council may have other rights in accordance with the law.


11. The Public Council will carry out following activities:

- to comply the requirements of the legislation on public control;

- to follow the restrictions established by the legislation related to the activity of the state body;

- do not interfere in the activities of a state body and its officials within their powers;

- do not interfere with the functioning of the state body and its officials;

- do not allow insulting the honor and dignity of citizens, to interfere in their private life;

- observe the confidentiality of the information obtained during the implementation of public control, if law limits the distribution of such information.

The public council may have other obligations in accordance with the law.


Chapter 3. The procedure for forming and organizing the work of the public council.

12. The composition of the public council includes its chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members.

13. As a rule, labor veterans who have rendered exemplary service in a state body, reputable citizens with extensive practical experience in public activities, as well as representatives of non-governmental non-commercial organizations, mass media and other institutions of civil society are admitted to the membership of the public council.

The number of members of the Public Council is not limited.

14. The composition of the public council is approved by the decision of the head of the state body every 3 years.

15. The chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the public council may be removed from its composition in the following cases:

- when they submit an application to leave the public council;

- when he/she does not regularly participate in the meetings of the public council, when he does not fulfill the obligations stipulated in Clause 11 of this Regulation;

- when the judgment of the court issued against them enters into legal force;

- in case of death, as well as when they are declared incompetent, missing or dead on the basis of a legally binding decision of the court.

16. Information about approved members of the Public Council, as well as their contact information (phone, postal and e-mail addresses) changes, there must be published on the official website of the state body within 5 days from the moment of their approval.

17. Chairman of the Public Council:

- generally supervises the activities of the public council;

- convenes meetings of the public council and sets the agenda;

- presides over meetings of the public council;

- approves the work plan, meeting documentary and other documents of the public council;

- supervises the execution of the decisions of the public council;

- coordinates the performance of the tasks assigned to members of the public council;

- makes proposals on the content of information on the activities of the public council to be posted on the official website of the state body and other resources and agrees with the head of the state body;

- cooperates with the head of the state body on issues of implementation of the decisions of the public council;

- performs other powers to ensure the effective work of the public council.

18. In the absence of the chairman of the public council, his powers and duties are performed by the deputy chairman.

19. Deputy Chairman of the Public Council:

- presides over meetings of the public council in the absence of the chairman;

- organizes work on monitoring the execution of decisions of the public council;

- receives citizens and representatives of legal entities, as well as organizes work on consideration of appeals related to the activity of the public council;

- performs other powers to ensure the effective work of the public council.

20. Secretary of the Public Council:

- solves issues of methodological, organizational-legal and organizational-technical provision of the activity of the public council;

- ensures that all necessary materials are prepared on time for the next meeting of the public council, requests necessary documents and information from the employees of the state body;

- organizes public council meetings in accordance with the agenda;

- comes with the chairman of the public council, and invited persons of the public council on the date, place;

- informs members of the public council and invited persons about the place, date and time of the meeting of the public council;

- monitors the implementation of the decisions of the public council and makes proposals for consideration of its results at the meeting of the public council;

- prepares the documents of the meeting of the public council and ensures that the approved the documentaries are sent to the members of the public council and other interested persons;

- performs other powers to ensure the effective functioning of the public council.

21. The members of the public council do not have the right to transfer their authority to others when discussing and solving the issues discussed at their meetings.

In cases where it is not possible to participate in the meeting of the public council, its member will be considered at the meeting and taken into account in the voting.

Members of the Community Council:

  • participates in board meetings and other public events organized by the state body in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to him;

  • the public council prepares drafts of work plans, submits them for consideration by the public council and ensures the implementation of approved work plans;

  • participates in the development and implementation of proposals and recommendations to improve the efficiency of the state body;

  • holds meetings with employees of the state body, their family members and submits proposals to the public council to ensure their rights, freedoms and legal interests;

  • prepares analytical materials on issues included in the agenda of the public council;

  • examines appeals related to issues within the authority of the public council and prepares relevant documents based on the results;

- performs other powers in accordance with the duties and functions assigned to the public council.

22. The main issues of the activity of the public council are discussed at its meeting. The meeting of the public council is convened at least once every quarter based on its work plans.

The chairman of the public council may call an extraordinary meeting of the public council based on a written request of one third of the members of the public council.

See previous edit.

Meetings of the public council and issues on the agenda must be announced on the official website of the state body.

(Clause 22 is supplemented with the third paragraph based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-154 of June 14, 2022 — National database of legislative information, 06/15/2022, No. 06/22/154/0524)

23. Representatives of other state bodies, non-governmental non-profit organizations and institutions of civil society may be invited to the meetings of the public council.

24. The draft agenda of the meeting of the public council is formed by the secretary based on the proposals of the members of the public council and the assignment of the chairman of the public council.

25. The meeting of the public council will be carry out by its chairman. In cases, where the chairman is unable to participate, the meeting is chaired by his deputy.

The head of the state body, his deputies and other employees can participate in the meeting of the public council.

26. The meeting of the public council is considered competent if at least two-thirds of the members of the public council (quorum) participate in it.

If the quorum for holding the meeting is not formed, the date of the new meeting of the public council will be announced.

27. The decision of the public council is made by a simple majority vote of the members of the public council participating in the meeting.

28. Each member of the public council has the right to express his opinion in written form on the decisions being made. His opinion will be added to the minutes of the meeting of the public council in a mandatory manner.

29. The decision of the meeting of the public council will be formalized with the statement. The statement of the meeting of the public council will be signed by the secretary, approved by the chairman of the meeting and sent to the state body, members of the public council and interested persons within three days.

30. When there is a need to make a decision of the public council quickly, by the initiative of its chairman, the decision can be taken by poll in agreement with the members of the public council.

In cases where the state body does not agree with the decision of the public council, it will send a reasoned objection to it in written form no later than ten days after receiving the decision of the public council.

31. The secretary of the public council with the support of the council members examines and reviews the progress of the implementation of the decisions of the public council and if necessary, he/she makes relevant proposals to the chairman of the public council.


Chapter 4. Final Provisions

32. Material and technical support of the activity of the public council is carried out by the state body, as well as at the expense of other sources not prohibited by law.

33. The compliance of the activity of the public council with its charter and legal documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan is controlled by the head of the state body.

34. Decisions of the public council and the head of the state body related to the activity of the public council may be appealed in accordance with the established procedure.


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