Chapter 1. General Rules
Article 1. Relations regulated by this Code.
This Code has been developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education", other laws and regulations, guided by the principles and norms of professional s of pedagogical and other employees, students, doctoral students (hereinafter referred to as the employee, student and doctoral student) of a higher educational institution, the basic rules of the educational process and official conduct. regulates dependent relationships.
Article 2. Goals and objectives of ethic.
Objectives of the Code of Conduct:
Development of a common culture among employees, students and doctoral students;
Formation of a modern image of employees, students and doctoral students of Andijan State University; education of employees, students and doctoral students in the spirit of respect for the institution of higher education and its values;
It consists in improving the concept of s of an educational institution and developing a unified approach to the requirements imposed on its university in appearance and behavior.
The objectives of the code of conduct are:
prevention of offenses and crimes, propaganda and propaganda of unacceptable behavior related to violation of the code of conduct among students and teachers, including violence, cruelty and dispassion, as well as various negative vices and ideas and views alien to our national mentality, extremism, separatism, fundamentalism and “mass culture' protection from blows and attacks;
identification of the reasons and conditions for the commission of these undesirable actions and their elimination;
education of employees, students and doctoral students in the spirit of high legal awareness, strict compliance with the Constitution, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
formation and improvement of the skills of permanent respect and protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens among employees, students and doctoral students:
to educate employees, students and doctoral students with patriotic, high spiritual and moral qualities and to educate them in the spirit of respect for our national values, respect for the honor and dignity of women, prevention of undesirable behavior towards them;
formation and development of a healthy socio-psychological climate at the university;
creating conditions for the formation of a culture of appearance among employees, students and doctoral students of the university;
preservation and further enhancement of the prestige and prestige of the university in the life of the state and society, as well as in the education system.
Article 3. Scope of the Code
This Code applies to all employees, students and doctoral students of the University.
Chapter 2. Principles of the Code
Article 4. Basic principles of behavior of employees, students and doctoral students of the University
This Code is based on the principles of legality, priority of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, patriotism, loyalty to duty and study, justice, honesty and impartiality, efficiency and thrift.
Article 5.The principle of legality
Employees, students and doctoral students of the University unconditionally comply with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and perform their official and academic duties in accordance with job descriptions, employment contracts, this Code, the internal regulations of the university and other regulatory documents related to education.
Article 6. The principle of priority of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens
The rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens are considered the highest value of the university. Employees, students and doctoral students of the University do not allow violations of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and contribute to their restoration in the event of such violations.
Article 7. The principle of patriotism, devotion to duty and study
Employees, students and doctoral students of the university carry out their academic and official activities on the basis of spiritual and moral values, devotion to the Motherland, devotion to duty and study, expressing the need and faith of society in the university. Employees, students and doctoral students perform their academic and official duties at the proper level, regardless of mutual sympathy, their own interests and ideological views.
Article 8. The principle of fairness, honesty and impartiality
An employee, a student and doctoral students of the university are obliged to be fair, honest and impartial in carrying out their official and educational activities, as well as treat all legal entities and individuals who apply to a higher educational institution, to websites and social networks belonging to it, in accordance with the requirements of this principle.
Article 9. The principle of efficiency and economy
Employees, students and doctoral students of the university are constantly improving the efficiency of their activities through the introduction of innovative technologies and in other ways.
Employees, students and doctoral students of the university, in turn, responsibly and carefully treat the property of the higher educational institution, their own and others' time.
Chapter 3. Fighting corruption
Article 10. Non-acceptance of any forms and manifestations of corruption
University staff, students and doctoral students do not accept any forms and manifestations of corruption and in agreement take legal measures against its manifestation in any way.
Employees, students and doctoral students should fight corruption and actively contribute to its prevention, as well as unconditionally comply with the requirements of the anti-corruption program of the university and the university charter on notification of cases of treatment of employees, students, students and doctoral students in order to incite them to commit corruption offenses, carry out their activities transparently and fairly, be guided by high moral values and and we must strictly observe the rule of law, adhering to the principles.
Chapter 4. Requirements for the behavior and formal communication of employees, students and doctoral students
Article 11. Rules of training and care at the university
Employees, students and doctoral students of the university should be dressed in stylish clothes appropriate to their studies and profession.
Women who are employees, students and doctoral students of universities can wear clothes that attract attention, especially transparent, with open shoulders, chest, stomach and knees, as well as in excessively tight clothes, as well as with various earrings or metal objects on various parts of the body, except for earlobes, ears and fingers, with a piercing on the visible part of the body. or they can't come to a higher education institution with a tattoo. It is also not allowed to add elements (hijab, kippah, kashaya, cross, etc.) reflecting belonging to various religions and faiths and subcultures to the form in which students are allowed to come to higher education.
Students must come to the university in blouses of light and not bright colors, in a skirt covering the knee, or in an odmi suit and dark-colored shoes, and must also carry the necessary educational supplies.
Men who are University employees, students and doctoral students should be dressed in a white, airy, light brown or light gray shirt, trousers in a classic style or an odmi suit, tie and dark-colored shoes. At the same time, students should have the necessary textbooks with them.
Employees, students and doctoral students are prohibited from walking around classrooms and office premises in outerwear (raincoat, coats, jackets, etc.).
The appearance and clothing of employees, students and doctoral students should be neat and tidy.
Article 12. Participation in meetings and meetings
In the course of their participation in various events (meetings, solemn meetings, meetings, holidays)employees, students and doctoral students of the university are obliged to respect the speakers, arrive no later than the specified time, remain calm and peaceful during the event and cannot have a snack and speak without the permission of the chairman and moderator. In between speeches, if necessary, you can leave the meeting room.
Article 13. Compliance with the rules of conduct in the premises
At the entrances and exits from buildings, as well as in the corridors, students must let employees, men-women, and young people-adults.
Each person entering the building must provide an identity document (official or student ID card, passport, etc.) to the responsible person or the person on duty assigned to control the entrance and exit from the building.k.) or pass through the turnstiles using a specially issued ID card.
Employees, students and doctoral students should walk on the university grounds on the right side of the road, and also not talk aloud through mobile devices in corridors and halls. To greet each other at a meeting, at the same time: students greet employees, and young people greet adults first.
Article 14. Norms of formal communication of employees, students and doctoral students
Employees, students and doctoral students of the University, when interacting with organizations and institutions, the media and citizens, must comply with the following rules and regulations of formal communication:
to carry out their actions in the interests of the higher educational institution, to preserve and enhance its image, not to commit actions that harm the name and interests of the university, its employees, students and doctoral students, as well as to create a high positive impression of the university by their exemplary behavior when communicating with them and in correspondence on social networks;
relations with women should be based on the requirements of the current legislation, national traditions and principles of mutual respect;
Not to disseminate information about the university, its employees, students and doctoral students that does not correspond to reality or may be misinterpreted, not to allow the dissemination of such information, and not to speak publicly and on social networks on this topic;
not to disclose information about the confidentiality of employees, students and doctoral students without their consent;
non-disclosure of information about employees, students and doctoral students not related to their professional and educational activities;
compliance with the rules for the provision of official information;
provision of the requested information in accordance with the requirements of sufficiency (excessively brief, but not too necessary) and reliability (not requiring repeated verification);
do not use the information obtained in the course of performing their official duties improperly, and also do not distribute it without the permission of the university management;
do not unreasonably criticize the activities and professional actions of an employee, students and doctoral students in the educational process, public speeches, as well as in the media and in various social networks of public authorities and management and the activities of the university, the actions of its employees that are not based on facts, unfounded and not based on specific facts, and give give them an assessment, express your opinion.- lack of feedback.
Article 15. Compliance with working and study hours
An employee, a student and a doctoral student are obliged to come to classes and work in a timely manner, observe labor and academic discipline.
Article 16. Inadmissibility of committing unal and obscene behavior at the university
A student and a doctoral student are strictly prohibited from committing the following unal and illegal actions that hinder learning, and an employee is prohibited from carrying out work at a higher educational institution:
committing any offense or crime, including slander, insult;
use and distribution of narcotic drugs, psychotropic drugs and their analogues, alcoholic and tobacco products;
aggression against peace or tranquility, fights, gambling and other risk-based games;
causing material and moral damage to the university, negatively affecting its reputation;
causing physical, moral or material damage to employees, students and doctoral students;
environmental pollution of the university in all its manifestations;
in the buildings and courtyards of the university, as well as on the territory adjacent to the buildings of the higher educational institution and not less than 500 meters from them, to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco or other products, to be intoxicated, to come with overgrown, straightened, unshaven and dressed contrary to the established rules of appearance and ethic;
preparation, viewing, storage, distribution and promotion on computers belonging to the university of information not related to the university, as well as various films, illegal information, obscene photographs and films, any materials of an extremist, separatist and fundamentalist nature, propagandizing national, racial, ethnic, religious enmity;
committing actions that interfere with educational activities and work, as well as the peace of mind of employees and students (misuse of radio transmitters, televisions, multimedia and sound devices);
posting on the Internet and other social networks of materials that are not characteristic of universal and national values or damage the reputation of a higher educational institution, its employees, or using them for various incompatible purposes.
Aggression that humiliates the honor and dignity of people, provokes violence and atrocities, vandalism, interethnic conflicts, religious orientation, terrorism, extremism and fundamentalism, degrading the dignity, dignity and prestige of a higher educational institution by employees, students and doctoral students, leading to spiritual undermining of the educational process, degrading the honor and dignity of people, inciting ethnic strife, terrorism extremism and fundamentalism, as well as obscene and romantic scenes, the use and distribution of photographs, videos and audio recordings is not allowed.
In addition, the activities of public authorities and management bodies and the University, its employees and students may lead to the appearance on the Internet, social networks, as well as other media sources, distributors, information carriers in various forms that do not correspond to reality, unfounded and not based on verified evidence, negatively affecting their honor and dignity and reputation. (disclosure), as well as a positive attitude to such information (“like”, repost) to the training of this student and doctoral student, and unal and inappropriate behavior is an obstacle to the employee's employment in a higher educational institution.
Chapter 5. Responsibilities of the university management regarding s and procedures for preventing conflicts of interest in professional activities
Article 17. Responsibilities of the manager
The management and heads of structural divisions (hereinafter referred to as the head) should be an example of high professionalism, impartiality, purity and fairness towards subordinate employees, contribute to the formation of a positive, spiritual and psychological climate at the university or its structural unit. The head should not require subordinate employees to perform tasks that go beyond their official duties, and also should not encourage them to commit illegal actions.
A leader in his activities:
selection and placement of personnel on the grounds of kinship, kinship or personal loyalty, as well as non-discrimination in labor relations;
grouping, localism do not allow favoritism, as well as the appearance of other negative factors in the process of performing their official duties;
does not be rude, does not humiliate the honor and dignity of people, does not have a psychological and physical impact on them;
timely adoption of measures to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest;
taking measures to prevent corruption;
effectively organizing their activities, employees are obliged to carefully and carefully treat the property and finances entrusted to them.
The head is obliged to require subordinates to observe labor discipline and is responsible for ensuring it.
Chapter 6. Requirements for the interaction of employees, students and doctoral students
Article 18. Interaction of employees, students and doctoral students
The relationships between employees, students and doctoral students should be based on national values and traditions, a single collective environment, mutual respect and attention, the principles of friendship, solidarity, honesty and justice.
Disrespect for human dignity, personal humiliation, appropriation of one's own intellectual property, rudeness, use of profanity, spanking are strictly prohibited in the relationship between an employee, a student and a doctoral student.
The high demands of the teaching staff on students in the educational process should be combined with respect for their personality.
Article 19. Interaction of a teacher and students in the classroom and beyond
When the teacher enters the classroom, all students should stand up and greet, expressing their respect, and then take their seats when the teacher greets and allows them to sit down. Even when the teacher finishes the lesson and leaves the classroom, students should stand up and observe.
Teaching staff should respect the personality of students both in the educational process and in other situations, adhere to the principles of openness and goodwill in dealing with them, strictly perform their duties in the process of teaching students, do not apply such forms of approach as humiliation, rudeness, arrogance and hostility to students, always treat them differently.honest. and be sure to be impartial.
Teaching staff should answer students' questions that they ask outside of the educational process on a subject or course that interests them in accordance with al standards and encourage them to take measures to increase their interest and passion for science.
Article 20. Inadmissibility of academic harassment
When students are involved in certain works in the life of the university without their consent by the management or teaching staff in order to use their labor force without payment (except in cases when voluntary Saturday and other events with strict compliance with safety standards are organized on the territory of the university and adjacent territory by the relevant decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Cabinet of Ministers), refusal students from such a request does not allow the teaching staff to respond to it in the future, related to giving them low grades in class or other types of harassment and harassment (academic harassment), and such harassment is strictly condemned.
Article 21. Using mobile devices
The use of mobile devices during classes is strictly prohibited for everyone. The use of mobile devices may be permitted only with the permission of the teaching staff in necessary and justified cases.
Article 22. Participation in lessons
Students are not allowed to be late for classes. But a student who is late for a lesson for a good reason can apologize and take his place by entering the classroom with the permission of the teaching staff.
A teacher can suspend a student who interferes with classes by his inadequate actions by notifying the dean of the faculty (deputy dean or tutor when he is not in place) about the current situation.
Article 23. Communication outside the lesson
If a student needs to communicate with a teaching staff outside of school hours, then communication:
consultations can be held at a set time by the clock, freelance work or by mutual agreement;
it is desirable that the student knows the position, name, patronymic of the teacher with whom he wants to communicate.
Based on serious reasons (rudeness, greed, poor quality of the lesson, evidence of systematic interruptions in the conduct of classes due to the fault of the teacher, etc.)), and if there is a unanimous opinion of the group (course), students can contact the dean of the faculty with a request to replace the teacher.
Article 24. Submission
An appeal to the senior staff of an employee, student and doctoral student about the circumstances that have arisen on any issue is organized on the basis of a certain order (the principle of subordination), i.e., a step-by-step approach to the management links when responding. The exception is cases of direct appeal of students to the rector of the university.
Article 25. Initiative and activity
Initiatives and ideas of employees, students and doctoral students are encouraged to further improve the spiritual and moral climate at the university, improve the quality of education, effectively use innovative ideas, and organize various interesting events.
Chapter 7. al obligations of employees, students and doctoral students
Article 26. Ethic obligations
Persons applying to study, work at the university, get acquainted with this Code in writing (signed).
Employees, students and doctoral students:
legislative acts and this Code.;
to a deep understanding of noble qualities, such as constant striving for heights, an honest and fair life;
respect for national traditions, customs and values related to ethic:
constantly work on yourself and systematically study the adopted legislative acts;
conscientiously, professionally perform their duties;
refrain from committing any actions that damage the reputation and reputation of the university;
do not use information about the university in order to damage its interests and reputation;
careful attitude to university property (movable and immovable property, flora and fauna, etc.)), including for the correct and economical use of material and technical means provided for the performance of official duties;
towards economical use of electricity and water;
if any unpleasant event or phenomenon occurs, immediately inform the university management about it.;
observe the established restrictions and prohibitions, perform their duties without deviations, do not discuss personal and family problems of employees, students and doctoral students, do not make mistakes and do not discriminate against any person, regardless of his personality or other characteristics;
not to organize or disseminate various accusations, conspiracies, gossip and slander against employees, students and doctoral students, as well as other persons;
avoid conflict situations that may damage the reputation or reputation of the university;
do not intentionally damage the efforts of the employee, student and doctoral student in the process of work and training;
not to commit acts that humiliate the honor and dignity of women, not to insult them, not to use obscene expressions expressing disregard for the generally accepted code of conduct in relationships;
to timely and high-quality execution of decisions (instructions) of state bodies and officials, as well as the leadership of the higher educational mass, adopted (issued) within their competence;
do not abuse your position for personal gain and in the interests of others;
to tell the truth, not to distract managers and other employees;
do not install various advertising media without the permission of officials;
take all measures to ensure the safety and confidentiality of information known to them in the course of their professional activities, for the disclosure of which they are responsible in accordance with the procedure established by law;
lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of the health of others, contribute to the improvement of aesthetic and environmental culture;
to express critical feedback and make objective decisions, to realize and eliminate their own mistakes and shortcomings;
It is necessary to be polite to the staff of the information resource center, take care of books and equipment, turn off mobile devices there or put them into silent mode, do not talk out loud and do not disturb others, do not eat food, do not leave paper, gum and other waste, follow the procedures for receiving and transferring books;
entrance to the sports complex in sportswear and shoes;
sports equipment should be treated with caution;
to be careful about your training;
for the re-delivery of sports equipment to the designated places after classes;
to comply with the established procedures of the sports complex;
maintain cleanliness in the area adjacent to classrooms, buildings and university buildings;
do not pollute the territory, dump waste into special boxes placed on the ground;
do not leave your personal car in a prohibited place, do not violate or neglect the rules of the road (be careless), and also do not create danger when using vehicles;
they are obliged to comply with generally accepted norms of ethic outside of school hours, not to allow associal behavior.
Article 27. Additional ethic requirements
A) requirements;
towards the continuous improvement of speech culture;
actively support and strengthen the system of student self-government, develop creative activity and develop collective culture;
do not discuss other students' grades with the teacher;
not to receive outside help, not to provide assistance to others during the execution of the procedure for the protection of written works and rating control;
do not delegate assignments or written works prepared by other persons on your behalf;
do not miss classes for no reason and do not be late for classes for no reason;
do not walk around the university in vain during training sessions;
deans of faculties should not leave the territory of the university without the permission of the head of the Department of Magistracy during classes;
if there is a conflict situation with an employee, student or doctoral student, it is necessary to curb your feelings and contact the appropriate department and staff (coach (tutor), dean, primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, center for spirituality and enlightenment) to consider this situation.;
be active, attentive in the learning process and strictly follow the instructions of the teaching staff;
do not talk during the lesson and do not do things that are not related to the lesson;
take care of the equipment, do not write on tables and chairs;
do not leave paper, gum and other garbage in the classroom;
during classes, it is recommended not to eat, not to chew gum, and also to use a personal computer and other means of communication only with the permission of the teaching staff;
to contact the teaching staff with a question or request during training with your hands raised and after receiving permission;
the order of queues and compliance with the established rules when ordering and receiving meals in public catering places;
The student dormitory must strictly comply with the internal regulations;
in the interests of public safety, if possible, come to the university by public transport;
b) staff:
observe discipline at their place of service and the internal regulations of the university;
before a vacation or upon termination of an employment contract, leave your official place in the required condition, do not transfer to another person the office equipment and other materials assigned to him, but not yet fulfilled duties;
when communicating by phone, it is necessary to observe the culture of treatment and the rules for providing information (including starting a conversation with a greeting in the most official form, and then moving on to the goal, naming your official institution, position, as well as last name, first name, patronymic). it is not allowed to book a network, if necessary, you can make a callback);
to educate young people in the spirit of patriotism;
to lead a healthy lifestyle among young people, to raise awareness about alcohol and drug abuse, other deadly threats and extremist influences alien to us, attacks of “mass culture”.;
to promote the spiritual and moral education of students and the development of effective forms and methods of educational work;
not to commit actions that cast doubt on the conscientious performance of their official duties, not to discuss with students the professional and personal shortcomings of their colleagues;
not to exclude students from unjustified studies, and also not to intimidate a student from among students of a higher educational institution by restriction (leaving from course to course) or inducing a student to forcibly refuse to study, not to entail his exclusion from among unreasonable students (leaving from course to course) ;
in the academic group (course), students fulfill such requirements as providing written information about the general cultural state of behavior to the deans of faculties about the need to take action if necessary.
Chapter 8. Procedure for stimulating and taking measures
Article 28. Motivation of employees and students
Employees and students who have fully complied with this Code during the academic year, have contributed to the further establishment and strengthening of a high spiritual and moral climate at the university, may receive material or moral encouragement in accordance with the established procedure on the recommendation of the management, deans of faculties, heads of departments and heads of other structural divisions.
Article 29. The importance of Code compliance for certification and other processes
Employees' compliance with this Code is taken into account when conducting attestations, forming a personnel reserve for appointment to higher and other positions (career growth).
Article 30. Responsibility for violation of the Code
Violation of this Code by employees, students and doctoral students of the University is the basis for bringing him to responsibility in accordance with the established procedure.
Article 31. The relationship between the Code and internal procedures
In case of violation by employees, students and doctoral students of this Code, the measures provided for in Chapter VII of the internal regulations of the higher educational institution (responsibility for violation of labor and academic discipline) are applied to them.
Chapter 9. Organization of the activities of the s Commission
Article 32. Commission
Issues related to violations of the norms of this Code by employees, students and doctoral students are considered by the s Commission.
Also the s Commission at the direction of the rector of the university;
based on the results of the internal audit;
on their own initiative;
The university also considers such issues on the basis of information received from staff, students and doctoral students, as well as through communication channels with higher education institutions.
The s Commission is formed of at least 5 people. The goals, tasks, functions, rights of the Ethic Commission and other issues related to the organization of its activities are determined by the Regulations on the Ethic Commission approved by the Rector of the University.
Article 33. Conclusion of the s Commission
Based on the results of consideration of cases of violations of the Code of Conduct, the s Commission or otherwise issues a conclusion on the presence (absence) of violations.At this time, a proposal is made to the rector of the university to bring the violator, the student and the doctoral student to justice for consideration. Given the nature of the violation, the s commission may limit itself to a warning about the inadmissibility of violating the code of conduct in relation to an employee, student and doctoral student.
The draft order on bringing an employee, student and doctoral student to disciplinary responsibility for non-compliance with the code of conduct and ethic standards is prepared by the deans of faculties and the Department of Magistracy (in relation to students), the personnel department (in relation to employees and doctoral students).
The employee, the student and the doctoral student have the right to receive information about the violation committed by them, about the process of reviewing the violation and to present evidence in their defense, as well as to appeal against the decisions of the higher educational institution in accordance with the established procedure.
Article 34. Public control
In order to ensure public control over the behavior of an employee, student and doctoral student, a practice may be introduced according to which cases of non-compliance with this Code are also discussed in the trade union committee, advisory councils on women's issues and in the primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan.
Chapter 10. The last rule
Article 35. Entry into force of the Code and introduction of amendments and additions to it
This Code comes into force after approval by the University Council, and amendments and additions to it are made by decision of the University Council.
129 st.Universitet, Andijan city, Republic of Uzbekistan, 170100,Email: agsu_info@edu.uzTelephone/Fax: 0 (374) 223 88 30Helpline: 0 (374) 223 88 14How to get there: Taxi in direction 75
